76 of 120 found this severe
There are graphic jokes made about impregnation and making babies.
In Season 2, there is constant nudity being shown. Breasts are shown most frequently but male genitals are shown as well. There is nudity in other seasons with porno magazines and less frequent nudity.
Vic's p*nis is shown when he lifts up his bathrobe.
Multiple crude, vulgar sexual jokes including references to masturbation, fellatio, sex toys, and much more.
A boy is shown masturbating many times. The actual masturbation is covered by a shadow but his butt is shown and the porn.
A woman is seen in a bathroom stall. Her pubic hair and her full butt is shown.
A boy gets a boner at a pool and almost ejaculates.
Lots of kissing between adults, teens and children.
Mr Goomer is a voyeur.
During the second season, a Chuck E Cheese like family fun center gets turned into a strip club, with strippers and sexual robot bears.
44 of 70 found this severe
A woman imagines killing another woman, bloody but not disturbing as it is unrealistic and just shows blood.
The character, Scoop Dunbarton, is always seen with half of his head shattered.
Colt Luger has some gun violence.
A man gets blown up in a movie. Pretty bloody.
A man is shown in a casket at a funeral.
In Season 5, Maureen walks into a mortuary. We see a corpse being prepared on a table with his bodily fluids being pumped out.
Chet is killed by poisoning.
Chet is abusive towards Nguyen Nguyen.
We see security footage of a man being decapitated by an airplane. Bloody and disturbing.
There are a few scenes of kids being bullied rather violently at school.
71 of 80 found this severe
"Fag" is used twice in a derogatory and mean manner, but it is discouraged.
The word prick is used about 5 times. It is usually paired with other words like "miserable prick" or "major league prick".
The main running gag is Frank Murphy, the father and the protagonist of the show. He often says "I will put you through that fucking wall", and he typically says this to his two sons, Bill and Kevin.
Strong swearing throughout including "fuck", "motherfucker", "shit", "bullshit", "cunt", "cock", "ass", "asshole", "bitch", "slut", "whore", "ho", "cock", "twat", "tit", and more.
"Cunt" is sometimes said. Mostly in Season 2 and 3, but it is only used about 5 or 6 times.
The term "dildo" is used as an insult.
Almost any profane, racial, homophobic or xenophobic term one can think up is in this show.
Frequent uses of "fuck" and "shit" are often used in front of, and by young characters as well as teenagers.
A few middle fingers.
42 of 71 found this severe
References to weed, hits, cocaine, getting high, pills, and more.
Teens smoke weed out of joints, bongs, baby dolls, pumpkins and snort it
Certain characters are alcoholics. Most notably Scoop Dunbarton, Mr. Fitzsimmons and Reed Harrison.
The teenagers in the show are extreme drug addicts and obsessive alcoholics. The tweens sometimes drink and regularly smoke.
A teen boy trips once after smoking a lot of weed and his eyes turn red.
Cigarettes are smoked by children.
Vic has a cocaine addiction.
A Cheech and Chong inspired musical duo is called "Spliff and Bongwater".
A man is poisoned with drain cleaner.
Teens are shown smoking weed in several scenes.
29 of 77 found this moderate
It is revealed that one of the main characters almost drowned as a toddler. The latter the series continues, the more relevant this becomes.
Season 4 focuses on Frank's backstory with his father. It is revealed that his father was physically and verbally abusive towards him. This is shown several times in flashbacks
Nguyen-Nguyen is abused by Chet which can be triggering for domestic violence survivors.
Anthony Bonfiglio can be seen as a derogatory depiction of neurodivergent children.
Frank Murphy is very short tempered and he often raises his voice and shows aggression. However, his temper can be triggering to those who are sensitive to yelling.
Mr Holtenwaser is a holocaust survivor and often deals with Anti-Semitic remarks.
Some derogatory depictions of Native Americans, people of color, autistic children and Italian Americans to name a few. However, this is done to depict the prejudices towards these groups in the early 70s when the show took place.
Maureen gets involved in witchcraft in one episode.
There is some insensitive/shallow depictions of neurodivergent people and some races, but it depicts how society was different in the 1970s, and luckily is not accepted today.
The Halloween episode can get intense or very sad at one point.