This movie is an example of writers taking the checklist of all the Christmas movie themes and tropes and marking them off one by one. Emma wants a promotion which is dangled in front of her. There is a contest, in this case between villages for decorating. There is Emma's romantic opposite, Alex, who has both the demanding father and a daughter who connects with Emma. Emma and Alex have a rough first meeting. Far too quickly those around them start telling Emma and Alex separately that the other looks at them in a special way. There is a gag where the two drink hot chocolate that leaves the whipped cream on their faces. Emma leaves a boyfriend back in New York who for once doesn't dump her at the start. The fact that her home is across the ocean is an obstacle to the new potential romance. There is a ball. Both the contest and the ball require Emma and Alex to work together. Emma's boyfriend shows up unexpectedly creating a problem even beyond the developing romance with Alex.
To be fair, there are a few old standards missing. No snowball fight. Or snowman contest. The leads don't bake cookies together.
Sometimes I say the thing that's true about this movie. There are no great highs or lows or surprises. The ending is quite predictable.
The acting isn't exactly bad, but it's not good, especially a couple of characters. Jill Winternitz isn't bad but has little spark and isn't totally natural at times. She has only a little quiet chemistry with Dominic Watters. The character of the laird is inconsistent.
This movie is probably ok for either diehards who love the same old stuff, or for those who are relatively new to the genre. I am suspicious of all the 1 and 2 star reviews, 8 out of 18 total. At least those who criticized the cultural accuracy said something beside that it was awful, and some of those criticisms might have some merit. While I think the movie was derivative and not well acted, I think horrible or awful is a little too far.