Since we got here, the ship has actually improved in condition, minus some fire damage.
This game marks the first time a company got alien right since 1986. This is the game I wanted back before colonial marines came out, something based on the first film, because it was sickening playing as a colonial marine for 6 different games in a row.
The plot/game-play: Amanda Ripley wants a flight recorder, that is it. The human characters are uninspired, they are killed off as quickly as they appear, and you couldn't care less. The homicidal working Joes are far more interesting beings. The survivors aboard the ship serve little to no purpose, and add little substance to the overall story.
The style of game-play is a breath of fresh air, stealth, survival, and tactics. While they are implemented well enough, it still suffers the genres age old flaw, questionable Ai. It really takes away from the experience when you go up against humans with a flare and win, especially once they start questioning the flare on who's there. The alien Ai also has some problems, I like how it sort of has a mind of it's own when it is tracking you, but that doesn't stop it from being predictable. When you first go up against the alien, it is heart racing and intense, that is until you figure out how to avoid it. I found myself crouch walking through levels without the alien even showing up. Even just quickly analyzing your area, you can tell where the alien can and can't go. That is unless the game decides to spawn the alien right on top of you, or have the alien jump up into the vents, then jump down again, then jump right back up the same vent. Or literally have the alien spawn behind you in a vent, physically push you out, and then kill, all while you're wondering what just happened. This game relies heavily on beginners traps, you have to pay extra attention to what's in front of you to attempt to avoid them. On the final missions they really start to throw them at you. The quest objectives them selves consist of flipping switches, pulling levers, turning stuff on and off, and powering stuff up, yeah sounds gripping.
I advise not using your firearms until near the end of the game, most of the game you can get by just using stealth, maintenance jack, Emps and stun rods. And I recommend you don't even bother using the revolver at all, it is completely worthless. Conserve your flamer fuel by using Molotov's instead. And lastly, the greatest weapon, the motion tracker, never not use it.
Graphics/sound: Surprisingly grade A sound and graphic design, this game replicates alien in tone and atmosphere. But the human characters models look like complete garbage, and really stand out compared to the rest of the beautifully rendered game.
Longevity: I completed the game in around 13 hours, but I had the gift of foresight so that trimmed the time down. The DLC so far has been nothing lasting, you play it once and you're done. The survivor challenges aren't even worth doing since it doesn't add to the experience. I'm a bit sad right now because I want to keep playing this game, but they didn't implement any content to keep you playing. I hate to be saying this but, even a player vs. player multi-player mode featuring the working Joes or alien would have been welcome. But I'm sure there will be more single player DLC, and I look forward to it.
This game marks the first time a company got alien right since 1986. This is the game I wanted back before colonial marines came out, something based on the first film, because it was sickening playing as a colonial marine for 6 different games in a row.
The plot/game-play: Amanda Ripley wants a flight recorder, that is it. The human characters are uninspired, they are killed off as quickly as they appear, and you couldn't care less. The homicidal working Joes are far more interesting beings. The survivors aboard the ship serve little to no purpose, and add little substance to the overall story.
The style of game-play is a breath of fresh air, stealth, survival, and tactics. While they are implemented well enough, it still suffers the genres age old flaw, questionable Ai. It really takes away from the experience when you go up against humans with a flare and win, especially once they start questioning the flare on who's there. The alien Ai also has some problems, I like how it sort of has a mind of it's own when it is tracking you, but that doesn't stop it from being predictable. When you first go up against the alien, it is heart racing and intense, that is until you figure out how to avoid it. I found myself crouch walking through levels without the alien even showing up. Even just quickly analyzing your area, you can tell where the alien can and can't go. That is unless the game decides to spawn the alien right on top of you, or have the alien jump up into the vents, then jump down again, then jump right back up the same vent. Or literally have the alien spawn behind you in a vent, physically push you out, and then kill, all while you're wondering what just happened. This game relies heavily on beginners traps, you have to pay extra attention to what's in front of you to attempt to avoid them. On the final missions they really start to throw them at you. The quest objectives them selves consist of flipping switches, pulling levers, turning stuff on and off, and powering stuff up, yeah sounds gripping.
I advise not using your firearms until near the end of the game, most of the game you can get by just using stealth, maintenance jack, Emps and stun rods. And I recommend you don't even bother using the revolver at all, it is completely worthless. Conserve your flamer fuel by using Molotov's instead. And lastly, the greatest weapon, the motion tracker, never not use it.
Graphics/sound: Surprisingly grade A sound and graphic design, this game replicates alien in tone and atmosphere. But the human characters models look like complete garbage, and really stand out compared to the rest of the beautifully rendered game.
Longevity: I completed the game in around 13 hours, but I had the gift of foresight so that trimmed the time down. The DLC so far has been nothing lasting, you play it once and you're done. The survivor challenges aren't even worth doing since it doesn't add to the experience. I'm a bit sad right now because I want to keep playing this game, but they didn't implement any content to keep you playing. I hate to be saying this but, even a player vs. player multi-player mode featuring the working Joes or alien would have been welcome. But I'm sure there will be more single player DLC, and I look forward to it.
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