501 of 923 found this mild
Female characters wear revealing outfits, females in bikinis in a non sexual way.
Sex is mentioned. Nothing graphic. One character makes several sexual jokes throughout.
Implications of kissing shown behind doors. Characters kiss passionately, 2 times laying down, but it never goes anywhere. No nudity or sex, just make out scenes.
Shirtless males are seen frequently.
209 of 448 found this mild
A chicken is killed in a coop by a character trying to keep it quiet. No blood.
Fights are occasional but not much blood shown.Bodies are discovered with have cuts on their arms but nothing much.
A man stabs himself in the arm and then blames it on a teenage boy. Quite graphic and blood shown.
A teenager is repeatedly beaten with a pole, punched and kicked. In another scene, the same teen is seen with blood dripping around his mouth.
249 of 468 found this moderate
Multiple uses of the F-word. (some used in a sexual context) A middle finger here and there. Occasional mention of sexual phrases, including blow job jokes. Frequent use of 'shit' and 'damn'.
Season 4, Episode 6 - 15 uses of "shit", infrequent uses of "bastard".
3 sexual uses of the f-word in season 1 as well as a use at the end of season 2.
Season 3 has more uses of the f word than previous seasons
9 uses of fuck in each episode of season 3.
The reason it is TV-MA is because of the language. If the cussing was cut down, it would have been TV-14 DLV.
Constant uses of "fuck" in several contexts & basically every cuss in the book, including "G__damn" throughout the whole series.
274 of 446 found this moderate
Season 4, Episode 1- A character sells weed not shown.
Some smoking and some uses of weed.
Cocaine distribution among teenagers in some episodes no drugs are shown.
One character is addicted, he is constantly using drugs but is not shown.
Lots of underage drinking
Cocaine is shown in lines on a table. High Schoolers are shown sniffing with dollar bills.
One teen boy in particular is an addict throughout season 1 and season 2.
Teens are seen snorting lines of cocaine.
181 of 375 found this moderate
Season 4 - Mature themes, violence, coarse language, animal cruelty and drug use.
Season 4 (Episode 1) - (PG) - Mild themes, drug use, coarse language and sexual references.
Season 4 (Episode 2) - (PG) - Mild sense of peril, coarse language and sexual references.
Season 4 (Episode 3) - (M) - Injury detail.
Season 4 (Episode 4) - (M) - Violence, animal cruelty and occasional coarse language.
Season 4 (Episode 5) - (PG) - Mild themes, violence and coarse language.
Season 4 (Episode 6) - (M) - Mature themes and violence.
Season 4 (Episode 7) - (PG) - Mild themes, action violence and coarse language.