Remember Me (2010) Poster

(I) (2010)

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Overwhelmingly Tragic
ThomasDrufke19 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I will always remember 'Remember Me' as the first Robert Pattinson film I watched post-Batman announcement. It's also a film that, even though I watched it nearly 2 weeks ago, I'm having trouble putting my thoughts together. It's a mostly dramatic (and without humor) romance between two people flooded with tragedy. And tragedy is the name of the game with this one, as you're never really free of it. The quote from the movie that sticks with me most is "whatever you do in life will be insignificant. But it is very important that you do it anyway". Perhaps that's a good way of looking at the movie. It's not a great film, but it's important you see it anyway? The movie never really feels like a full arc or story, even after its' final tragic moments. But in coming full circle with my opening, Robert *Battinson* is actually quite good here.

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Not sure what's so "out of place"
sydplatte12 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure why others think this ending is "out of place" as if 9/11 wasn't an attack nobody saw coming. Of course it seems sudden and shocking, that's exactly what it was in real life. I thought it was a great movie, great acting, and the ending shocked me just like it should have.
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Don't read this review before you go see it.... but DO go see it
govtdog8 March 2010
WARNING: although this review has no spoilers in it, it is important that you go to the movie without any info on it if you can help it. Going to this movie naive, made it work for me.

I was at a screening of this movie tonight and wasn't looking forward to seeing it, but, did so to make my wife happy. In the end, it was a totally unexpected, heart rendering, emotional roller coaster ride of a movie. I sit here now a grown man who feels absolutely exhausted, but not from the agony having to watch the movie, but from the bipolar like seesaw of joy/agony/hope/desperation which this movie takes you through.

When I saw the guy from the vampire flicks, I expected a teenage type romantic comedy or the like and this film was anything but comedy. By the end of the movie Pattinson earned my respect as an actor and his supporting cast was pretty good as well.

The movie gets a bit slow at times, especially for fans of Twilight movies, but if you are patient, and pay attention to the characters they will draw you in and time will fly. And, in the end, you will think it was worth every minute spent watching.

As you can tell, I really liked this movie a lot.

My only complaint was Robs smoking...;-)
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Life Lessons are the Hardest to Learn
cgerrits14 March 2010
Have you ever noticed how some people can teach you life lessons about who you are what you hold dear? Have you ever passed a stranger and wondered what tragedy they've endured in their lifetime? Have you ever asked why me...or better yet, why NOT me?

Life lessons are often the hardest to learn and you never know who's going to be the instructor. Sometimes it's an actual teacher who fulfills that role. Sometimes it's a friend. Sometimes it's a parent. And while you could argue that we really already know deep down the things these instructors reveal to us, it stands to reason that a reminder now and again about who we are and what we hold dear can and should serve as wake up call or guiding light as we navigate our lives.

And this film, well, I think it reinforces that the inner revelations we oftentimes try to ignore, deny, suppress, and trivialize should be recognized. And valued.

Thoughtful and touching, the film resonates after the lights come up. It's been a long time since a film followed me home.

Kudos to the writers and the cast. Well done all around.
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Well acted and unexpected
curalove4 March 2010
I attended a screening of "Remember Me" and thought it was a pretty good movie. I'm a big Rob fan but I'm trying my best to be objective here. I'll say this - if you are a Rob fan it is basically about two hours of heaven. My fan girl self wants to give it 10 stars - but I have to post what my movie fan self would rate it. It was nice to see him in something other than Twilight movies and I think he will surprise some of his naysayers. If you can give or take Rob and are just looking for a good movie to see what I'll say is this - it won't win any awards or anything but it was well acted and the story was interesting and unexpected.

My caution to you if you are checking for reviews for this movie before seeing it - make sure you take any "Contains spoiler" warnings seriously. You are better off going into it blind. I would steer clear of these reviews until after you have seen it. In fact - I wouldn't do any reading about it anywhere or watch any interviews just to be safe. Just my two cents.
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Same movie as pro critics?
Southerngiftsu14 March 2010
I walked away from the movie, Remember Me, asking myself one question. Did I just see the same movie I have heard several professional movie critics review negatively or indifferently? The first review I read online for Remember Me was that it was trite, predictable, and drawn out. (Bull, I say.) The responses of those around me in the theater today proved those claims false as well. I saw people laughing, gasping, wincing, and weeping. I saw the audience RELATING.

The characters are multi-dimensional and the acting is fantastic. This movie was not just feel-good fluff. It was not a platform to showcase Brosnan and Pattinson as eye candy. It was thought-provoking and intense. The characters were brooding, wounded, lovable and believable. The movie's twist was unique and effective.

If you want to see an enjoyable movie that will challenge your emotions and leave you feeling appropriately introspective, Remember Me fits the bills perfectly. (And there is nothing at all wrong with the added eye-candy benefit!;)
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Great acting by Pattison
amoredolce8315 March 2010
Remember Me is a haunting story of life and love and I will definitely add it to my collection. The overall tone of the movie is beautiful.

I gave Remember Me a seven out of ten stars because there were some issues with the plot. The movie begins on a solemn note and never truly recovers from it. There are moments in the film where you are left wondering where the story is going. However, the characters are deep and you feel attached to them. There is a lesson to be learned.

Robert Pattinson delivered a terrific performance proving he can do more than play a detached vampire. His character is complex and Pattison was able to make you feel the emotions he was feeling - viewers are able to connect with him. This is the kind of acting that will lead Pattison to leading roles in Oscar-worthy dramas.
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a must see (NO SPOILERS)
lala23219 March 2010
I saw Remember Me a an advanced screening on Monday. A few points:

1. The trailers on television do not do this movie justice. This is not a light fluffy love story like I expected it to be. It's pretty intense and has some very poignant scenes.

2. Don't let the fact that Robert Pattinson is in the movie deter you from seeing it. This movie is nothing like Twilight, and he does a great job in the role of Tyler.

I went into the movie thinking it was going to be stupid and predictable...I was only going to see it because it was free. After leaving the theater, I was very glad I saw the movie and would have paid $10 to see the movie.
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Surprisingly intriguing
Ratsonrop21 March 2010
I went to go watch this movie with my wife expecting a romantic movie, but I found this movie to be more of a thinking movie. I will be honest with you, I am usually pretty good at predicting movies, but I was totally off on this on and was shocked at the end. I thought Pattinson was really great in it, though I did find his roommate to be quite annoying. I thought the girl from lost that plays Claire, whose name escapes me was very believable as well. Her father in the show was also quite good, but this was expected of him. I had never seen the young girl that plays the sister before. I found her to be quite creepy in her role, but again very believable I would definitely recommend this movie to be people looking for some intrigue. Some girls looking for a total romance may not totally get what they ask for as there are some gruesome parts. Overall, very good.
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A beautifully structured, engaging masterpiece
rainbowpoet14 March 2010
This film, definitely Robert Pattinson's most profound, is not to be taken or experienced lightly. It is a heavy drama that is less about romance than it is about family loss amidst tragedy. It is also the first film to surprise me in a very long time. I had no idea how it would conclude until about three minutes from the ending, which absolutely blew me away.

I went to see it with my girlfriend, and we had been waiting for it for a long time. We both expected it to be good, but what we were really hoping for was a Pattinson performance that demonstrated something beyond the level of range exhibited in his interpretation of Stephanie Meyer's lackluster anti-hero Edward Cullen. Needless to say, we got a lot more than we bargained for. Shockingly, not only did Pattinson easily eclipse both Pierce Brosnan's and Chris Cooper's performances as the two "fathers" of the story, which were both excellent, but he gave us something we will remember for a very long time. This is definitely the most powerful film I have seen in theaters over the past year. It reaches far beyond the limited emotional scope of "bigger" releases such as 'Avatar' or 'Shutter Island', both of which are disastrously overrated. What 'Remember Me' accomplishes with its riveting, no-holds-barred storytelling and its brilliant final sequence is a feat rarely, if ever, attempted so tastefully. It connects us with so many aspects of our reality, our own world, and our own history, that many of us try not to face. It forces us to examine what certain significant events mean in the progression of our lives and the lives of our families and friends. It examines how we relate to one another in both the simplest and most complex of our relationships. It ties our daily lives together with the unexpected, which is something that is often unavoidable whether we are prepared for it or not. And it provides us with some insight as to how to deal with our hardships in life. It doesn't give us all the answers, as no film or book or story of any kind could ever do, but it certainly inspires us to ask the tough questions.
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great film with a risky ending
MatthewLong2317 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was much better then expected. It tells the story of a man named Tyler who has an estranged relationship with his father after his brother committed suicide but still seems close to his little sister and mother. He seems to live a kind of care free life with his roommate while going to college. One evening he breaks up a fight and when the cops get there he decides to mouth off and ends up getting arrested and hit in the face hard by the cop. His roommate finds out the cops daughter, who faced a child hood tragedy herself, goes to the same school and decides to woo her. They become really close throughout the movie as she has an encounter with her father which forces her to move out. It seems like a run of the mill love story but it is not. The Tyler character is very complex and is an interesting story to watch particularly with the scenes with his father. The movie has quite a twist ending though if you pay close attention you should kind of see it coming. The movie clearly states it takes place in 2001 as per the beginning when it starts in 1991 and says 10 years later. It also takes place in most of the summer though it is not clearly stated in the movie. Then when the sister goes back to school you can assume it's September. The 9/11 ending was a very risky way to end the movie and i can see it upsetting many people. I was very surprised this is how the movie ended but you could tell something was up with the tone of movie in the final minutes and when you see Tyler go in the World Trade Centre you could kind of tell this was September 11th. A very interesting way to end it nonetheless. I guess the filmmakers were kind of showing that anything can happen in life and that you need to spend time with your loved ones as much as possible as anything can happen at any time.
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apmassie14 March 2010
I just saw this movie last night and wanted to take a few before saying anything on it. It is a very moving and powerful movie that shows the power of loss and love. All the main characters are seriously flawed and damaged people that because they come together (thanks to the angry Tyler) become better people and find their own reasons to truly live life (something none of them have done in years).

I thought the acting was very well done. Some i have heard complain about certain scenes but truthfully, if you have ever suffered any of the losses or pains that these people have, they would realize that the actions are spot on!

I am wowed by the movie, stunned truly... I am also very glad that this movie was made, not as eye candy for Pattinson but rather to show his and others talent on such a touching, difficult, and painful subject. This would not have been made if it were not for the talent in this movie that pushed for it to be made, THANK YOU!
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kosmasp7 October 2010
A drama like this will split quite a few people. Having Robert P. as the main character will only multiply that by quite a bit. There is the people who would watch anything with him in it and of course there is the people who cannot watch him anymore (after his Twilight role). The question of course, if this will play a role in the future, say in a few years, when many will probably have forgotten about Twilight and will it cloud their judgment (in either direction)?

I can only talk for what it does now. And it does tell a really interesting story. It is slow moving and yes it will not affect all people in the same way. It will be obvious from the beginning if you are able to enjoy this... if you have doubts after 10 minutes, you might as well stop watching. But if you bear with it, you will watch a really good movie. Robert and Twilight put aside...
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Tween dribble
kpjmcevoy8 August 2010
Remember me is 113 minutes of melodramatic tween dribble. This movie is a string of over pretentious scenes that dramatize a very thin plot. Its one pointless over-dramatic scene after another. I cant tell if this was supposed to be a romance story or a 'warts-and-all' view of two grief stricken families. It fails to be either of these.

Then to add insult to injury, the choice of ending that is used to get one last emotional response from the audience is inappropriate and has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of movie.

"Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." This is not the case for this movie; it should never have been made.
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Go see it
DearNina8 April 2010
I have no idea why people/critics are panning this film. Were we watching the SAME film???

Rob is fantastic in this. He shows true depth, feeling and understanding of this character. The female lead is refreshing.

The film is about love/relationships and family. NOT a romantic comedy so why anyone would complain that it didn't tick the boxes of some pointless romcon i don't know. It never said it WAS a romantic comedy!!! The ending is apt and beautifully done. It wasn't tacky in any shape or form. I commend Rob in choosing to do this film.

Well done mate.
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Not Flawless, But Far Better Than You'd Expect
gavin694213 March 2010
A woman is murdered on a New York City subway platform in 1991, and is later revealed to be the mother of a young girl who had witnessed this murder, named Ally Craig (Emilie de Ravin). Ten years later, Tyler Hawkins (Robert Pattinson) is a rebellious 22 year old living in New York City and attending New York University. He has had a strained relationship with his businessman father, Charles (Pierce Brosnan), since his brother's suicide.

Roger Ebert, surprisingly, generally liked the film, giving it three out of four stars and calling it a "well-made movie. I cared about the characters. I felt for them. Liberate them from the plot's destiny, which is an anvil around their necks, and you might have something" but goes on to say it "tries to borrow profound meaning, but succeeds only in upstaging itself so overwhelmingly that its characters become irrelevant". This is true, but I felt it played into the underlying message Ally had about experiencing the good before something bad possibly happens.

Most reviews, however, were negative. Lisa Schwarzbaum of Entertainment Weekly called it a "shameless contraption of ridiculously sad things befalling attractive people". Wesley Morris of the Boston Globe commented that the film "crassly repurposes tragedy to excuse its clichés." I accept the film has plenty of clichés -- a great many romantic comedies and "chick flicks" have had instances of guys dating girls under false pretenses, only to be inevitably discovered later. But I find this forgivable in that this film made a much more serious attempt without any of the humor, and the romance was only one of the plots.

I think the stand-out actor here is not Robert Pattinson. Yes, many reviews have called this his breaking out from "Twilight" and his move into "Rebel Without a Cause" territory. But, despite his hard-fighting, drinking, smoking image, Pattinson's range seems to be rather small, as he was not substantially different from his Edward Cullen persona. Likewise, Emilie de Ravin, while more central here than on "Lost", could have had her role played by anyone. The real winner was Ruby Jerins, who played Caroline Hawkins, Tyler's little sister. She was given an emotional role to fill, and did it with ease -- I never felt for Tyler or Ally, but Caroline had it hard.

The film is far from perfect. Too many scenes seemed out of focus, the camera was very shaky, and for some reason there were many instances where the rooms were bathed in a blue light. I'd blame Summit Entertainment, as they similarly give "Twilight" poor lighting, but as we've seen with "The Hurt Locker", "Push", and "Knowing", they are capable of making decent directorial decisions (however much say they actually have in the matter). The director here, Allen Coulter ( "Hollywoodland" ), left something to be desired.

I had low expectations walking into this one and thought I would be walking out laughing at its shortcomings. In all fairness, I was wrong. Within ten or fifteen minutes I saw they were making a real effort and had a success on their hands. I left the theater impressed and with a new respect for Pattinson... I don't know if he has a future, but if he does this was his first step.
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remember me...please
rivertam2612 March 2010
Ummm...I'm not really sure what to say. Very rarely has a film left me utterly speechless.And I've been speechless for the last hour contemplating on what to say... Let me first start out by saying that Remember me is a brilliant film one of the best I've ever seen. A motion picture that feels so real, so genuine you can't help but be engaged. If i was to give anything away about it. It would completely ruin the experience of seeing this film and not knowing whats coming is the films brilliance in delivery. It's a small story about seriously flawed individuals trying to deal with love, loss and life. I'm tempted to spoil it but I won't just know. That if you suffer from any type of depression you should think twice before seeing it. This is a film although ultimately hopeful makes you feel suicidal. Robert Pattinson, Emile DeRavin and cast are brilliant and it is without a doubt the most powerful and jaw dropping film I've seen in quite some time. It's a film that deserves to be seen, a film that should be seen if only to remind us of so many things that we take for granted. A masterpiece.
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A Reminder
holdenelizabeth10 May 2011
just watched Remember Me for the first time tonight. Going in, I vaguely knew what to expect. I knew what the ending was about, but not who died or what the circumstances were. It was an emotional and powerful film, but a lot of people have criticized the ending as being extraneous and offensive. No one can answer that question, and as uncouth as this sounds - it is what it is, and it is a well made film. Anyway, I just assume a movie with a similar plot to this one was eventually going to be made (how could it not?), and that I'm grateful Remember Me was the first one to do it.

II thought Remember Me brought more than just the controversial emotional ending to the table. All of the sub-plot were emotional evoking and show that it shouldn't just be huge tragedies that unite us, but that we all suffer the same from our personal losses. That the loss of one family member can be even more difficult than a huge tragedy because there are fewer people to empathize with you - or even care enough, to provide support or get over their reservations.

It is probably just a personal experience, but Remember Me reminded me that I'm not the only one that's damaged or lost, but that most people in this world have suffered as much.
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This film is a masterpiece. Critics got this very wrong.
jonjblock1 October 2022
I'm 42, I went to USC film school for screenwriting / critical studies, and I have been watching 3 to 5 movies per week ever since I was a kid. I watched Remember Me and it's in the Top 20 of best I've ever seen.

The movie FEELS so real. I've spent time in NYC and down to Tyler's bathtub, everything feels authentic. Every character is a real person, flawed and hence so relatable.

The movie is about living for the moment, embracing each day, never taking this beautiful life for granted. Like Roberto Benigni's "Life is Beautiful," the filmmakers use tragedy to deliver this point (that humanity needs to be reminded of repeatedly; personally I think one in every ten movies at least should have this theme).

The relationships between the characters are so believable. EVERYTHING is character-motivated. Robert Pattinson's Tyler is so close to his little sister, after his only other sibling committed suicide, leaving him as the older brother to watch out for her. Pierce Brosnan (the best I've ever seen him) became obsessed with work after his oldest son committed suicide, and it makes sense why he's detached throughout. The arc of these two characters is SO real for anybody who's ever had a comparison father-son relationship (as I have), and so touching as they unify in the end looking out for the little sister.

As for the end, it moved me very deeply. I felt my heart breaking. Some critics called the 9/11 tie-in "offensive," and overall detached themselves from the movie. Their loss, and unfortunately, the loss of anybody who followed their opinion. REAL people died on 9/11. REAL people, doing the best they can with their limitations. This movie honors that. And does it very tastefully.

The music is beautiful as well. As for acting, the Razzie Awards people should punch themselves in the face for nominating Robert Pattinson. He is stellar in this.
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RunawayKaleidoscope10 July 2011
I felt that this movie, overall, was touching and well made. The cast was good and the acting was believable and, well, pretty good. The plot was very touching and I liked how the movie has romance, action, and dramatic scenes. Although I felt there were a few flaws (as they are in almost every movie) the movie was still very well made. you could really relate to the characters and somewhat the story which is what every movie needs in order to win over the audience. At least in my opinion, I would recommend this movie to ages 13 and over, or 15 and over. I truly believe that this movie is worth watching and you will enjoy especially if your into drama and romance (and if you like Robert Pattinson!) like I said the cast is very good, maybe not the best movie that you have ever seen but definitely one of the good ones. Basically, as I mentioned before, this movie is definitely worth seeing, but keep a tissue box near you because it is quite an emotional movie.
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Not at all what I expected, and loved it
ilikedaisies12 March 2010
I was very much looking forward to seeing this movie and am so glad that I did. From start to finish I was wrapped up in it, getting lost in the characters and the story. I don't think I've ever been so impressed with Robert Pattinson and I'm saying this as someone who isn't exactly a fan of his Twilight work. His acting was raw and impressive and it just reminded me of how much I enjoy his indie movies and all the work he puts in them. But this isn't about him. The movie was phenomenal to the point where I was bawling my eyes out. The ending wasn't at all what I expected. The movie itself blew me away and I found myself tearing up listening to a commercial promoting it on the radio. Definitely see it. Definitely take tissues. Right when you think you have come to accept the history and world around you, this movie reawakens your emotions and makes you feel things that you thoulght you'd come to terms with.
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See it for yourself!
yellop425 March 2010
I have to admit - I only went to see this because of Robert Pattinson. I am a fan of the books and so many of you might stop reading here -DON'T!!! I promise that I am still normal enough to be unbiased.

This movie was by far much better than the critics have rated it. It is by no means an Oscar worthy movie but it's a very compelling and deeply emotional story that tears at your heart and takes you on a wild emotional roller coaster. Rob Pattinson is surprisingly a good actor (I'm a fan but still admit the acting in the Twilight films is painful at best). His American accent needs some work and I will look forward to seeing him in a role when he isn't brooding - but I still think he did very well portraying his heavy-loaded character. The chemistry between he and Emile is believable and even the substantial amount of family dysfunction was relateable on most levels. The ending was a bit of a surprise (and not sure it was necessary to the story) but after I thought about it more, I decided it really only adds to the overall message - our life on earth is short and love like there is no tomorrow. I walked away wiping away my tears but feeling more appreciative of my life and I couldn't wait to go home and kiss my sleeping son. For those possibly offended by the ending, I believe the ending was tastefully done (if such a thing is possible given the circumstances). There was no glorification or sensationalism -just an added piece of the message to remind us of how life can be. So many people have a certain life one minute and the next - it's completely altered. This ending was, in a small way, a much needed reminder to cherish each moment we have.

Everyone is different so maybe the level of tragedy in this story is too much for some. Maybe the masses are overcooked with RPATZ frenzy to even give it a chance. For me this movie was a difficult and emotion-stirring journey that I'm happy I took. I think many will feel the same - give it a chance.
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the movie that you'll always remember
lizelleb14 March 2010
Remember Me is a little indie movie that is amazing.It will make you laugh, think and believe me you will cry. I just hope the word of mouth gets out there how great this little movie truly is. Rob Pattinson is such a great character in this movie and he shows that's he's a lot more than Edward Cullen. I was thinking of him even after the movie ended. He is that good and he gets to you in a way you can't imagine. Even if your not a Rob Pattinson fan, after seeing this movie you will be. Not just him the other actors in this film truly delivers also. The ending will shock you. So don't read any spoilers. I urge everyone to see it and i promise you won't be disappointed.
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Perhaps i f Tyler had been black...
thestrawspinner14 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
You'll have to forgive me if I seem a little perplexed as to why critics found this movie so hard to swallow. After going to see it myself, with no prior knowledge of its content, I came out quite impressed by the actors and genuinely moved (though not to tears) by the storyline. It was not necessarily something that would make my weekend brighter, obviously, but it was thought-provoking and discussion worthy (if only to argue about what was/was not incendiary about the plot). As a matter of fact, I do have to say, that the only thing that I really found unbelievable and insulting about this movie, was the critic's treatment of it. I mean, I do understand that people have different opinions and I truly try to respect that; but to criticize this movie as being too melodramatic, with too many issues that "tries to borrow profound meaning"; and is (my favorite) a "shameless contraption of ridiculously sad things befalling attractive people", is a little more than ridiculous itself. Seriously, would it have been better if Tyler had been a large black high school kid from the ghetto, who made bad grades and had no place to live and was adopted by a rich white family? No, wait a minute, that was "The Blind Side". It's been done already; with much success and an Academy Award for Sandra Bullock I might add. Hmmmm...wait. I know. I know. How about if Tyler were an overweight, illiterate black high school student who was abused by her mother, raped and impregnated by her father (twice), and had HIV. Oops. No. Wrong again. That was already done in "Precious", which received critical acclaim for it's unrelenting horrors and an Oscar for Monique to boot.

Look, don't let the critics fool you; black people and pain/suffering don't necessarily = an inspirational, feel good movie; and white people and pain/suffering don't necessarily = unbelievable melodrama unworthy of your time. Suffering is suffering, and there are many forms of it. This has nothing to do with attractiveness (or the lack thereof), money, or trivial concerns. It's about what we do with the moments of our lives each day, every day. See for yourselves. Whether you like it or not, you'll definitely have something to talk about in the end.
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Clichés, good bits, ridiculous end
john-244111 August 2010
This is yet another potentially great human drama slaughtered by trying to appeal to so many people it ends up losing any bite. The story is about relationships and how the results of our actions can reverberate in ways that are profound but unpredictable.

It uses some quite dramatic violence early in the plot seemingly in order to charge the emotional conflict later - as the plot unfolds you just end up wondering why they bothered - if they had chopped the first and final 5 minutes it would have stood on its own – probably even more plausibly.

A talented (of course) almost estranged son of wealthy business man dates the feisty daughter of solo parent ex-cop for revenge but falls in love. Throw in some parallel interpersonal family incidents, a very dramatic introduction and utterly unforeseeable even more dramatic ending to give it the guise of 'mystique' and there you have it.

At times good acting and screenplay hampered by clichéd plot and at least one unbelievable casting mistake. Pierce Brosnan looks totally out of place, his accent drifts between Irish American & James Bond and he ends up (in part due to the story) looking more caricature than character.

The typical American 'wonderment with riches' is ever present - the rebellion is little more than tugging of the forelock at the idea that people might actually be more interesting than wealth & privelidge.
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