Much of the artwork featured in this film is Mortensen's own.
The title, "A Perfect Murder", is a quote from the 1954 Hitchcock version of this story, "Dial M For Murder". See Memorable Quotes from Dial M for Murder (1954).
To calm her and create a certain atmosphere of intimacy before filming the lovemaking scenes, Viggo Mortensen sang a couple of love songs to Gwyneth Paltrow that he learned in Argentina when he was young. In an interview he said, "I don't know if that ended up scaring her instead."
This was a very liberal remake of Alfred Hitchcock's thriller Dial M for Murder (1954), based on a play by Frederick Knott.
This is the first of two Alfred Hitchcock remakes that Viggo Mortensen appeared in that were released in 1998, the second being Psycho (1998).