An anime based on a novel based on a Vocaloid-based song. Catch all that? Mikagura High School is a boarding school where each student must join an activity club upon enrollment, and then ba...Read allAn anime based on a novel based on a Vocaloid-based song. Catch all that? Mikagura High School is a boarding school where each student must join an activity club upon enrollment, and then battle it out with other club reps using their own unique abilities. Naive freshman Eruna Ic...Read allAn anime based on a novel based on a Vocaloid-based song. Catch all that? Mikagura High School is a boarding school where each student must join an activity club upon enrollment, and then battle it out with other club reps using their own unique abilities. Naive freshman Eruna Ichinomiya enters Mikagura High School with dreams of beauty and fun, but soon becomes the r...Read all