27 of 60 found this mild
Brief sex scene with passionate kissing and rubbing of hands on skin. The woman and man are completely nude; woman's breasts are partially visible, and her buttocks are briefly visible.
We see a woman put on a shirt in a dark room but only her silhouette can be seen.
A woman is seen taking a bath and her breasts and nipples can be seen through the water. It is not easily seen.
12 of 23 found this moderate
Kathy steps on a board with nails in it with her bare feet. The board is removed and blood can be seen on the board and dripping down her foot.
Behrani hits his wife, Nadi, on the face after a heated argument. His son, Esmail, then tackles him and they both fall on a table.
10 of 21 found this moderate
F**k, son of a b***h, damn, and a few other lighter curse words are used at times.
11 of 18 found this mild
We see Kathy smoking in several scenes and we see her and at times Lester drinking alcohol in a couple of other scenes. Nothing too graphic.
11 of 21 found this moderate
The ending is incredibly tragic.
The last twenty minutes of the film are very emotional and shocking.