26 of 37 found this moderate
In the beginning you follow Ishmael, who is wearing a hospital gown. Glimpses of his butt are seen through the back of the gown.
Quiet and the female skulls have overexaggerated jiggle physics applied to their breasts. While there is no nudity, the camera sometimes lingers on female characters' breasts and buttocks during a few cutscenes. These are all skippable however.
There are a few ways to trigger a cutscene where Quiet and Snake take a shower together. The camera is in first person and Quiet is still in her bikini, however Quiet is in focus during this cutscene. And the male characters around her cell watch her as she showers.
The character Quiet wears nothing but a bikini top, bikini bottom and pantyhose that reveal and accentuate her breasts and buttocks. In one scene, she strips out of her pantyhose and rolls around in the rain - becoming slick and wet. In another scene, if Venom Snake doesn't shower for a long time, Quiet will take a shower with him (albeit clothed in her bikini).
Some female characters show cleavage.
25 of 30 found this severe
A woman violently stomps on a man's testicles, squirting blood everywhere.
Definitely one of the most violent games in the series.
How violent the combat is in this game depends on how far you are from the enemy. In close quarters combat, there is a big splash of blood (slightly more violent than Tomb Raider (2013).). But when sniping or from a distance, there is no blood (or the spray is so small or far away that you can't see it).
There is not much over-the-top violence during actual gameplay; there is a small blood splash when Snake shoots an enemy, and that's pretty much it. Violent cutscenes are few and far between, but they are very gory. However, all cutscenes are skippable.
The game rewards you if you choose to go about a mission with nonviolent methods. However it's important to note that killing enemies often makes missions far easier to complete.
In the course of the game, if the player kills very many enemies and/or does enough other villainous actions (such as killing animals in the warzone, shooting down friendly helicopters, ordering the development of nuclear weapons in Mother Base), Snake's shrapnel horn grows longer and his body becomes covered in dark red blood that can only be removed by doing things that raise his heroism point system.
M violence type: blood, gore, brutal and graphic.
Level of violence: 9/10. Very violent and gory.
The Metal Gear games have not been known to be containing excessive amounts of violence.
While there's only blood spatter in the actual combat portion of the game, a few cutscenes are extremely gory and violent.
19 of 26 found this moderate
"F*ck" is said twice. One is quite hard to hear.
Some minor swear words such as "hell", "ass", "damn", "b*tch".
Some uses of "sh**", but this is rather infrequent.
14 of 20 found this mild
Venom Snake routinely smokes cigars made from a "medicinal substance", wormwood (a real life medicinal plant). The player may use these cigars whenever they please to speed up the course of time during the day or night.
On the player's birthday, a humorous scene plays where Snake is given a cigar for his surprise birthday party. But he is never allowed to smoke it. If players have Quiet at this point, she will light a cigar for Snake by shooting it.
17 of 30 found this severe
Metal Gear has always been philosophical and does not shy away from dark deep themes. The themes in this game is child soldier, war, lack of "real" choices in life, America's influence on everything, rape, sex, identity, regret, and leadership.
If Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain was a movie it would probably be classified as Rated R for bloody violence, some grisly images, language, some sexual references, and drug content.
There is only a blood splash when Snake shoots an enemy. However, if you wound the enemy soldider enough, he will scream and then writhe on the ground in pain. The soldiers' realistic reactions to being shot can be disturbing.
The game is played in a way that where a lot of pressure is put on the player to not be caught by enemies. After some missions, players may need to take a break from the game to cool down.
The game starts with Snake waking up from a nine year coma, as he discovers the loss of his left arm and several other injuries. His reaction to these revelations are disturbing and realistic.
Innocent patients are shot down by soldiers in a hospital, which some people may find distressing.
There are very suspenseful and sometimes disturbing moments.
The game features child soldiers, and even sees the player fight them at certain points (with the objective being to avoid killing them). The realistic depiction of child soldiers is very disturbing.