The protagonist of Atelier Sophie: ~The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book~ is the alchemist novice Sophie Neuenmuller who lives in a small town. One day she finds a speaking book which bears...Read allThe protagonist of Atelier Sophie: ~The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book~ is the alchemist novice Sophie Neuenmuller who lives in a small town. One day she finds a speaking book which bears not only the soul of the alchemist Platcha, but also promises of a powerful alchemy item....Read allThe protagonist of Atelier Sophie: ~The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book~ is the alchemist novice Sophie Neuenmuller who lives in a small town. One day she finds a speaking book which bears not only the soul of the alchemist Platcha, but also promises of a powerful alchemy item. Unfortunately the book suffers from amnesia which has to be countered by adding new alchem...Read all