A "shooter" collects nine strangers that share a common life story thread. He locks those nine strangers in a room, handcuffed to a pole. The "shooter" advises the nine that their job, and thus their survival, is dependent upon their ability to discover the common thread that links all of them.
The nine strangers run the gamut of society: thugs, a priest, a cop, a dork, a lawyer and older lady.
My big issue with this movies is: none of these characters are interesting. As a viewer I cared less why they were in the room. The characters are card-board, cut-outs of people living with a deep secret. Wow! Refreshing. A revenge movie that holds people accountable for an indiscretion or two.
As the shooter follows through on his promise to kill one of the nine every ten minutes the strangers and then as the bodies drop they get serious and the film turns into a SA (Sinner's Anonymous) meeting. There is too much pressure on the script to make the nine intriguing and build let alone maintain any suspense. The back stories are lame and faulty- motivational experiences that push the nine to their indiscretions for which they are now being held accountable.
The only reason to keep watching at this point is to actually find out why, as the shooter asks, these nine people are in the room.
I asked my self at the final credits: "Why Did I Watch?"
The nine strangers run the gamut of society: thugs, a priest, a cop, a dork, a lawyer and older lady.
My big issue with this movies is: none of these characters are interesting. As a viewer I cared less why they were in the room. The characters are card-board, cut-outs of people living with a deep secret. Wow! Refreshing. A revenge movie that holds people accountable for an indiscretion or two.
As the shooter follows through on his promise to kill one of the nine every ten minutes the strangers and then as the bodies drop they get serious and the film turns into a SA (Sinner's Anonymous) meeting. There is too much pressure on the script to make the nine intriguing and build let alone maintain any suspense. The back stories are lame and faulty- motivational experiences that push the nine to their indiscretions for which they are now being held accountable.
The only reason to keep watching at this point is to actually find out why, as the shooter asks, these nine people are in the room.
I asked my self at the final credits: "Why Did I Watch?"
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