7 of 14 found this mild
In the second episode of the second season, several female characters are seen in a bathtub. Nothing is shown as their bodies are covered by water or strategically with various objects or camera shots.
Chika looks up Riko's skirt to see if she has a swimsuit on, however the context is clearly shown differently.
Mari holds Dia's breasts and exclaims how they "haven't grown", and "feels secure" with Kanan's breasts/chest.
There's a beach episode with some suggestive imagery, and remarks are made about Kanan's body.
Mari gropes You's breasts and exclaims "These might give Kanan some competition" as in their size.
Mari holds kanan's breasts and says "You've gotten big."
3 of 7 found this mild
Yoshiko, one of the main characters, acts as a pain magnet, hurting herself more than usual as part of a joke. However, most of her injuries are not serious.
5 of 8 found this to have none
6 of 6 found this to have none
4 of 7 found this mild