Review ofOculus

Oculus (2013)
Lazy reviewers
21 March 2024
This is a great film!

Too many reviewers for this movie complain the wasn't enough backstory, the movies doesn't explain enough, the end doesn't resolve anything.

How is the history of the mirror going to make this story better? How will more exposition move the plot? Why does the ending have to resolve anything?

The movie stands well on its own without filler information that can either be derived by watching the movie and the movie should be enjoyed for what it is - it's an atmospheric and psychological film that ends exactly how it was supposed to end. Part of why it's terrifying is because it remains unresolved in order to continue perpetuating the cycle.

If you need everything explained to you with tight little ending that reveals all the mystery, I suggest you watch a lazy Disney film that will spoon feed you another formulaic plot you can figure out from the poster or within the first 10 minutes.
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