The first thing I noticed from the trailer was just how diverse the characters were, I love it! There are black girls and other black characters in anime, but there are SO little of them, not to mention most have no real depth to them, as well as many play into racial stereotypes in general. Cannon Busters is VERY independent of these tropes and even manages to have so many qualities represented like natural black hairstyles, non-stereotypical differentiating fashion styles, skin conditions, short and tall, thick and slim, etc. The first thing I noticed upon watching however, was the opening and ending which tells a story with soft vocals and good beats. The writing is also exponential, especially for a project coming from one man. This series is immersive beyond belief, it's an entire world blooming with detail. I won't get into it for spoiler reasons, but once you watch you'll understand. Overall, as a black girl, I finally get to see representation in something I love, which honestly makes me so appreciative and tearful. Even if you can't relate, giving Cannon Busters a watch should do you some good! It's got a mixture of classic anime in it, but people seem to believe it's a blatant rip off of some manga/anime that weren't even around/popular/classic enough when this series was first published in 2005. This series was among others like Trigun and Cowboy Bebop, and many others the creator watched growing up, but far from a rip off in my opinion. Obviously inspired, but what anime doesn't take inspiration from elsewhere?