Following an explosion at a factory that mysteriously freezes a town in time, two students encounter a mysterious feral child, spurring an impulse of love fueled by the frustration of their...Read allFollowing an explosion at a factory that mysteriously freezes a town in time, two students encounter a mysterious feral child, spurring an impulse of love fueled by the frustration of their daily lives that begins to upend their world.Following an explosion at a factory that mysteriously freezes a town in time, two students encounter a mysterious feral child, spurring an impulse of love fueled by the frustration of their daily lives that begins to upend their world.
Netflix's Anime Series and Movies, Ranked
Netflix's Anime Series and Movies, Ranked
We've rounded up every anime series and movie we could find — created or distributed by Netflix — to see which ones rank the highest, according to IMDb users.