
63 Reviews
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Highway to Heaven:The Right Thing (1985)
Season 1, Episode 23
Selfish and Hateful
24 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I detest that the evil, selfish wife got off the hook,even if I love why.

There's a book that tells us what the right things are in enough of life's scenarios to help guide us in the ones not covered: the Bible, the Word of God.

Unless a person needs near constant medical care or is a danger to themselves or others, throwing them away, aka putting them in an institution, is wrong.

The wife in this episode was the epitome of selfishness, caring only about her wants & how she was inconvenienced, instead about being a good wife, daughter & example to her son. If this was real life, I'd hope her son would so easily throw her out as she did his grandfather when she became an inconvenience. Imagine if parents threw away their children when they realized how much work & attention children require & how much they inconvenience us from our personal desires & pursuits?

Oh, wait, parents have started doing that, not surprising after watching their parents throw away their grandparents.
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No Such Thing (2001)
Beauty & the Beast On Crack?
4 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What a worthless, pointless, senseless, self indulgent, piece of parasite waste! It isn't even particularly artsy-fartsy, it's annoying on a whole other level. I kept watching thinking surely it would get better, but it didn't, it just got more stupid & pointless. The lead actress has the personality of a wet mop, I think you're supposed to sympathize with the Monster (no one asks his name, no gives him one) but he's a foul mouthed jerk on his pitty potty. Also, why was he in Iceland & why did he speak English with an American accent?

Much of this movie was filler that seems to have nothing to do with the plot and not even interesting filler, just a waste of time. The ending, which is flashing & bad sound fx, is left open, not telling you if they succeeded in killing the monster (his fondest desire) or not.

I despise this in ways that I don't fully comprehend. Watch if you want to be bored for almost 2 hrs, wondering why you can't seem to just turn it off.
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The Stark Raving Mad Queen
19 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
One of the things I love about this version of Snow White is that the step-mother isn't evil for the sake of being evil, she starts out pretty good. She may be misguided in trusting the mirror, and using witchcraft, but she legitimately loves Snow White's father & she tries with Snow White. None of this excuses or justifies her actions later on, but it does offer an explanation besides, "she's an evil witch." You can sympathize with her for constantly feeling like she was having to compete for her husband's affections, pity her her descent into madness after losing her child, though blaming Snow does send her over the edge.

Snow White starts as a spoiled brat who needs her butt busted for her behavior in the beginning & while what happens to her is overkill, she was definitely due some comeuppance. Ultimately she probably grew to be a better person because of her suffering, but while she may be fair & pure, she's certainly not innocent.
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Masters of Horror:Dance of the Dead (2005)
Season 1, Episode 3
Imagine if...
18 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine if the entertainment industry treated mens bodies the way they do womens?

A sick debauched metal club owner makes zombie women dance naked, while topless live women poke them with cattle prods. If modern day feminists really cared about women, they wouldn't brainwash women, and worst, girls, into believing this kind of exploitation is empowering.

This wasn't scary, it went for cheap shock value with borderline soft core porn, violence & drug use. The ending had the opportunity to be somewhat happy, but instead of the girl convincing the boy to walk away from the drugs, violence & death, as much as their world will allow, she joins the mayhem: disgusting, exploitative trash.
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Disappointing, Might Be Better as a Mini Series
3 October 2022
I was very intrigued by this, never read the book, but if the book was as weak as the movie, not sure why anyone decided, "Hey let's make a movie sure to flop!" It makes you wonder why it took so long to be released & why Paramount canceled original release in 2014/2015?

The costuming for the women was awful, considering the beautiful styles of the time period this is supposed to be (the clothes themself were okay, nothing to write home about, but they could've been spectacular). It might have been better with a fictional kingdom and king, but King Louis XIV & France, really? Maybe with a background explaining an alternate history, like in author Kim Harrison's "The Hollows" book series, but this wasn't well done, the historical mixed with fantasy. It's been done & done well, but this was meh at best.

I think as a series, or even as a one season mini series, there could've been more character & world building, so one didn't constantly feel like they were missing something. I'd look away at something for a few seconds, return my attention to the movie & feel like I missed minutes, rewind, only to discover it really was only seconds, and we'd changed scenes at least once.
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Role Models (2008)
14 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was enjoying this, despite the foul language & sexual references, but movie went from a funny 7 to a 4 with one line.

As Sean William Scott's character is about to have sex with a woman he just met (😔), he advises he doesn't have a condom & the sl#+ he's with replies she's "very pro-choice". Condoms aren't just for birth control, they're to prevent STDs from sex with randos & abortion should never be a form of birth control. I know these role models are supposed to be bad at being role models, but abandoning a kid to have rando, unprotected sex is a crappy message that isn't funny, especially after the adulterous relations on the camping trip.

And actresses, if you don't want to be valued less than men, or abused and harrassed, stop showing your breasts to the world. Modesty, it's a thing, look it up.
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Emma. (2020)
Would Have Been Enjoyable, but for Emma
19 August 2022
The actress who played Emma was awful, a toddlers crocodile tears more convincing than her pitiful sobs. The rest of the cast was quite well done, but she came across as b i t c h y rather than naturally, and almost innocently, snobbish. If you want to see a well acted version by all characters, the 90's version with Gwyneth Paltrow (who I'm not a big fan of) is the one to watch.
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Beat Them Like a Piñata
18 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Kinda stupid, but overall not a bad way to kill a couple of hours.

That being said, all characters like Camilan & (from Guardians of the Galaxy) Starlord (Chris Pratt) should be strung up by their ankles & hit with a stick until their goodies fall out!!! They ruin everything & have no redeeming qualities & nearly spoil an entire movie!
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Chaos Walking (2021)
Would Be an 8,but Manchee...
8 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie, didn't know it was based on a book trilogy, look forward to reading it. I'd have enjoyed it more if there'd been more back story/world building, but even so I would have rated it an 8 if not for the vicious murder of Manchee. The death of the devil preacher was too swift.

Interesting premise, the chaos that people would descend into if they're innermost thoughts were on display for everyone, the hatred & resentment that would grow if it was one sided (men vs. Women in this case).
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Community:Regional Holiday Music (2011)
Season 3, Episode 10
The Constitution Does Not Prevent Religion
30 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Secularists, like the ones in hollyweird, are the ones who prevent Jesus, who have removed God from our schools & public square, not the Constitution. No where in the Constitution, Bill of Rights or Declaration of Independence is the phrase "separation of church & state". The USA was founded as a Christian nation upon Judeo Christian values & will not stand, is falling, because of the rejection of those values.

Cringe worthy episode, musical episodes usually are, a few minor laughs, but all overshadowed by lies & wishful thinking of the disconnected from reality & facts leftists.
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Kid Needs His Behind Whooped
24 July 2022
Enjoyable enough movie, not as amusing as when I was a kid, because now I see that kind of disrespect & think, "My parents would have at least grounded me if I were that disrespectful, if not flat out whipped my butt!" It's sad to me that there are actually parents who not only tolerate, but encourage their children to be brats & then wonder why we have an entire generation that think it's okay to throw temper tantrums, rioting & looting every time they don't get their way or something happens they don't like.
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The Glades:Second Skin (2011)
Season 2, Episode 8
Thou Shall Not Murder
6 July 2022
It's murder, not kill. You can argue whether an execution is murder or not, but if you're going to quote scripture, make it the focus of an episode, get it right. Big difference between killing & murdering.
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New Tricks:Old Dogs (2006)
Season 3, Episode 3
No Such Thing as Vicious Breeds
12 June 2022
Good episode, but I cringe when they talk about "vicious" or "mean" breeds. There's no such thing, it's as ridiculous as racism and how do we expect to overcome prejudices against other humans when we can't even manage it with animals.

There are dogs who haven't been trained properly (or have been intentionally trained badly), dogs who haven't been properly socialized, dogs who are frightened or hurt or feel threatened or cornered, but there are no bad dogs.

The dog nipping & growling at me doesn't scare me nearly as much as the idiot it belongs to, but it'll be the dog who gets put down when it bites someone, not it's owner or series of people in it's life who mistreated it and or were cruel to it. The dog ends up being as much a victim as the person(s) it hurts.

I speak from experience, having been bitten by a couple of dogs with idiots for owners, and having been blessed with many different breeds of dog in my life, all good dogs, none who ever bit me except a 5 lb toy poodle who thought she was a timberwolf: I laughed at her, but she was the closest I ever came to knowing a "vicious" dog & her previous owner spoiled her & didn't socialize her.
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Woke Nonsense
18 May 2022
I couldn't get through the first episode. I had issues with Julie & more with her 3 oldest children in the original series, watched it more for the other characters, but Ruby is an Australian Greta Thunberg, and I can't stand that kid, puppet though she may be.
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Melancholia (2011)
Hateful, Selfish Nonsense
19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A little past halfway through I had rated this a 4, figuring it couldn't get better, but certainly couldn't get worse, but then it got much worse.

I suffer from depression. When I'm at my worst, I lock myself away from everyone & everything as much as possible, sometimes for a few hours, sometimes a few days, then I suck it up & get on with life as best I can. I don't care how angry or sad or frustrated I am, I don't beat my animals. I may scream and yell & then cry myself to sleep over the guilt I feel just for yelling at them, but when I reach the point of wanting to commit violence, I walk away, lock myself away because I'd rather die than hurt anything or anyone I love just because I'm hurting. Doing away with basic manners & civility is not okay, no matter how depressed you are & anyone who enables you to wallow or behave like a savage because you're sick should be held responsible for any harm you cause.

The main character, Justine, beating her horse is not okay, eating out of a jar with her fingers is not okay, calling her sister stupid is not okay.

What a spoiled, over indulged brat & shame on those who indulge such hateful behavior.
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Gabby Duran & The Unsittables:The Bubble (2021)
Season 2, Episode 9
Blatant Leftist Propaganda Terrifying Children
12 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Terrifying children, really Disney?

As if children don't have enough issues, like broken homes, let's scare them half to death with bull hockey puck. Just because someone doesn't support a Marxist group like blm doesn't mean that they don't believe black lives matter: ALL LIVES MATTER. If there's so much systemic racism, then how is it we have had a black president, politicians, lawyers, doctors, college professors, CEOs, award winning actors, etc...from a wide variety of ethnicities & backgrounds?

Yes, there are issues in this world with pollution, but tanking the economy with "green new deal" measures will stifle the entrepreneurial spirit that leads to ideas that solve problems & the ability of investors to finance such ideas.

Stick to entertainment Disney, keep your woke preaching out of our televisions.
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Scorpion:Ticker (2016)
Season 2, Episode 19
One Asinine Comment
3 March 2022
It's amazing how one line can make an otherwise good episode leave a bad taste in your mouth.

Equating capitalism with terrorism and confusing greed with capitalism is asinine.

Money is not the root of all evil, love of money is and that's an important distinction. There's nothing wrong with capitalism, it's greed that corrupts any system or ideal, whether greed for money or power.
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Girl Meets World:Girl Meets Goodbye (2017)
Season 3, Episode 21
What an awful message for kids!
2 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Never leave who & what you know, pass up opportunity & adventure whenever they present themselves, because saying goodbye is hard. I see this theme all too often & it's disgusting. Our ancestors, who knew they would probably never see the family, friends & places they left again, got on crowded boats & risked everything to come to a land of opportunity, and their descendants won't move to another state, much less another country, because "wahhh", change is scary and hard.

Horrible ending to an otherwise entertaining show.
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Horrible Message
2 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What ever happened to wives supporting their husbands & not involving other people, especially children, in personal affairs & arguments?

There's nothing wrong with being content to live in the same place most or all of your life, but it is foolish to pass up opportunities for a better life, possibly even adventure, because your content to never take a risk or try anything new.

The wife in this episode is a terrible, selfish spouse and mother, setting a horrible example for her children and I pity the husband. No wonder he dies so young, his wife crushed all the life out of him every time she crushed an opportunity for him to maybe offer himself & his family a better life, emasculating him at every turn.
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Penny is Awful
29 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I dislike her more and more with each season. She's selfish and shallow & Leonard's a whiny littly beotch.

As for Raj, nothing against arranged marriage, wish they were more common, but that chick is blech.
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Picket Fences:Duty Free Rome (1993)
Season 2, Episode 2
Absolutely Hateful
13 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Saying a child should never have been born is wrong & no one but God can decide that, regardless of what may be wrong with the child. We don't go around murdering people with disabilities, it's wrong, and it's wrong to murder them in the womb for being disabled as well.

Blaming the Church for your decisions & your inability to control your sexual urges is on you, not God, not the Church. Follow the rules, or don't, free will, but you don't attack the Church or strangle a priest because you chose to follow his advisement.

This show was intent on destroying decent society 30 years ago, breaking down Judeo Christian values with nonsense about tolerance (we should never tolerate sin), guilt trips & far fetched, worst case, outlandish possibilities & dismissals of probable possibilities.
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Picket Fences (1992–1996)
Silliness Disguided as Drama
12 January 2022
I think they were going for quirky, instead, frequently, they were just ridiculous & often inaccurate. To top it off they "tackled" heavy social issues, attempting to mold future SJWs who rely on feelings instead of facts, presenting opinions as science & truth, presenting worst case & far fetched scenarios & exaggerating reactions & fears.

Lauren Holly's performance was the worse, her character nauseating & unrealistic.
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Apparitions:Episode #1.5 (2008)
Season 1, Episode 5
Politically Correct
9 December 2021
Really loved this show until this episode.

They were sticking pretty close to the truth, then decided to do a politically correct, many paths to God nonsense episode.
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The Great:A Pox on Hope (2020)
Season 1, Episode 7
Another Dead Child
3 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Really, torturing a child to death and calling it science? This isn't satire, or comedy or entertainment, it's disgusting and cruel.

The things I enjoy about this show are quickly being overshadowed by the depictions of child and animal cruelty.
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The Great:Parachute (2020)
Season 1, Episode 6
Do They Hate Animals?
3 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Throwing a dog off a balcony!!!!! WTH is wrong with the writers? Animal cruelty is not a joke & shouldn't be joked about or portrayed anywhere. Enough is enough, and cursing God? Entertainment is the openly the Devil's medium more & more, no one should really be shocked by Epstein & Max well & their guests.
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