The game follows the story of Shinbu, a swordsman and former disciple of Seiryu. After discovering forbidden fighting techniques, however, he was asked to leave. Journeying through the world...Read allThe game follows the story of Shinbu, a swordsman and former disciple of Seiryu. After discovering forbidden fighting techniques, however, he was asked to leave. Journeying through the world of Ouka and its four regions (each named for one of the legendary Chinese gods), Shinbu s...Read allThe game follows the story of Shinbu, a swordsman and former disciple of Seiryu. After discovering forbidden fighting techniques, however, he was asked to leave. Journeying through the world of Ouka and its four regions (each named for one of the legendary Chinese gods), Shinbu soon finds himself entangled in a plot that goes much deeper than he ever suspected.