7 of 11 found this to have none
There's also a scene when a girl starts telling the cops about two boys 'sucking each other off and making her to watch it ' .
There's a scene when a man and a girl start kissing each other passionately. Man is fully clothed. The girl only wears a long robe for her top;After seconds the scene fades to black.
The young girl strips her all clothes against a man(Victor). Then she pressures on him to touch her bare breasts. But he is not interested on it. Afterwards the girl takes his hand and places on her breast. She acts very seductively against him. Her bare back dorsal is shown briefly. Suddenly the man gets panicked; Afterwards the girl get dressed and both leave the room before anything happens sexual.
Some sex oriented dialogues.
In one scene, the waitress wears a low-cut top that expose some breast cleavage.
2 of 3 found this moderate
A girl is seen sniffing coke and smoking weed in the bathroom.