It's probably a movie that well sail under the Grid of a lot of viewers, but it shouldn't be. It a fun and bold crime comedy that gets a little bit dark towards the end of it. It hangs on high branches as a vision and as an inspiration, but it manages to hold any expectations and pulls through a great, interesting, funny and compelling movie with same plot.
Its half mystery and half known. It has a classic format and movie template that is built on the foundation of one domino that is falling and causes the other to get their dance started. One event ignites a chin of hidden events that will reveal what ever needs to get up to the surface and grab you by the balls, to stay and watch the movie with a lot of interest.
It has a fine cast, that includes three main actors that has already built their name through the years and worth buying a ticket for the movie theatre. The one that is pulling the strings (Potsy Ponciroli) is less familiar but has his hands in some good Hollywood projects ( "Old Henry", which was his first corporation with Tim Blake Nelson, before the current one).
Ponciroli is doing great work with the setting the paste of the movie and moves elegantly between the genres of comedy and drama until all is set to take the proper direction of thriller and seal the deal with it.
This movie is not perfect or even close to it. It imitates a lot of other the excelled in this genre, but is manages to surprise with its final result. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is stealing the show, as expected and the others are riding along properly, but no one is stealing the show from Ponciroli and his way of paying great tribute to other movies giants.