Like so many indie low-budget films around at the moment this film had a story that could have turned in to a really good movie, but was spoiled by lack of attention to detail and not giving much thought to creating atmosphere.
Very poor use of lighting for much of the film which felt more like a corporate video at times, and camera angles that didn't allow the viewer to visually construct a world they could become engaged in or be drawn in to.
These are things that don't cost money and don't take much time to give thought to. They had the tools but not the creativity to use them to best effect.
It is such a shame when an indie film has such potential to be really good.
The acting was OK considering the experience of many of the actors - but again it felt like there was significant lack of direction or exploration in the scene.
Then there is attention to detail at the location. It was plainly obvious that this is not someone's house (let alone home), with fire points and commercial hotel like equipment in just about every shot. These could have been easily moved or disguised. Again, attention to detail was lacking.
It is not a bad movie by any means, but don't expect much from it.