After a mysterious global crisis, a young girl is left alone to hide from a malevolent power that stalks her home. Her parents eventually return and the struggle begins to save their daughte...Read allAfter a mysterious global crisis, a young girl is left alone to hide from a malevolent power that stalks her home. Her parents eventually return and the struggle begins to save their daughter.After a mysterious global crisis, a young girl is left alone to hide from a malevolent power that stalks her home. Her parents eventually return and the struggle begins to save their daughter.
Blumhouse Horror Films, Ranked by IMDb Rating
Blumhouse Horror Films, Ranked by IMDb Rating
Blumhouse Productions has been a major force in the horror genre since 2007'sParanormal Activitybecame a worldwide sensation. See how IMDb users rank all of Blumhouse's horror movies since 2007.