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The Wild Wild West
In the old American West, a bandit unwittingly leads a troupe of cave-dwelling cannibals to the town of Bright Hope. There, the troglodytes wreak havoc and kidnap a woman. A rescue party is quickly formed, consisting of Bright Hope's aging Sheriff, his aged Deputy, a cocky gunslinger and the kidnappee's husband. Warned of the savages' infamous reputation- and having to contend with the husband's broken leg- the four set out; though their journey proves to be far more dangerous than anyone expected.

Written and directed by S. Craig Zahler, 'Bone Tomahawk' is a brilliant, bloody film that you'd be hard pressed to forget. The story is presented in a typical western style, though is completely original in terms of content and tone. Part-western, part-horror, Zahler's screenplay is full of pulpy, Tarantinoesque dialogue and his characterization is rich. He successfully balances moments of tense violence, introspective quietude and humor in a way that reminds one of Takeshi Kitano. At times playing like a bizarre mixture of 'The Searchers' and 'The Hills Have Eyes,' 'Bone Tomahawk' has a lot to offer.

Lovely visuals, for one. Cinematographer Benji Bakshi's work is assured and epic in scale. Utilizing a variety of wide-angled lenses, he captures the grandeur of the American landscape in a way evocative of John Ford. In moments of action, Bakshi's intuitive Steadicam operation ensures the violence hits as heavy as possible. Additionally, Freddy Naff's production design is highly detailed and textured, lending locations a feeling of authenticity. The striking work of costume designer Chantal Filson also doesn't go unnoticed, contributing greatly to the film's overall visual aesthetic.

In addition to its lush visuals, 'Bone Tomahawk' boasts a fine score from Zahler and Jeff Harriott that is atmospheric and- at times- deeply unsettling. The tracks 'In The Defile' and 'Dragged Along A Course Road' are particularly memorable, and used to great effect, bolstering the ominousness of the villains of the piece. The work of Greg D'Auria and Fred Raskin must also be mentioned, as their tight editing keeps the film from dragging- quite a feat, considering the run time of 132 minutes.

'Bone Tomahawk' finds Kurt Russell headlining as Sherriff Franklin Hunt. Always a commanding presence on screen, Russell plays Hunt as a straightforward fellow wearily dedicated to seeing justice done; a kind of bitter Gary Cooper. Russell shows a great subtlety of style, giving a multifaceted performance that ranks alongside his best. Patrick Wilson co-stars as the husband of the kidnapped woman, the 'straight man' of the bunch, if you will. Though less colorful, Wilson makes the chap engaging, and he has our sympathies throughout.

Matthew Fox plays the gunslinger Brooder- a slick chap fond of blowing his own trumpet- and is marvelous; clearly reveling in the chance to play such a cad. Alongside them, Richard Jenkins delivers a masterclass in comedic acting as Deputy Chicory, all but stealing the film with his good-natured buffoonery. Jenkins, in his inimitable, understated way, makes the character well-rounded and engaging- lending credo to the notion that he is one of his generation's most underappreciated actors.

To cut a long story short, 'Bone Tomahawk' will have you gripped from start to finish. S. Craig Zahler's screenplay is full of unexpected moments, his characterization is strong and his direction is deft. With alluring cinematography and a fine score- as well as commendable performances from all in the cast- this is one you don't want to miss. As a western and as a horror, 'Bone Tomahawk' is frighteningly good.
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An almost classic Western with a fantastic cast, great dialog and gruesome horror elements
gogoschka-124 October 2015
This film is a rather special genre-mix of classic Western themes and gory, insane B-movie horror elements. Films like the quite watchable The Burrowers (2008) and Dead Birds (2004) have mixed those ingredients before with some success, but while those two were undoubtedly B-movies, Bone Tomahawk never feels like your typical straight to VOD genre film.

What really stands out right from the start is the writing: the precise dialog and never less than interesting characters are what really makes this film a winner in my book. The premise might not be very original - it's Western to the bone (pun intended) and very much in the tradition of great classics like The Searchers - but despite its dark themes, there is so much understated humour in Bone Tomahawk that I felt at times reminded of some of the characters in Jim Jarmusch's films. And Richard Jenkins' character, back-up deputy Chicory, is down-right hilarious. The acclaimed (and Oscar-nominated) actor clearly has a blast with his part, and the same can absolutely be said for the rest of the cast. This is a film that is willing to spend a very considerable part of its running time just building atmosphere and exploring the different characters, and the action/horror moments are actually few and far between. According to some recent interviews with the producers, the excellently written characters are also what drew A-list actors Kurt Russell and Patrick Wilson to the film, despite its micro-budget, and if Russell hadn't been so committed to playing the part of Sheriff Franklin Hunt, the film wouldn't have been made.

In spite of its tiny budget, this is a quality film that really should have had a wide theatrical release; everything from the A-list cast to the excellent cinematography, sound and production design practically scream for the big screen. A word to the wise, though; after some initial mayhem, the film moves along at a very considerate pace (and at over two hours it's a rather long film), so for those who seek entertainment heavy on action with non-stop shoot-outs, gory thrills and scares, look elsewhere: this is probably not the film for you (and perhaps also not the film that was promised in the trailers). But if you like old-school Westerns with great characters (played by great character actors), great atmosphere and deadpan humour, and you ALSO don't mind (very!) gory thrills, scares and some bloody shoot-outs along the way, I believe you will enjoy this film very much. I know I did: 7.5 stars out of 10.

Lesser-Known Masterpieces:

Favorite Low-Budget And B-Movies:

All-Time Favorite Films:
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Strong entry in an under-appreciated genre
BlueBird8412 October 2023
Not enough Western horror out there. Bone Tomahawk is proof there should be more. Great performances, snappy dialogue, brutal kills. The plot isn't exactly full of twists and turns, but events didn't totally play out like I expected them to.

The movie does end a little abruptly, and I would have liked more answers on where these Native Americans came from, their culture, etc. I think this is one of the few films that would have benefitted from an additional half hour or so to give time for events to fully wrap up. As-is, we're still left with some questions that I think would have been better if answered.

Still a solid film and a solid recommend.
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Very well-made, very intriguing western/horror film.
Red_Identity29 November 2015
I expected some sort of comedy-horror/western hybrid, but what I mostly got was a serious western with noticeable horror touches thrown in (until its third act, where the horror becomes even more prominent). I was surprised at how seriously the film took itself, which I now think is a strength. It could have been so easy to just make it yet another goofy horror/comedy, but what we got instead is a very restrained, very well-made, sort of classic adventure story. The directing is on point and there's a great control over the tone of the film. The decision to have so much of the film silent and without any noticeable score was a great decision. The cast is aces and the three real supporting players (Fox, Russell, Jenkins) all get their time to shine without anything being forced.
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The Hills have Eyes meets Wyatt Earp!
kinwingwu28 January 2016
I watched this film very tired the other night and found myself sitting up alert immediately!

Pleasantly surprised I found it an entertaining macabre mystery thriller horror with outstanding performances by a quality ensemble of veteran actors working with good dialogue from a competent script.

Normally expect relative unknowns to do this type of film and end up with a B-Movie type of re-working of 'Hills with Eyes', but instead of the atomic bomb test in-bread cannibalistic mutants we are dealing with North American cannibalistic Indian savage troglodytes,

That somehow have avoided being massacred by the U.S Union Calvary Army and take revenge on some trespassers on their Indian burial ground and follow one back to a small town, end up killing and kidnapping some locals including a young woman whose husband, town sheriff, deputy and local gun slinger go in hot pursuit.

There is some elements from Ravenous 2001, Japanese horror film 'The Audition' with hints of blinding and limb amputations. A quality low budget movie with top notch acting from a first time director who wrote the script.
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The most disturbing western I have ever seen...
SpoilerAlertReviews31 December 2016
An impressive directorial debut from writer S. Craig Zahler, who also wrote this gruesome, filthy western of how wild the west can really get. More so impressive that the whole film was shot in just 21 days.

An outlaw drifter wanders into the town of Bright Hope unknowingly leading a tribe of savage, inbred, natives better known as Troglodytes which translates as Cave-dweller. "During the night, these horrific abominations murder and kidnap some of the town folk, one being the wife of a crippled rancher, who then embarks on a rescue mission with the town sheriff, his old and incapable deputy and an over confident gunslinger.

Kurt Russell heads up the rescue posse as Sheriff Hunt, slipping comfortably into his western boots. Richard Jenkins plays his ageing deputy, Patrick Wilson the limping, desperate rancher and an impressive Matthew Fox who stole the screen, as the charismatic, narcissistic know-it- all who both annoying yet strangely likable, reminding me a little of Val Kilmer's Doc Holliday in Tombstone.

There's an air of mystery for the majority of the film, keeping the audience on tender hooks waiting to see what's in store for the rescue party. Are the kidnapped still alive? Dead? Or worse? While some elements are left to your imagination, you can only think of the worse, but what isn't, is nothing short of disturbing.

The gory violence is shocking to watch, even just hearing the graphic noises is enough. The sound is gruesome, bloody and unsettling. The climatic end was actually painful to watch, scarring the memory making me shudder just at the thought of it. The lack of a score only intensifies the haunting atmosphere.

Something has to be said for the special effects, make-up and the sound engineering that were all completely on point. I've never seen a more gory western, even more so than The Hateful Eight. The makeup and effects throughout are amazing but they really go beyond during the epic climax.

There's been a few disturbing films this year, visually, Neon Demon and imagination wise, Nocturnal Animals springing to mind but this one really made me wrench covering my mouth with both hands. It's like those good horrors you're too scared to watch but find yourself mesmerised to the screen regardless. This is certainly not one for the weak stomached. Kudos to director Zahler for created a stunning western with a difference, becoming borderline horror.

Running Time: 7 The Cast: 9 Performance: 8 Direction: 8 Story: 9 Script: 7 Creativity: 9 Soundtrack: 9 Job Description: 10 The Extra Bonus Points: 10 for the sound and graphic quality.

86% 9/10
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ssell-1368516 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First, let me say this piece was a pretty good "classic western" until the last 10-15 minutes! I won't give the plot away, but I will say there is a very gruesome & frightening scene towards the end when one of the characters is captured & killed by the "cannibalistic" Indians! This scene actually scared & scarred me like no other film I've EVER seen! That's not an exaggeration, but more to warn folks the cannibalism scene is very, very disturbing (at least it was for me) & I will ALWAYS remember this film out of the thousands of movies I've seen in my 54 years because of it! On the upside, the movie does have "Star" power with Kurt Russell (have been a long-time fan of his & Goldie's!).
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A fresh, original blend of genres that results in a new cult classic!
hammit2 November 2015
This film is a great example of what Hollywood is sorely lacking these days: Originality! Like other reviewers have mentioned, this is slow burning western/horror flick that keeps building the suspense until the finale. It's not an edge-of-your-seat thriller that is loaded with action, but it has enough to keep your interest. It has more of a typical western feel to it in terms of character development. The dialogue is spot on for this genre. The acting is superb and plot is genuine. I think that it speaks volumes about the script given the fact that the actors signed on for minimum pay (that means they WANTED to be in this film for the script and plot). The gore is definitely there for the horror fans, although I would say that if you are seeking a lot of gore, you may be disappointed. It does have some that is pretty graphic. I definitely would not let children or even some teenagers watch this, its an adult movie. If you are a fan of westerns, I think you'll like it a lot. If you are a Kurt Russell fan, you will not be disappointed (this was his first western since Tombstone). Patrick Wilson and Matthew Fox make an excellent supporting cast and demonstrate their acting skills well. This is a new cult classic!
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Western Horror Film with great direction
rosscohen-0856830 April 2023
Bone Tomahawk is a 2015 western-horror written and directed by S. Craig Zahler and starring Kurt Russell, Patrick Wilson, Matthew Fox and Richard Jenkins.

So, this movie can be a bit corny at some times and seem a bit mechanical. Kurt Russell is great, a lot of reviews praise Matthew Fox but I wasn't overly impressed by him. This film is set in the old west, but it's basically a rescue mission. When some of the town folk are abducted by troglodytes (cave dwellers) with a penchant for human meat, a rescue team assembles. The mission to hunt them down and rescue their loved ones proves to be very difficult because they have to deal with a race against time, a crippled man, and being outnumbered.

While it drags a bit in the middle, it makes up for it in the end. It's not for those with weak stomachs, it's bloody, violent, and filled with gore. It's my humble opinion that this is a movie that you should see, but not with your young ones, mom, or girlfriend. This is definitely a 'man's movie' that defies the western stereotype.
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Hidden gem, a must see
the_real_smile22 November 2020
I saw this movie by accident, because the other horror movies on Netflix failed miserably. The whole 2 hours I was on the edge of my seat. Very well acted, directed, excellent camerawork. The story, al-dough, very simple, leads you to the struggle that a tiny group of cowboys have to endure to get to the evil Indian tribe. Truly a fascinating movie.
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slower horror western with brutal violence
SnoopyStyle9 March 2017
Purvis (David Arquette) and Buddy (Sid Haig) are bandits killing and robbing in the old west. They stumble upon a native site and Buddy is killed by a warrior. Purvis escapes to the town of Bright Hope. Sheriff Franklin Hunt (Kurt Russell) confronts and wounds him. The town is attacked in the dead of night and people go missing. The locals suspect a clan of cannibalistic native cave-dwellers. Hunt leads John Brooder (Matthew Fox), hobbled Arthur O'Dwyer (Patrick Wilson) looking for his taken wife Samantha (Lili Simmons), and deputy Chicory (Richard Jenkins) as a posse of four.

The start is a very intriguing horror western. Then it turns into a slower paced affair. The intensity is lowered but it maintains the interest. The characters are good played by compelling actors. There are some brutal violence although sometimes the camera cuts before the coup de gras. With some of the crazy violence, it's weird that the film does the old fashion look-away. The last act is unforgettable.
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Nice Surprise
WinterbornTM14 November 2015
Bone Tomahawk is a 2015 western-horror written and directed by S. Craig Zahler and starring Kurt Russell, Patrick Wilson, Matthew Fox and Richard Jenkins.

The story follows four men, the town's sheriff (Russell), a cowboy (Wilson), the back-up deputy (Jenkins) and a gunslinger (Fox) who go on an expedition to retrieve a group of captives from some cannibalistic cave-dwellers. The four actors really shine in this movie, giving very good performances, especially Matthew Fox as John Brooder. It's good to see Fox in such a good role, considering he hasn't done that much since the Lost years.

The movie gives us a very good look at the Old West. As the four men make their journey, we learn more and more about them and their motivations. Sheriff Franklin Hunt is a man who wants nothing more than the safety of his town and is willing to do anything to protect it. Arthur O'Dwyer is a cowboy who has a serious leg injury but still goes into this expedition, because for him the stakes are personal. Chicory is a simple-minded old deputy but with amazing loyalty for the sheriff. John Brooder is a well-dressed well- mannered gentleman who joins the ride because he is a trigger-happy gunslinger with a personal vendetta against the natives.

The script is very well-written, giving us full tri-dimensional characters. Also the dialogue and the mannerisms feel very authentic, transporting you back to the Old West. As I said in the beginning, this movie is a horror-western, and that really shows in the third act. There are some brutal, gore-scenes that will not be easy to digest (no pun intended) for those faint of heart. One slight negative about this movie is the pacing. Sometimes it feels a little too slow, but not enough so that it will ruin your enjoyment.

Bone Tomahawk is a very good movie, with an interesting premise and a nice twist on the western genre. It's a movie that could have gone wrong in so many ways, but surprisingly, it doesn't. Sporting some great characters and an intriguing storyline, Bone Tomahawk deserves an 8 out of 10!
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Smart men don't get married
nogodnomasters23 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is an odd "western" which is more like a 19th century, "These Hills Have Eyes." An outlaw disturbs a sacred site of a group of isolated cannibal Native Americans. This brings trouble to the town of Bight Hope which results in a rescue party attempt into the home of the "Troglodyte" cave dwellers who would "rape and eat their own mothers."

This is a slightly different plot for a western, however it is just a different setting for a horror/slasher film without much horror. The film starts off by capturing your interest. It builds character, then slows, then hits you again. Then if drags (literally as one guy has a broken leg) as we spend too much time of our rescue group going after the cannibals.

Guide: sex and brief nudity.
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Just boring
asforrest-28-3684788 December 2015
I love movies, good movies with great pacing that thrust you through the experience, I saw this with my girlfriend and all we were doing is looking at each other every 10-15 minutes with puzzled looks on our faces. It dragged on and on, nothing really linking the story and pushing it onwards.

The first 10 minutes were interesting and enthralling. The shots were okay and locations were cool. I'm also someone that really likes the use of silence in films that I watch, it just seemed here often like it was being used without a reason. When the characters finally did talk it was just plain bland.

Maybe its just me, but this film is in my opinion highly overrated.
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I feel for the pregnant women....
benbriere2 October 2023
Great story, great acting. Plus every thing about the movie feels very real and you can imagine the far west being what is depicted in the movie, including medical treatments, cities and building, etc. The main caracter starts the movie with a painfull broken leg and that pain is "contagious".

Like the petty stuff that seems very true to life, so is the gruesome stuff. So like a lot of people say, "not for the faint of heart" since the violence is very real and "mater of fact", like it must have been in the "old days".

So movies show a lot worse but in this one, it's the way it does it that makes it hard to watch sometimes.

And for those of you who saw the movie, I feel for the pregnant women left alone....
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A Strong Western with the Brutality of a Horror Film
MattBirk12 November 2015
Bone Tomahawk is about a small group of cowboys who set out in search of a group of cannibals who have kidnapped some of their townspeople, including the wife of one of the rough riders. It may sound similar to a lot of other westerns in the sense that it's a rescue story, which is somewhat true in the beginning. The first half of the movie is a great character drama as it follows the group of four for a few day and nights as they travel to their destination. This is where some people might have a problem with the film and the pacing might become an issue. During this time, we get expanded knowledge about the men involved and I found it rather entertaining because the route to their destination is just as dangerous as the destination itself. Yes, the movie could have been trimmed down by about 10-12 minutes, but it wasn't too slow that I lost interest (like many others I have read did).

It is during this time where acting comes into play and, for the most part, it's all on point, especially Kurt Russell! To no surprise, he is the highlight of the movie and is no one to be trifled with. He gives a very gritty and convincing performance worthy of his filmography. As well as the three other gentlemen that ride along with him, they all hit their marks (even my boy Matthew Fox from LOST).

The only real problem outside of the pacing is Lili Simmons' awkwardly dull performance (mostly during her captivity). Normally I wouldn't point out such a small characters performance but it was seriously lacking. It could be because her character was poorly written for the type of situation she was in. For example, why was she so relaxed and showing barely any emotion in such a frightening situation? Yes she could have broken down mentally but that doesn't let her off the hook. Also her line delivery was highly questionable and her overall performance felt like dead weight.

But it is the final 45 minutes of the movie that will leave everyone talking. Bone Tomahawk explodes into the horror genre with its cannibalistic violence (is this the return of cannibalistic horror movies?). The action is swift, and I mean very swift, it really comes out of nowhere. And this was what I loved most about the movie, you know they are getting closer and closer to unprecedented evil but you aren't quite sure when or where they will strike. It's this trepidation that makes the final third of the movie so thrilling. They're clearly unprepared for the gauntlet that is waiting for them. I won't spoil anything but the movie really doesn't shy away from violence once they get to where they are going. Bone Tomahawk transcends from a slow moving western into a carnage fueled frenzy.
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Facial hair versus ashy skin
dfranzen7012 August 2019
Bone Tomahawk (what a great title!) is a real genre mashup, horror and western - the likes of which you've probably not seen before. The action is light until the final third of the film or so, bu the tension that steadily mounts in the first two-thirds will have you jumping at bells jingling and other startling sounds. Seems a prisoner, a deputy, and the doctor charged with removing the bullet from the prisoner's leg have all vanished over the course of the night. The sheriff (Kurt Russell) sets out to find the trio, aided by his backup to the deputy (Richard Jenkins), a learned man with a predilection for killing Indians (Matthew Fox), and the doctor's husband (Patrick Wilson), who's nursing a bad leg. The lone Indian in their tiny western town is pretty sure who did the kidnapping, based off an arrow found in the jail, and he's of the opinion that it's a group of cave-dwellers - troglodytes. As the sheriff and his posse search, tensions mount among them, and the leg of the doctor's husband acts up time and time again. What they do find when they finally come upon the cave holding the captives and their intimidating captors isn't quite the run-of-the-mill stuff you'd find in an old Western, and that's where the action, terrifying and fleet but so satisfying, kicks in. Bone Tomahawk makes hay out of the long trek to find the trio, and the tribulations of life on the trail, particularly as the men run low on provisions, is expertly told and lends a true sense of realism to the proceedings. Aside from that mounting tension, the first half is pulled together wonderfully by Russell and by Jenkins as the addled backup tin star. Jenkins steals the movie.
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Really grows on you.
lavaside-6023723 September 2023
The first time I watched it, everything about this movie was so 'not your average western' that it was really off putting.

The closest thing I can think to describe it, is when you watch 'The Office' type of dry humor for the first time, verses your standard sitcom.

But with each next viewing, it gets better and better, as my brain now knows what it's in for.

I will say, this movie holds nothing back when it comes to the gruesome.

If you're someone who can't stomach gross stuff in movies, it's probably best you just stay away from this one.

And you'll know it in the first 30 seconds. Lol After the initial shock scene, it slows down for a few as all of the characters are introduced. Stick with it. Once it gets going, it doesn't stop.

Richard Jenkins is brilliant and steals the show.

Why isn't it a 10?

  • The initial dialogue of the movie, when they're all still in the town, was very 'A to B'. It needed polished, to bring in the charm that would be present later on.

  • I'm not a huge David Arquette fan. I don't care how small his role is, there's always someone better they could have gotten.

  • There should have been a native that went with them on the journey, to have a 'native vs troglodyte' fight scene. A real missed opportunity there.

  • Even though they did well enough, I think I would have went with different actors for the roles of Arthur and Brooder.
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Western Horror
moviesareawayoflife8 October 2023
Kurt Russell and Patrick Wilson lead the cast in the 2015 low budget Western Bone Tomahawk. I am a big fan of the Western genre so thought i would give this film a go. Kurt Russell puts in his usual star performance and being a big fan of the actor i have to say i do think he is a very unappreciated film star. Patrick Wilson puts in a good performance, and ultimately this is a very character led piece of work. This is a film which takes its time building suspense and is very "talky" at times but that certainly helps with character development as you grow to care about the potential fate of these characters. A minor gripe of mine is that the film does run on too long, but ultimately its always good to discover new Westerns. Bone Tomahawk is not a classic but is certainly a good solid addition to the genre.
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Western meets Cannibal, a brilliant classic in modern times
shaun700029 January 2016
In 2015 where we are used to seeing none stop CGI, thin plot, endless action we have the opposite, a real movie gem. It's a classically crafted western that ended up as a brutal cannibal masterpiece.

At first it does make the audience feel that theirs not much happening compared to general modern cinema but what we do have is quality acting, cinematography and script building up to the shocking and unpredictable end

I can't recommend this enough, unlike most films of today it's not made for profit it's made for quality film making, something which I fear today is few and far between

Go watch it
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Wyatt Earp meets Cannibal Holocaust!
ericrnolan9 November 2015
Let's get something out of the way first -- "Bone Tomahawk" (2015) isn't only a western. It's a genre-busting... "horror-western," as other review sites have called it. It pits four protagonists against a tribe of monstrous "cave dwellers" who have kidnapped two people from their tiny frontier town of "Bright Hope." And the results at the movie's end are pretty damned horrifying.

This was superb -- I'd give it a 9 out of 10. "Bone Tomahawk" succeeds in being scary and enjoyable simply because it's a quality film. The script is outstanding, with nuanced, occasionally funny, and ultimately quite likable characters. The four leads -- Kurt Russell, Patrick Wilson, Matthew Fox and Richard Jenkins -- play the diverse quartet perfectly. I could honestly watch another one or two movies about these guys, even without the horror-movie plot device that this flick employs -- and that is coming from a guy that doesn't like westerns.

The directing and cinematography are perfect. And the end of the movie is nerve-shattering, smartly written and satisfying. (Although there is one violent sequence that might make your heart stop. Good lord.)

My only criticisms are very subjective. For one, this movie sometimes felt slow. The exciting horror-movie element that drives the plot is introduced early, but briefly. It is then more than an hour before we arrive at it again, as we follow the four protagonists traveling to an uncharted valley just to reach the bad guys' lair.

For another... this movie got just a little too dour during its lengthy second act (the trek to the valley where the climax takes place). We see a few sad things, including the fates of innocent people and animals. These punctuate what is literally a painful journey for one of our heroes waging a doomed battle against a horribly wounded leg. Throughout its middle, "Bone Tomahawk" isn't so much of a "scary movie" as it is a slightly depressing movie.

Still, this was fantastic. And if you see it and you really like it, as I did, then spread the word. This flick hasn't gotten the press it deserves.

Quick postscript: watch for David Arquette and none other than Sid Haig in surprise supporting roles! And... supposedly Sean Young was in this movie, but I'll be damned if I could spot her.
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A strong and unsettling terror western with lots of violence and gore
ma-cortes13 January 2023
Off-kilter tale tale of kidnaps and cannibalism in the American West. In the 1890s, two drifters, Purvis and Buddy make a living killing and robbing travelers, spooked by the sound of approaching horses, they hide in the hills and encounter a Native American burial site. Buddy is attacked by unseen attackers, and Purvis (David Arquette) escapes. Later, the stranger arrives in a little town. There appear the following citizens: John Brooder: An armed gentleman (Matthew Fox), Franklin Hunt: The law (Kurt Russell), Samantha O'Dwyer (Lili Simmons): The town doctor, she is a lady doctor, who is nursing the wounded stranger.Chicory (Richard Jenkins): The back-up deputy. Arthur O'Dwyer (Patrick Wilson): The cowboy (injured). Some of them are abducted by the savage tribesmen, then a posse is formed to rescue them. When the team is sent to retrieve them, more than the facts are digested. May the Lord have mercy and grant you a swift death!. Cowboys - Yee Haw!.All cowboys go to the old west!. Time to bring the enemies down!.

Great triumph at the 2015 Sitges Festival in which it won the award for best director. This one mixes two genres: Western and Terror to tell the story of a gang that will try to find some kidnapped and rescue them from the clutches of some trogolodite cannibals who have unexpectedly taken them. The picture turns out to be an exhilarating experience with many memorable, disturbing sequences, including a thrilling finale. The best scenes deal with the enjoyable relationships among the unfortunate team whose members have to face off the cannibal indians attacking here and there. Here stands out a nice cast giving decent interpretation, such as: Kurt Russell, Patrick Wilson, Matthew Fox, Richard Jenkins, Lili Simmons. And brief appearances from Sid Haig, James Tolkan, Sean Young, Michael Paré and Kathryn Morris.

The motion picture was compellinglywritten and directed by S. Craig Zahler. Craig is a western expert, in fact he is the author of the western novel A Congregation of Jackals, which was nominated for both major western writing awards, The Spur and The Peacemaker. And his dark western script The Brigands of Rattleborge won the #1 top position on the Black List for best unproduced screenplay. Zahler is a prestigious writer, such as The Incident, Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich, Dragged Across Concrete, Brawl in Cell Block 99 and Bone Tomahawk. His films usually begin grounded in the real-world and slowly transform into surrealistic tales with hyper-stylized depictions of violence. Often works with Don Johnson, Udo Kier, Jennifer Carpenter, Fred Melamed, and Vince Vaughn; per Johnson, the group refer to themselves as "The Zahler Players". And he has directed some nice films such as Dragged Across Concrete (2018), Brawl in Cell Block 99 (2017) and this Bone Tomahawk (2015). Rating: 6.5/10. Worthwhile watching for terror and western fans. The unusual subject and offbeat gory scenes in a western making this a recipe not for all tastes.
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Expertly Written yet Disturbingly Gory
PyroSikTh13 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Bone Tomahawk is a steady mix of Western and Horror smooshed together seamlessly. It has all the usual Western tropes, albeit reduced to their simplest and most realistic, but also adds in significant enough moments of gore and cannibalism to stick with you long after the film has ended. It's certainly not a film for the mainstream, which is probably why it coasted under the radar upon its release. It's a slow burn that takes the time to find humour, charm, and entertainment in the mundane. It's first act puts you right into late 1800s frontier America for the everyday civilian. Cowboys are literally just guys who heard cows, Sheriffs keep peace in a quiet town, bartenders struggle for custom, doctors tend to the sick and injured, and ex-military keep to themselves harbouring their own inner demons. Life is quiet and peaceful inside the town, but wild and dangerous outside.

The film opens with a guy's throat being sliced open, but not in the typical Hollywood fashion of a quick cut and blood spurting everywhere. It's like slicing through meat and bone. This pretty much sets the tone of the whole movie. It prefers gritty realism to anything else, without glamourising anything, and also doesn't shy away from it's more graphic moments. When someone is brutally murdered, they're really, brutally murdered. Slicing, stabbing, guts and blood. Bone Tomahawk is not for the squeamish or faint of heart.

But the realism also extends to frontier life. I've already mentioned how it portrays a quiet town in the off-season, and the every day civilians who inhabit it, but each character who gets focus is built in such a way that they're not just characters; they're believable personalities with backstorys, desires, and varying degrees of intelligence. The use of vocabulary alone not only transports us back to those times, but also speaks volumes to each character and their motivations.

The acting is top-notch across the board. Kurt Russell is Kurt Russell. He just oozes screen presence just by being there, and his Sheriff is both smart and patient, with his heart in the right place, and an awareness for those around him that makes him both intuitive as a Sheriff and empathic to his fellow men, no questions asked. His back-up deputy is played by Richard Jenkins with a gentle naivety that's hard not to love. He's old and chatty, but isn't too smart. Yet Jenkins manages to breathe such life into him that he never feels like the joke of the film, even though he's by far the most humorous character. Patrick Wilson's cowboy Arthur is the everyman of the group, and his broken leg throughout puts him in a unique position not often seen in movies. He's in pain almost perpetually, and the only thing that keeps him going is his determination to rescue his wife. He's heroic in the least heroic way, with no grand feats, limited by his injury, and relying entirely on his smarts to outwit the cannibals.

Honestly, for me though, Matthew Fox's Brooder is probably the most engaging and interesting character. He's ex-military with a chip on his shoulder brought on by a tragic backstory that's never made a big deal of. For all intents and purposes, he should be the unlikable dick, but instead Fox gives him a charm and worldliness that makes him oddly likable. He never drifts into antagonism despite often holding views and attitudes in opposition to the other three, and while his pride and vanity would make him unpleasant company, they instead give him an edge that puts him at odds with everyone else. Matthew Fox really can act, and do it really well. He offers a better performance than his more esteemed co-stars, and that says a lot considering the company.

Bone Tomahawk also excels in it's more technical aspects as well. Sound design is extremely good, emphasising every moment, no matter how quiet, disturbing, or mundane. When a knife cuts into flesh, you can hear the piercing, the slicing, and bone grinding that takes place. When the wilderness is quiet, the subtle ambiance of birds and breeze gently caresses the background. The lack of a musical score (for the most part) gives these exceptional demonstrations of sound design a chance to be their own thing, and adds all kinds of suspense and intensity to moments that would otherwise be cheapened by music. When someone is suddenly hit with an arrow, phwomph. The unpredictability brought on by the lack of music adds so much.

Bone Tomahawk was a wonderful surprise. I'm not sure I'm in a rush to watch it again, not because of that death scene, but because the second act felt like it dragged maybe a little too long. There's only so long watching a guy limping in pain in the wilderness is entertaining. However, at the very moment I started to feel bored, it changed direction and kicked it up a notch. I give Bone Tomahawk a solid 8/10 for it's fantastic writing, well-executed horror, and acting performances of a lifetime. Would recommend, at least once.
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West meets horror
yahaira-729-69470121 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
.The worst horror mutalations in the west. Well done script and story execution by S. Craig Zahler. Although, Tarantino influenced dialogue and revenge scenarios. Yet it's a serious western drama.

Eclectic conversations and unusual characters, like Broody played by Mathew Fox. Great acting and cinematography. The writing and directing by s.craig zahler is subtle and original. They have resilience over challenge of the grotesque troglodites. Like zombies they are diminished to creatures who are cannibals even the indian tribes fear them as unevolved spiecies. The sheriff played by Kurt Russell is a strong presence as he usually adds charisma and strength of character to his roles. Patrick Wilson and Richard Jenkins as supporting cast are also talented. A sweet and sour sad capitulation.
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unbelievably bad
jdalbright8 December 2015
I cannot for the life of me understand the high ratings for this movie. In general I am quite satisfied with the reviews that I see on IMDb so we figured how could we go wrong with a movie rated in the high 70's and high 80's. My wife and I have a very low bar for movies. We thoroughly enjoy some really crazy B movies (think Rene Perez) but this movie was awful. When it was done, we looked at each other and said "C-". Except for the occasional funny lines by the assistant deputy, the acting, including that of Kurt Russell, was terrible. The story was terrible. All day I have been thinking that these reviews are a prank or we watched different movies. I suppose to be fair, the cinematography was good. I guess I can recommend that you watch the movie so you can experience it's atrociousness. It is my belief that at the end your jaw will be dragging on the ground in disbelief. In the meantime, I will continue to ponder the high ratings.
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