Odd Job Jack is an animated comedy about one guy's misadventures in temporary employment and his quest to get a full-time life. In the year 2003, in an unnamed Canadian megacity, JACK RYDER...Read allOdd Job Jack is an animated comedy about one guy's misadventures in temporary employment and his quest to get a full-time life. In the year 2003, in an unnamed Canadian megacity, JACK RYDER (voiced by Don McKellar) searches for a way out of limbo. Twenty-five years old and fresh...Read allOdd Job Jack is an animated comedy about one guy's misadventures in temporary employment and his quest to get a full-time life. In the year 2003, in an unnamed Canadian megacity, JACK RYDER (voiced by Don McKellar) searches for a way out of limbo. Twenty-five years old and fresh out of university - sporting a degree in sociology and shouldering a hefty student debt -...Read all