17 of 37 found this moderate
There are some scenes with full frontal nudity, both male & female. It is censored on TV but uncensored on DVD & Blu-Ray (except Season 1 & Season 2).
In Season 7 Episode 7, there are several instances of an orgy, including full frontal nudity & sex scenes with thrusting in the background. It is somewhat graphic.
There are various bizarre strong crude sexual references throughout the course of the show. Also, there are somewhat frequent references to rape, incest, pedophilia, masturbation, homosexuality, & body image.
Bare butts, partial breasts, and implicit (sometimes explicit) sex.
16 of 29 found this moderate
Throughout the series, there is stylized cartoon violence. Including brutal fist fights, stabbings, decapitations, torture, gunfights, suicide & excessive amounts of explosions. Also, some blood & gore is present in some of the sequences. However, injury detail is not lingered upon frequently, and much of the impact is removed due to the art style & the darkly comedic tone.
17 of 27 found this moderate
The Lord's name is used in vain.
"Shit" is uncensored on TV in seasons 6 and 7.
Occasional uses of "son of a bitch".
Infrequent uses of "fuck" & "shit", coupled with some milder profanity, including "bitch", "dick", "ass", "tits", "cock", "damn", and "hell". In older episodes, terms such as "faggot" and "retard" are used in a negative light. Profanity is usually censored on TV, but it is uncensored on DVD and Blu-Ray.
17 of 24 found this moderate
There are strong, but infrequent drug and alcohol references. One of the main characters smokes very often.
13 of 24 found this mild
Despite the show's highly comedic nature, there are emotional moments throughout.