
12 Reviews
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Not great, but harmless
4 August 2015
Ill admit right now..this is my first Palistani film. no seriously, this is the first one I ever tried out. and Ill was quite a funny movie. All throughout the movie, the characters were all packing laugh after laugh, and the entire theater was bursting out when it was presented. however, ill be frank..this is the only positive aspect of this film.

The characters are bland cardboard cutouts who we've seen hundreds of times before, like the partier who strikes out with girls,(reminding me of Phil from The Hangover) the workaholic with the terrible girlfriend (reminding me of Stu from the hangover), with the only exception being Moti, played by Yasir Hussain. The only time I've seen a stutter in film was a Kings Speech, except that wasn't used for comedic effect(for the most part).Also, whoever that kid is..someone teach him how to act. seriously, Jake Lloyd would blush, just let keanu reeves teach him, he'd be worthy of it.

the songs were pretty great, but thats all I can really say. (tutti fruity is a guilty pleasure...)however, ill admit If u just play the songs and remove the movie entirely, this would be a much better picture. in fact, I'm gonna download the soundtrack when its released. if it ever does, that is.

However, heres the aspect of the film that bothers me...the character of the girlfriend(yeah, i don't remember any other characters names, sue me..). They keep building her up to be unfaithful, but the only thing she did was not tell him her password. so what if she appreciates a little privacy? they didn't even foreshadow anything. at least show her as somewhat unfaithful ad manipulative so we could actually hate her.
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Excellent, yet not perfect.
4 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This review will have two parts. one will have me speaking as a biased Terminator fan, and the other will give my honest overall opinion.



AHEM!...uh, yeah, heres my unbiased review. while i loved the movie and it was a load of fun, if it came out before terminator 3, i would've been happier. it isn't perfect to most people, but like I said...I'm a Doctor who fan. Time travel is confusing, and that should be understood. after all., this movie reminded me a lot of Back to the future part 2, with the altered time-line with an altered future. i felt it made sense to me, but i will admit that some scenes could have been written better, because even the scenes that I understood took me awhile to get, like in Inception (which, FYI i also loved). all the visual effects are good, but ill admit they aren't perfect. i would've liked it better if they used the same style as terminator 2, but that may be asking for too much. This is by no means a masterpiece, and it is leagues behind the first 2, it succeeds in being what it is...a terminator sequel. it doesn't insult the audience the way 3 and 4 did, and I personally feel it can make my top 20. i could definitely see myself re-watching this, even if the twist is known.

Yeah, about that twist..i have to say, I'm glad i avoided spoilers...that caught me off guard. its such genius...the machines found a way to turn they're biggest enemy to their side, and he actually is a terrifying villain. the design, ill say, could use some work, but overall, a great new addition to the terminator mythos. and of course, the end credits scene...yes. i look forward to more sequels especially if they have Matt smith in them! if they manage to top this or even just stay at this level, I'm totally hyped for the future installments. definitely worth watching, but please, if you're a terminator fan, watch this in 3d! you wont regret it!
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Easily one of favorite films of all time
11 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Ill be honest, i didn't have much enthusiasm for this movie, not that i didn't like it, but just that i hadn't seen it, and the premise didn't really interest me. of course, that was 5 years ago, and ever since then, i decided to watch it. i acquired it, but kept putting it off for time. then my best friend strongly recommended it to me and i decided to give It a go. i had the exact same reaction as when i watched Frozen. i didn't mind it very much the first time. i fell i missed something so i watch it a 2nd time. i watch it about 4 more times and i adore it almost as much as Frozen. The characters are all memorable and lovable, there are some kickass musical numbers and there are too many great visuals in this movie to simply ignore it. to think this started the Disney renaissance is not a surprise, although it is a surprise that like frozen, Disney was reinvigorated by Hans Christian Anderson. The story is that Ariel, the titular Little mermaid, is aching to go the the surface against the desires of her father, king Triton. she has a collection of human memorabilia and even is in love with a human, prince Eric. the evil sea witch Ursula finds out, and after a truly awful scene where Kig triton destroys everything she owns, she manipulates Ariel by asking for her voice in exchange for legs, as well as a contract that she must kiss Eric in three days, or be her property forever. simple story, but its the execution that truly sells it for me.

why did i love it? well, unlike most movies i love, there is very little actually wrong with this movie. this is a kind of movie that can only be appreciated once you see it several times, so u can understand all the hidden underlying messages that get covered by unfair assumptions. most people hate this film for being a bad example on little girls. on one hand , i could understand that, seeing as Ariel wants to leave her family for a man. however, Ariel actually does NOT do this...yes, she does love him, but her primary interest is getting to the surface. she wants to explore and see the sights, find a way to her happiness. other people criticize the prince. he simply falls in love with a mute girl on the beach. i disagree. he subconsciously knows that this is the girl that saved her life, and even from her looks, she is quite expressive and plenty can be taken about her character from her mute scenes alone. also, he actually helps Ariel defeat Ursula at the end. he doesn't just do it himself like prince Phillip, or just sit down and do nothing like prince..uhh...whatever the princes name in Cinderella was. every detail of this movie is something that i can tell was chosen carefully and lovingly, to create this magnificent product. i think its blatantly obvious, but this is why i give a perfect ten to this perfect film.
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perfect in every way
11 July 2015
This show is one of the best that I've ever come across. its slow, its well paced, it has lovable characters and it doesn't take too long with its conflicts, and resolves them in realistic ways. relationships are portrayed accurately, which is very difficult to find in modern media.

every character is very likable and does everything to add to the story and make it interesting. the conflicts themselves are also surprisingly realistic as well. Two things that were especially huge surprises to me. one, the fact that this was an anime that felt like a genuine love story, and is grounded in reality. i haven't seen too much anime ill admit, but this is the first time I'm seeing one this grounded. second, i don't hate a single character. yeah, this is a personal quip, but every show i love, i hate or at least dislike at least one character. thats not the case here. every character is wonderful and memorable, and I'm glad I'm happy it broke my record. all in all, highly recommend, especially if u like romance or slow natural stories.
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Decent movie, Worthy sequel
13 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Im one of those guys who was looking forward to this movie for a very long time. I watched the first avengers movie on the insistence of a friend, and ever since, I've watched every MCU movie that has been made, except for Iron man 2 and 3, I cant seem to find time to watch those..ANYWAY...

This was a good movie, with a legitimately terrifying villain and very likable characters. but if you want to know what my personal gripe with the film is, it would have to Be pacing. every scene feels very rushed and hastily put together, and whats weird is that what this movie lacked in pacing it made up for in comedy and character. We get to learn several backstories to the avengers, we get to meet Scarlet witch and her brother Quiksilver, and we even meet Vision, who is by far my favorite part of the whole movie. he is both interesting and funny, and he supplies some of the best quiet moments in the film.

The only other great part of this story is easily Hawkeye, who practically steals the show after being sidelined in the original movie. I always felt he was underused, and now hes so much more interesting, and i do hope the fans appreciate this fact.

Overall, a nice film with some minor flaws that can be overlooked to truly enjoy it.
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basically..a bollywood action movie done correctly.
13 June 2015
I actually watched this with my class, as a farewell for the end of the year. Honestly, i never really cared enough about the rest of the franchise, they were fun to watch, but I did remember enjoying most of them. but what about this one? how does this hold up?

I thoroughly enjoyed it. no really, I found this movie to be rather enjoyable and fun. of course, you have your obligatory scantily clad women, your car porn, and of course the ridiculously over the op physics defying car chase scenes. hell, there are even some that don't involve cars at all. any person who doesn't enjoy over the top action or partial nudity will probably not enjoy this movie, although the former isn't very prevalent. The acting is okay, for the most part, and the special effects are spot on. also, i have to say my favorite part happens near the end of the dubai party..its not a spoiler, trust me!

Yes, yes, I know..This is Paul walkers last movie. I really respected his acting ability long before his death, I thought he had a decent amount of charisma, and the send-off they did for his character was a real tearjerker. Honestly, I couldn't ask for a better send-off than this.
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why doesn't DC just stick to animation?
2 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie because Batman is the only DC character who I actually like, and because this was considered the best animated movie in years. I checked it out, and got exactly what I expected. Batman is much more interesting in this movie, as we see his mistakes, and also that he is just as fallible as any other hero he isn't invincible. He loses the current Robin, Jason Todd, to the hands of the Joker, and the scene is shown completely seriously, and the music really helped with the scene as well. Skip to 5 years later, and a vigilante going by the name of Red hood, takes over All crime in the city and constrains it to prevent the death of civilians and children. He basically decides that crime cant be stopped, only controlled, and unlike Batman, he is perfectly willing to kill anyone who poses too much of a threat. This movie answers my biggest complaint with the character of Batman: why doesn't he kill the Joker? Even Bane is fine , why not Joker, who kills hundreds, and has no motive of doing so? Of course, I know exactly why, and have come to respect the character even more than I initially did. This was an awesome movie with great voice acting and very good animation and writing. Definitely one of DCs best products, but I think they are much more efficient at animation than anything.
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Cast Away (2000)
as close to perfection as a movie can get.
2 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I initially didn't intend to see this film, but did so when a good friend suggested that I watch it And that it was one of his favorites, I decided it was worth checking out. I wasn't expecting any major emotions for a setup like this(a guy is stranded and has to get back home) And didn't have very high expectations, but this movie just blew my mind with how down to earth and simple it was, yet how much heart and dedication was put into each and every frame. First, the positives that I praise are (obviously)Tom hanks performance as chuck Noland, a caring yet very serious and dedicated boss, and its very hard not to like him. He isn't a jerk, and doesn't boss anyone around, hes just a guy that wants work to get done. He travels on a FedEx cargo plane right after he proposes to his girlfriend, but the plane crashes, leaving him stranded on an island with no means of communication. His character is very believable and realistic, and is pretty hard not to root for. Aside from that, i have to praise how the movie was so natural and realistic, it had no music for the entirety of chucks stay on the island. I didn't even notice it, and it was amazing how well it was done. The special effects are quite good, but do falter occasionally, like when chuck sees a whale while hes on his raft, it doesn't really look too real. One of my favorite points has to be Wilson, his volleyball companion. At first, i figured there was nothing to him, but i found myself actually saddened when he drifted away from chuck during the trip off the island. There are very few things I have problems with, namely the time span of the movie. How on earth did no one find him in four years? He clearly saw a ship once before, wouldn't one have come there? It just bothered me the whole time. All in all, this is an amazing movie, and another masterpiece by Robert Zemeckis, who had the balls to actually consider this idea, let alone make it.
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Mary Poppins (1964)
a Disney masterpiece.
4 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I never saw this movie when I was a child, but had always heard good things about it form close friends. I watched it out of curiosity, and was quite pleased by what I had seen. This movie is a marvel, especially for its time, with outstanding performances from Julie Andrews as the lead, and Dick van Dyke as Bert. The music is all very well written and composed, as well as quite catchy. The choreography in the movie must be my favorite technical aspect, as I was blown away by the size and scale of the film.

However, I did have some issues with the film. First of all, the two children, Jane and Micheal, aren't very convincing children, but I ignore that because they're child actors. Several of the songs are overly long, and do interfere with the story, and I just keep wondering,"what does this add to the overall narrative?".about Mary's character, While I feel Mary herself isn't very developed, the hidden aspect of her personality is quite justified by the resolution of the movie. Dick van Dyke is also occasionally grating with his thick cockney accent, but was never too annoying.The rooftop scene was both amazing in the sense of choreography, and slightly grating as the song went on. The film thankfully never fully annoyed me, but I was bothered by these aspects.

This is one of the greatest and most magical of all the movies I've seen by Disney, and I am very glad to have had the opportunity to see it myself.
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the least bad of the series.
26 October 2014
Honestly, I went in looking forward to a horrible movie with good effects. what I got was a somewhat decent movie with good effects.

The only good thing I can name is how it has improved over the first three. There is no more shia lebeouf, which is already promising. the action scenes are much better, with the ability to actually tell an autobot from a decepticon, and doesn't feel like two junkyards having sex. the explosions are pretty well rendered and do look good, and each one is shown clearly, unlike most bay movies. the racial and bodily humor is non existent in this movie,which was a relief, and I was actually expecting a lot of racist Chinese jokes in the third, but only got stereotypes, which weren't that bad.

What about the actors? mark wahlberg was giving pretty much nothing in this movie, as if it was a contractual agreement. I was extremely disappointed in his performance, but it at least isn't as insufferable as shia. The camera oddly doesn't fixate on girls thighs that much, so that was a shocker. stanley tucci gives a pretty good performance and is a very likable character. There were only three comic reliefs, and lucas hopefully got killed off very quickly. I remember cheering when that happened. the autobots are actually pretty good, and I genuinely laughed at bumblebees antics.

The action scenes were terrific, and I cheered when the dinobots showed up. Its giant robot dinosaurs! who cant like that?

The only other thing I hate is how ridiculously long the movie is. It could have been wrapped up in two hours, maybe less, but it took 2 hours and 45 minutes. many scenes were utterly pointless. If the movie was shorter, I might have liked it more.

all in all, its an okay movie, but I don't plan on ever watching it again.
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oddly entertaining
26 October 2014
upon the suggestion of a good friend, I decided this might be a good anime to watch, and he wasn't wrong. The immense creativity in this anime far surpasses what I usually expect from an animated product. its a story about a girl named Ryuko Matoi who is on a journey to find her fathers killer, armed with only half of his scissorblade. unfortunately, at the school she decides t loom in, the entire student body wears immensely powering clothes called goku uniforms. After being defeated easily, she stumbles upon a very reveling but empowering living unifrom named senketsu, and with its help and the support of an odd girl named mako, she must find out the truth about her fathers murder. just the synopsis is so ridiculous that only japan could try their hand on it.

this anime is so over-the-top, quickly paced, and well animated that it owns a place in my heart.
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A major improvement over the original.
22 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When I heard about this sequel being made, I was looking forward to a movie that learns from the first movie's mistakes and fixes them. And I was not disappointing.

It improves over the first in every way, and manages to be entertaining and engaging throughout the run-time. The villains are more interesting and threatening, sunset shimmer actually gets some development, the references feel less forced and very funny, and there is very little of flash sentry. I was hoping he would either get a character in this or have minimal screen-time, but I guess the latter is fine.The animation is much better, and feels like it is on par with season 4, and the artists also paid much more attention to detail in the character designs.

The story is also much better. The three sirens want to harness the magic of the entire school to take over the world, But they need to sing in order to do it, and the rainbooms (The humane 6) call on twilight from equestria to perform a counter spell to stop them.The villains, Adagio dazzle and her two cronies (aria blaze and sonata dusk, the latter of which makes me laugh every second shes on screen), are very effective villains in being able to manipulate other characters to do their dirty work, all thanks to their hypnotic music. Speaking of which, the pacing is also much better, whereas the original had a very rushed climax (IMO) and very slow first act. This movie feels very natural, and the music helps the story in better ways to move the plot along.

The music has to be the highlight of this movie. every song is absolutely amazing, and Daniel Ingram has really outdone himself here. While the first movie had two catchy songs out of I believe 6, every song here was terrific, as are the incidental tracks,And are all played with very memorable and creative visuals.

All in all, I loved this movie and am totally hyped for Equestria girls 3!
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