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Cobra Kai:Ex-Degenerate (2025)
Season 6, Episode 15
Worthy ending
14 February 2025
Twists and turns, friends becoming enemies, enemies becoming friends, great humor, lots of awesome one-liners, emotions and intense action scenes.. This is what I've come to expect from Cobra Kai and the final seasons nailed all of these elements. If I were to be nitpicky tho.. Some of the characters seemed to be a little out of shape during this season and I'm not really buying the Under 18 concept.. These actors are not teenagers anymore, most of them are well into their 20s. Cobra Kai was never a masterpiece, it was not groundbreaking or Shakespearean storytelling or anything of the sorts.. It was a guilty pleasure and that's all it ever aimed to be.

I was entertained pretty much throughout this entire series and I will most certainly never forget it. Cobra Kai never dies!!!

This show as a whole gets a solid 9/10 from me!
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Notting Hill (1999)
Well...At least Ronan Keating knows how to sing
12 February 2025
My girlfriend forced me into watching it with her and I was just waiting for it to be over.. Julia Roberts can't act and she's not pretty.. Frankly she looks like something pulled right out of a Stephen King novel. I don't know what Hollywood ever saw in her. Some of Hugh Grants one liners are actually pretty good but still no. This is a stereotypical romantic drama made for a specific audience, not heterosexual guys in their 30s. I grew up with Ronan Keating's music and it was the only tolerable part of this movie for me.

Those of you with poor subjective taste might enjoy this and all power to you I suppose.. Personally I couldn't stand it.

Giving it 3/10 and that's more generous than it deserves.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
How can anyone not appreciate this...
4 February 2025
I've known of this movie's existence for as long as I can remember but it took me until today to see it. I was prepared for yet another overrated Tom Hanks movie but I was wrong.. This is not overrated at all, it's rated exactly where it's supposed to be. Top 10 material without question. The acting is practically flawless, every scene brings something to the table and the dialogue was brilliant. And the score is absolutely beautiful. Most feelgood movies are overly cheesy but not this one, it's incredibly complex and the production team certainly knew what they were doing. And apparently the accent Tom Hanks puts on was an attempt to copy the kid who portrayed the younger version of him. Fun fact for you!

Anyways.. Forrest Gump is an absolute classic and I understand why it's regarded as one of the best movies ever made.

If you can't appreciate this I feel sorry for you, I truly do.

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Game of Thrones:The Lion and the Rose (2014)
Season 4, Episode 2
Rest in peace my one true king!
31 January 2025
Warning: Spoilers
Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round, as I weep into my golden goblet and mourn the devastating loss of the greatest, most benevolent, most misunderstood character in television history-King Joffrey Baratheon. Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 2, The Lion and the Rose, ripped my heart out, set it on fire, and fed the ashes to the hounds. Never before have I experienced such profound sorrow, such existential despair, as I did watching our sweet, innocent king take his final breath.

What a paragon of virtue he was! Joffrey, with his angelic smirk and unwavering dedication to the noble art of tyranny, graced Westeros with his leadership skills, inspiring fear, loathing, and an undeniable urge to throw objects at the TV. He was the shining light of King's Landing, a beacon of hope for all those who truly enjoy watching power-hungry sociopaths commit casual war crimes before breakfast.

The episode builds up beautifully to the most lavish, heartwarming, and ultimately soul-crushing event in all of Game of Thrones-the Purple Wedding. Joffrey, in his infinite wisdom and overflowing generosity, treats his wedding guests to a delightful theatrical performance mocking his enemies, proving yet again that he is both a man of culture and an absolute joy to be around. Who wouldn't want to spend an afternoon with him, sipping wine while he humiliates your family and threatens your life with a crossbow?

But alas, the forces of evil conspired against him. As he took a sip of poisoned wine (a tragic accident, surely!), his flawless complexion twisted into agony. The horror! The injustice! Here was a young man in his prime, full of dreams-dreams of torturing innocent people for fun, of using his fiancée as a human punching bag, of ordering executions just to spice up an otherwise dull afternoon. And now? Snatched from us, reduced to a purple-faced corpse in his mother's arms, a cruel fate for one so noble.

Tears streamed down my face as I watched him convulse, clawing at his throat, reaching out to his dear mother, Cersei-the only woman in Westeros who truly appreciated his special brand of charm. How could the gods allow this? How could they take from us the one character who made Ramsay Bolton look like a well-adjusted citizen?

I can only hope that, somewhere in the afterlife, Joffrey sits upon a golden throne, laughing maniacally as he forces innocent souls to fight to the death for his amusement. Westeros will never see another ruler as fair, as just, as incomprehensibly cruel as him. Rest in peace, sweet prince. You will be missed.

But mostly by the rats in the Red Keep, who just lost their most enthusiastic exterminator.
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Too American for my taste
30 January 2025
It's constantly trying to be deep and emotional and it fails at every turn.. The actors tried to be serious but the look in their eyes tells me differently. This is a classic example of a great idea with a horrible execution. I'm not surprised McConaughey agreed to this.. He goes wherever the money is, nevermind the script, nevermind the production team.

Not at any moment did this movie grip me.. All I did was shake my head waiting for it to be over. It was a painful watch.. I can understand why people with low IQ may appreciate this but it's hard for someone with a fully functioning brain in his head

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Let's pretend it's a trilogy
28 January 2025
Let's pretend the franchise ends and let's ignore the fact that it spawned a few more sequels that no one ever asked for. Unlike most trilogies, this one got better with each installment and it ended on a perfect note. It's categorized as Action and unlike most Action movies, this one could very well have been based on real events. It has a certain realism to it and the action scenes are not forced, they come naturally and it earned every single one of them. Matt Damon portrays Jason Bourne like a champion and he clearly did his research.

Arguably the best trilogy ever made and I don't say that lightly.
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I didn't come here for a musical
27 January 2025
I came here to see Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga wreak havoc on society.. If I wanted to see a musical I would have picked South Park The Movie, Grease or La La Land.. After watching this I realised that the real joker wasn't Arthur, but it's me who paid for the ticket to watch this movie. Bravo...

Sequels are usually disappointing but disappointment doesn't even begin to describe how I feel about this pathetic excuse for a movie. I have no idea who the target audience are and neither does the creators. I can't believe a proud and dedicated actor like Joaquin Phoenix agreed to this... Anything for a quick buick I guess.

Not impressed. Not for a second.
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Mr. Bean (1990–1995)
Pure genius!
24 January 2025
Rowan himself said on several occasions that he's not a fan of Mr Bean as a person and playing this character was not an easy task. Mr Bean is a simple man while Rowan Atkinson has got an IQ of 178 in real life. Other than looks they got nothing in common. But the fact that Mr Bean is a fictional character with some really weird habits is what make this work. This show can make anyone laugh, even those of you without a sense of humor can appreciate this. Doesn't matter if you're 5 or 95, doesn't matter your social status, doesn't matter which part of the world you live in, doesn't matter what religion you belong to. That's the genius of Mr Bean, you don't even need to speak English to appreciate this, let the physical comedy speak for itself.

You simply just cannot go wrong with Mr Bean!!.. Not counting the second movie but that's a different story

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When you put the bible into perspective..
6 January 2025
Feeding five thousand people on a fish and a bread, walking on water, curing the blind and rising from the dead.. Stuff like this does not happen in real life, that's not the world we live in.

I don't doubt Jesus existed, I don't doubt he thought he was the son of God and I don't doubt he annoyed everyone in his village and got himself crucified in the process... But it remains a mystery to me how this pathetic excuse for a human being managed to start a religion and how it's even relevant today, 2000 years later.. If Jesus existed in modern times he would be branded a narcissist because well, that's what he was. His ego was larger than Trump's and that's a triumph in itself.

As for the movie itself.. It was visually appealing but that's all I can give it. Watching someone getting tortured for two hours straight while speaking in some strange language is not something I would normally do.

As much as I respect Mel Gibson and his passion for the craft, this one did not score any points with me.

My advice to you: Don't waste your time on this.

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Some great acting but that's all I can give it
6 January 2025
There was no plot, the dialogue was boring even tho it was trying not to be and 70% of this movie took place in a small office consisting of 4 people.. The speech from Alec Baldwin was kinda cool and I thought it was gonna set the tone for the rest of the movie but it really didn't. This movie would not be relevant if not for the fact that it's got some famous names to go with it. There was nothing special about this... No entertainment value, nothing to learn, no climax and well.. Ultimately pointless.

The acting was decent for the most part but that's about it for the positives. If you find entertainment value in this I salute you. Personally I was bored out of my mind.

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Average is the only word I can think of
4 January 2025
Having seen both seasons I have to say I'm highly disappointed.. Starting to wonder where the budget went, it's supposed to be the most expensive television production of all times but it didn't feel like it.. Season finales are supposed to be interesting and exciting.. Nothing interesting or exciting about this.

And Galadriel is nothing like I remember her in the books or the movie version.. In this version she's just a whiny little gnome with a really annoying personality and the girl who plays her is a HORRIBLE actor.. And the guy who plays Elrond looks like a teenager.. Frankly I'm insulted by this show and I can't explain why I wasted my time watching both seasons... I have no good explanation...
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30 December 2024
Had to throw in the towel after two episodes.. Couldn't take it anymore. It's taking itself more seriously than it has any reason to. It's trying to be deep and philosiphical without succeeding.. It's cringe and painful to watch.. I read some of the positive reviews and I'm starting to wonder if we even live on the same planet... This is a hopeless attempt at creating drama and comedy out of absolutely nothing.. This pathetic excuse for a show is trying to be more than it has any right to be.. I don't understand how this garbage can even appeal to a living soul..

Honestly the worst Norwegian production I have ever seen and that's saying quite a lot.

This show is not worth my rating... I gave it 1 simply because it doesn't go any lower.
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I still don't get how they did it
28 December 2024
Sequels are not supposed to be this good.. The only thing missing from this movie is Marlon Brando although Robert De Niro did a fantastic job portraying the younger version of Vito.. This is absolutely on par with the first movie. I couldn't find a weak link in the acting, no wasted scenes, no wasted dialogue and not a single production error.

This was before the age of flashy visual effects, you had to rely on camera-work, acting and storytelling and this movie NAILS all of these elements.

Even tho I have a soft spot for Terminator 2 I dare go as far as to call this the greatest sequel ever made. You simply just can't top this

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Decent but not quite up there with the originals
28 December 2024
It's easy to hate on this movie for a number of reasons. Be it Al Pacino's overacting or the fact that they tried to portray a 50 year old man as a retire with heart problems.. Or the absence of Robert Duvall.. Or the fact that it's supposed to take place in the 70s while it has a early 90s vibe to it... Or the fact that Sofia Coppola can't act AT ALL!

The first two movies was practically flawless, couldn't find a single production error in them.. In this one I found countless without even looking.

It's hard to look at this 100% objectively without comparing it to it's predecessors. As a standalone title it would have been much better received and today it would be remembered as a timeless gangster flick. Sadly that's not the world we live in.

Bottom Line: Far better than your average movie but not quite up there with the originals.

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Alhtough it's cliché...
14 December 2024
I did NOT like the ending. I know I'm not the first one to point this out but you don't end a movie on a note like that, leave us hanging without a real conclusion.. I actually liked this movie in general, the actors did a fantastic job and some of the scenes got really intense and it kept me on the edge of my seat.. Although I never fully understood what Hollywood ever saw in Julia Roberts but that's a different story. I think this movie may have worked better in a TV show format, you can't squeeze a story like this into 2 hours.. I kinda wanna know what happens next but I guess I never will.. Unless there is a sequel on the horizon I don't know about.

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Cobra Kai:Eunjangdo (2024)
Season 6, Episode 10
I'm still enjoying this show, but...
14 December 2024
Kinda feels like they're running out of ideas. They no longer have the element of surprise, they didn't really add anything to this season that we haven't seen already. They're pushing new characters on us all the time and they feel stereotypical and one dimensional. This show was always cheesy but it's part of it's charm and I wouldn't want it any other way, but 6 seasons may have been a little too much. Repetitive and predictable are the keywords here. Although the ending of this episode was quite interesting and it made me think there might be a connection between Kwon's incident and Mr. Miyagi.

Cobra Kai is a great show but I think we have seen all we need to see. Time to wrap it up.
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The Godfather (1972)
You say Shawshank, I say The Godfather.
14 December 2024
I grew up in the 90s, this is not me being biased. This is me telling the truth. The Godfather is and will always be the best movie ever made, objectively speaking. Some of you might think it's a little slow and I guess it is but it kind of has to be. You can't rush a movie like this, it needs to be slow to get it's message across. When looking at it from the right angle it's actually perfectly paced. Every scene is done to absolute perfection and I couldn't find a single weak link in the acting.. Or a single production error. People have been trying to debunk this movie for 50 years but no suceeded. It's as close to flawless as the movie industry will ever get.

Shawshank is higher rated and I understand why, it's more casual friendly and not as heavy on details as The Godfather. But in terms of objective quality it really does not get any better than this.

10/10 is an understatement. We need a new rating system.. Best movie ever made, hands down.
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Two and a Half Men (2003–2015)
Good for about 7 seasons
21 November 2024
Two and a Half Men was criticized back in it's time for it's "Simple" humor but the truth is it always had a good mixture of simple humor and intellectual humor, making it appealing to casual viewers as well as brainy viewers. It gradually got better as Jake got older and started to understand things. Personally I think Season 1-7 was absolute gold but starting in Season 8 you could tell that Charlie was not in his right element. Suddenly he looked 15 years older, drained and exhausted. He showed up at work every day with a hangover and it was hard to ignore. Season 9-12 is not really worth talking about as we all know how it ended up.. Got nothing against Ashton Kuther, he's a fine actor but Two and a Half Men was a poor match for him.. And the writers obviously didn't care anymore at that point, it got lazy and heavily dumbed down to the point where it was more stupid than funny.

This once great show sadly did not stay the course but I can still recommend Season 1-7. It's comedy gold!

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South Park:Timmy 2000 (2000)
Season 4, Episode 3
Riddle-out and Christina Aguilera Monsters
20 November 2024
Binging the older seasons of South Park now and I almost forgot how good it was. Can't imagine something like this being made in modern times, the TV station would get sued from here to a certain place... This episode introduced us to Timmy, a simple kid in a wheelchair who can only say his own name and he instantly became a fan favorite. I'm glad they used him sparingly, that way we never got tired of him. And the Phil Collins bit was brilliant. Obviously a result of Matt & Trey being robbed of their Oscar statue and a bit of childish jealousy.. Ironically they both showed up at the Oscar ceremony while tripping on LSD dressed as Jennifer Lopez and Gwyneth Paltrow and I don't think they could care less wether or not they won it.

I miss this South Park. The early 2000s was a good time to be alive indeed!
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Lykkeland (2018–2024)
The American characters are more true to themselves than the Norwegians..
18 November 2024
Ironically most of the American characters are portrayed by British and Irish people while the Norwegian characters are strictly portrayed by Norwegians yet somehow the American characters feels more genuine.. And the historical inaccuracy is hard to ignore. I will admit the story is quite gripping, it's easy to get invested into this but it's definitely flawed. It gradually gets better with each season and I'm enjoying it even tho it can get a little cringe at times. Admittedly it's one of the best Norwegian TV shows I have ever seen but the standards are not particularly high. I would say it's a tie between this and Dag, Skam still holds the throne.

A fine show but far from perfect.
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My favorite of the three
18 November 2024
It's been a while since I had this much fun in a movie theater. I enjoyed the first two Deadpool movies but for some reason I enjoyed this one even more.. Third installments usually suck but not this one. A crossover between Deadpool and Wolverine shouldn't work in theory but somehow it did. They added some new and creative ways of breaking the fourth wall and I never got tired of it, in fact it got better every time. The fighting scenes was well choreographed and the pop music playing in the background made them even better.

I didn't enter the movie theater in hopes to see a masterpiece with a deep and meaningful story, I entered with the sole purpose of being entertained and I think it's fair to say I got my money's worth.

Marvel Jesus delivered what he promised!

A solid 9/10 from me!
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Easy Rider (1969)
I liked it, but that ending...
17 November 2024
I pretty much liked every aspect of this movie. The atmosphere was beautiful and the 60s seemed like a really good time to be alive. I don't think of myself a hippie by any means but this movie almost turned me into one.. I now have a sudden urge to move to America, buy myself a motorbike, cruise the country while smoking the finest herbs they have to offer.

As for the ending.. I know this movie has a cult following and I know some of you will defend it to the bitter end, but.. Unless your goal is to annoy the audience, don't end a movie on a note like that! I get that it was the 60s and the movie industry was in a primitive state at the time but c'mon.. Don't leave us hanging like that... A fine movie.. I repat: A FINE movie but the ending left me with a bitter taste in my mouth..
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The Return of Jafar (1994 Video)
I enjoyed it as a kid
17 November 2024
As a kid I thought this one was superior to the original.. I did not take note of the lazy animation and the version I grew up with was dubbed in Norwegian and the absence of Robin Williams did not bother me at the time. I rewatched the trilogy a few days ago in English and I almost forgot how good the original actually was.. The sequels didn't hit me the same way for reasons that should be obvious. The undertone in this one was darker than I remember tho, gotta give it to Disney in the 90s.. Most of their animated classics would be rated PG-13 if made in modern times. Although the dark undertone is not enough to save it. The music was not Oscar worthy and well.. The absence of Robin Williams was very noticable. Got nothing against Homer Castellaneta, fantastic voice actor but no one, and I mean NO ONE can replace Robin Williams!

The story was not necessarily bad, this movie had a an intersting premise but it seemed painfully rushed and the low budget is hard to ignore.

The third one was slightly better than this one but the original remains the best. No contest really.
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Scum (1979)
Archer kept my sanity
28 October 2024
I was thinking it then he said it.. Probably not the wisest thing to do in his situation tho. I didn't really know of this movie's existence before I accidentally saw it on television a few days ago and I have to say I'm impressed by the realism. Youth prisons in the UK was in fact like this in the old days.. I don't think the floors was as slippery as they claimed but that's a different story. The kids getting beaten up by the guards just for breathing while getting raped by their "daddy".. It was a disturbing movie to say the least but totally worth a watch.. I liked everything about it up until the ending. It left me a little bitter taste in my mouth.. You don't finish a movie on a note like that unless your goal is to annoy the audience.. Is there a sequel I don't know about or what???
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Don't you dare call it nostalgia
14 October 2024
I bought the DVD set about 8 years ago, I had no experience with Star Wars prior to that but I knew the references and I knew there was a dude named Darh Vader and another dude named Luke Skywalker.. I made the classic mistake of starting on Episode 1 because I didn't know what order to watch it in.. I was confused at first, the colour format seemed too sophisticated and Liam Neeson looked like an old man.. This did not look like the 70s to me.. I did a little research and figured out where I went wrong but I decided to watch Episode 1-3 before the original trilogy anyway.. Needless to say, the originals are FAR superior in terms of acting, storytelling and directing. It seemed like they had a fun time making those movies and I understand why they are regarded as timeless classics. The prequels never had this effect on me, not for a second. The originals are objectively better, plain and simple.

Giving it 3 stars. One for the visual effects, another one for the music and the last one for some cool action scenes but that's all I can give it.
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