22 of 40 found this mild
A girl character surprises a guy by hugging him from behind and makes him very awkward and blush as he says he can feel her chest on him it's dragged out and obviously he wishes she wasn't there.
Fanservice: Some of the female characters have big breasts and short skirts.
In the opening we see a character's breasts bounce for a couple seconds.
This show has almost the same amount of fan service as its predecessor does. Some female characters having big breasts and short skirts.
Some mild sexual innuendoes.
Situational comedy where characters misunderstand the intentions of another, but nothing is done or even stated, just subtly implied. (For example, one character tricks another into thinking his best friend is gay, though this is not explicitly stated, another character thinks a girl is actually a boy due to his comedic sexist nature, etc.).
One character is said to have dirty magazines in his room, but nothing is shown.
12 of 23 found this mild
A character is beaten up by a girl and every time this happens, they censor his face! Not graphic, played for laughs.
Two male characters get into a moderate fight while two others beg them to stop. A couple of punches and kicks at other points in the show.
15 of 23 found this mild
Subbed: If you're watching on Hulu, it's subbed. The characters rarely swear.
Dubbed: The characters swear more often. "Ass" and "shit" will be the worst ones.
Some uses of "shit", "ass" and "crap"
Bad language isn't used often, a majority of episodes have no profanity whatsoever. However, depending on the translator for the subtitles (official translators, not Fansubs), along with the English dubbed version, language typically varies from mild to moderate. In the case of the English dub, it has slightly more language than the dub of the first season of Clannad.
Dub: "Shit" is used very infrequently; "piss" and "bastard" are fairly common, as well as "ass".
Sub: In most cases it should be a bit tamer than the dub. For example the subtitles provided by Hulu rarely have any bad language at all. With uses of even "damn" and "hell" being very rare in any episodes at all. The only instances of slightly stronger words was at least 3 instances of "asshole" in the whole series.
14 of 23 found this mild
The main character's dad is an alcoholic.
A character is arrested for dealing drugs (brief).
The main character's girlfriend's dad smokes
Nagisa's father smokes, and in one episode, Nagisa tries sake (some sort of Japanese drink) and gets tipsy.
A character begins to smoke, drink, and gamble after a tragedy. It's not shown onscreen too much.
6 of 30 found this moderate
Considered one of the most depressing anime ever to air.
The emotional scenes are usually VERY heavy.
The show has plenty of comedic moments and most scenes of violence in this show are meant to be comedic. However there are a few fight scenes that could be a little intense for some. And the show can be heavy at times but not as heavy as the sequel Clannad After Story.
This show has a lot of scenes that can be hard to watch for some viewers, but there are also some moments that are meant to ease the tension.
A couple of possibly upsetting scenes.