Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury is a promising and visually striking addition to the Gundam franchise, earning an 8/10 for its engaging narrative and fresh take on the mecha genre. Set in a new universe, the series introduces viewers to Suletta Mercury, a young pilot who finds herself caught in a conflict that challenges her ideals and skills. The character development, particularly for Suletta, is well-paced, and her growth throughout the series keeps you invested in her journey. The supporting cast also adds depth to the story, though some characters feel underdeveloped at times.
The mecha designs are sleek and modern, with the mobile suits having a distinct and appealing aesthetic that stands out among the many Gundam series. The action sequences are thrilling and well-animated, with a good mix of strategic combat and emotional stakes that elevate the battles beyond just spectacle.
One of the standout elements is the series' exploration of themes like power dynamics, corporate influence, and personal agency, offering a fresh perspective on the typical Gundam narrative. However, the plot does feel a bit slow at times, especially in the first half, as it takes its time to build the world and relationships between characters.
Overall, The Witch from Mercury is an exciting and visually stunning series that brings new energy to the Gundam universe. While it has some pacing issues and could further develop its supporting characters, it remains an enjoyable and thought-provoking watch, setting the stage for what could be a great continuation.