Every time someone fires a grenade launcher or rocket launcher, it fires more than once without reloading.
Early in the film, Rostov goes to a cheap hotel to seal a cocaine deal. In one closeup, a Latina is snorting two thin lines of cocaine off a table top. In the next shot, she's snorting from a large pile of coke.
Tomas and his henchman arrive at the strip club in a brown Chevy Camaro, and park beside a red Cadillac. After dispatching some thugs and a prostitute, Hunter breaks Tomas' hand and puts a live grenade in it. Everyone scampers for safety except the wounded Tomas, who throws the grenade through the window. It lands on the Cadillac, blowing it up. The Camaro has disappeared.
When Matt Hunter finish's killing the mercenaries in the Office, & he is discovering that is is out of ammo for his guns he picks up one of their M-16's. But as you see him walking in to another Office it turns in to a under barrel grenade launcher that was not there before.
When Matt Hunter is walking in to the empty office with the M-16 he just picked up from one the bad guys he just killed her clip changes from a standard 20 round clip to a 30 round bandanna clip.
The rocket fired by an M72 LAW needs a minimum of 33 feet to arm. Hunter and Rostov are standing too close to each other to have the rocket do more than penetrate Rostov.
The rocket launcher Rostov uses to destroy the subdivision holds a single round; there is quite obviously no place to store additional rounds. Rostov fires six rounds in succession without reloading.
In the initial scene, Rostov is commanding a Coast Guard patrol boat. He is wearing a Coast Guard blue uniform with USN Lt (JG) line officer shoulder boards with a star. Coast Guard shoulder boards have the Coast Guard shield in place of the star.
When Matt Hunter drives through the mall doors, one of the terrorists fires his grenade launcher at the truck 4 times without reloading. The launcher, a typical M-16 under-the-barrel launcher, only holds 1 grenade at a time. In the office building, Matt Hunter does the same thing when he shoots the two guys behind the closed door.
In the final showdown between Hunter and Rostov, Rostov walks down a hallway scanning very carefully to his left and right. When Hunter appears behind him and racks his grenade launcher, Rostov swings around to face him. He is 3 feet away from a window, at the end of a dead-end hallway.
Chuck and the reporter are in her mustang chasing the truck from the mall. First the passenger head light is missing then the next scene it is perfect. Then the next scene it is missing again.
When Hunter Put The Grenade In Thomas's Had The Spoon On The Grenade Is Blue. Blue Is A Color The Military Uses For Practice Grenades. In Film Production Blue Is Used To Show The Grenade Is A Prop And Will Not Detonate.
At one point, a terrorist sets a suitcase bomb on the front steps of a church and a minute later is surprised by Hunter who drops the bomb down from the top of a building behind the terrorist and two others and then detonates it by touching the detonation wires together. However, when the terrorist tries to detonate the bomb, the bomb is in plain view of all the terrorists present, so Hunter would have had to have grabbed the bomb without the terrorists seeing him, disconnect the wiring, climb to the top of the building and surprise the terrorists all in less than three minutes time.
Just before the landing boats arrive, Nikko shoots a couple making out on the beach. He uses a pistol with a silencer, but unsilenced shots are heard.
During final showdown, when Hunter throws Rostov over the table for the second time, Rostov remains still on the table for sometime. A protective pad is clearly visible under his jeans.
At the beginning, when the police respond to the fishing trawler, the one officer says the boat was found off the coast of Boca Raton. However, these folks have this conversation in front of a car labeled, "Miami Police". Boca Raton is almost an hour North of Miami, and it is most probable that the boat would've been towed to a dock in the Boca area; a place that a Miami Police car wouldn't be found.
When introduced to the Southeastern Command Center in Atlanta, Monica Kaufman-Pearson who was an actual reporter for WSB TV 2 in Atlanta at that time, gives a report in the movie as a WSB reporter outside the command center. Minutes later you see her on the TV as a reporter for WMFW.