Review ofRedwood

The Mentalist:Redwood (2008)
Season 1, Episode 5
A plot full of twists keeps you guessing until the end...
1 February 2009
But don't ask me to explain the story. I came in on this one just shortly after it started and had a hard time following the heavy-handed plot as it unfolded. All I know is the suspense was terrific, the acting by SIMON BAKER and cast was excellent, and it had me glued to the end to see who the killer would turn out to be.

A girl's amnesia is a big part of the proceedings, but cleverly "The Mentalist" gets her to remember key points that her mind is blocking as she struggles to recover from a night of violence, forced to remember things from her hospital bed. Lots of the plotting seems a bit far fetched to be credible but, hey, this is a TV series. For instance, the girl equating the sound of rushing water with a Diesel engine.

Clever story is a bit too plot heavy for its own good, but keeps the viewer's interest due to the excellent performances and good direction.
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