
58 Reviews
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Bizzare and absolute cringe
1 July 2023
I've watched about half of season 1 and read some of the volumes of the manga in Japanese. So, I'm pretty aware of the City Hunter series.

Watching this movie was jarring. I was watching it in Japanese so they're calling them Ryo and Kaori when they're obviously NOT Japanese. They couldn't hire Asian actors? I feel like at first glace the French actors who play Ryo and Kaori are sufficient. But nothing about Ryo's actor really struck me as being as badass as the anime version.

I found the comedy very cringy and at times out of place with what you'd find in City Hunter. Maybe some of the gags were French specific humor? Either way I didn't care for it. For example, children getting knocked out by signs, a man finding out he was actually hitting on a little boy in the bathroom, being struck suddenly by a car or random object from out of no where. Not my kind of humor.

While being perverted is part of Ryo's character, it was played up way too much along with the adult humor. It would have been fine if they could have balanced it out a lot better but it just felt like one stupid adult joke to the next.

This felt more like a full on comedy than an action film with a mix of comedy. There hardly was any action in the film. This isn't City Hunter, and I feel like the other reviews raving about how excellent this movie is are probably paid reviews. Avoid this mess. Just watch the anime again.
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11 July 2022
The main girl (not the actress playing her) needed a good smack. I waited the entire film, but nothing. Probably because the dad wasn't there. Kit's personality was just insufferable. She didn't come off as strong or bright. Just entitled, selfish and bratty. Even when Kit's father had to leave to find work, she still kept the same sort of personality. No growth. No change. I thought having to take in boarders would have at least been a shock to her 10 year old ego? Are real 10 year old girls THIS annoying?

I know this movie is for kids, but it felt a little TOO clean and safe. I'm not so sure how accurate of the times it portrayed. I'd guess not so accurate if some children can just walk into a "hobo jungle" (which looked more like a summer camp) and be safe. Kind of makes me want to pick up a book and read about the era though.

The costumes were nice, stylish, cute. Made me wish for the times when the men dressed like men and women dressed like women. In today's age, people can't even define what those are anymore!

I feel like I lost brain cells watching this cliche ridden film. The dialogue is horrible. I couldn't help but just complain and make jokes to myself about it. I'm just going to end here because I'm making a big deal about a stupid movie for dumb kids.
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Visuals over substance
9 July 2022
I haven't read the books but I want to. But I have seen the David Lynch version and watching this update really made Lynch's version easier to understand what was going on in that movie. Anyway, I would say this movie looks and sounds great. I usually dread watching any modern movies past 2016 because of the anti-white, wokeness and diversity being shoved more and more into them. But this movie actually seemed to be trying to tell a tale. Sadly just the visuals look really good, but for a 2 and a half hour movie, nothing really seemed to happen. A lot of stuff seemed interesting that was introduced and I really wanted to know more, but it wasn't elaborated on. I guess I'll just have to read the books now!
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Men be like Harry before he met Sally
5 June 2022
I actually liked the film. The dialogue was interesting and I liked Billy Crystal's acting. The first and second half of the film tell two different stories though. I liked the first half of the film because it shows something men today have lost. They've lost their masculine side. The Harry in the first half of the movie is fun, opinionated, doesn't care what he says, and doesn't put women on a pedestal. He's very much in his masculine.

The second half of the film tells a story of what men have become today. Emotional, afraid to say anything rational/opinionated, and feminine. I don't know what happened to the Harry from the first half the film. I guess his divorce really whipped the man out of him? He is all feminine, and it was really cringe to watch and see what happened to him.

Instead of hitting the gym, finding different women to date or working on himself/finances, we see him depressed over his divorce. Then he starts simping over Sally, who wasn't interested in him to begin with. She was only using him as some emotional tampon. (Sally has a ton of red flags to begin with so I don't know why you would want to date her.) The second half was okay but cringe. I wish Harry had stayed strong. At the very least I interpreted the second half as what men should NOT be doing.

I for one would have preferred the scraped ending instead.
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A little corny but refreshing film
20 May 2022
So great to watch a movie with a predominately white cast. None of this forced diversity which is just a code word for no whites. You got a husband, wife and child. No woke nonsense shoved down my throat.
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It stinks
14 May 2022
Everything about watching this movie just feels so fake. I already lost interest with the Disney Star Wars since The Last Jedi and their other countless failures to spark interest in this franchise. Despite my hatred, the completionist in me had to watch it. I'm just going to say, I didn't like watching this movie. Others have already mentioned so much more that I agree with. So saying anything more would just beat a dead horse.
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Meandering and cringe at times
9 April 2022
The word meandering sums up this movie very well. It just takes so long for the story to get anywhere. I'd say it takes about an hour into the movie for it to start moving. I kept reaching for my phone from time to time because I just couldn't focus. The humor is very hit or miss. There are some things inserted obviously for a younger audience. While some of the jokes did make me laugh, some also made me cringe or feel awkward.

I liked the animation style but then again I'm a fan of anime. So I didn't have a problem with it.

I couldn't like Miles very much. He was at least A LITTLE more likable in the PS4 video games. I don't understand why people are saying Peter was made out to be an idiot to prop up Miles in this movie. Miles acted like a weakling and a coward for a GOOD portion of the film. Despite the other universe Peter's circumstances, he at least was fighting. Besides, I think they made him that way to act like the fallen hero/mentor cliche.

The female characters were more interesting than the male characters. Why don't they get there own movies? Gwen's story sounds a lot more interesting than Miles. And how she obviously was a ballet dancer and uses that in her fighting. It's interesting. But, I guess people of color trump a white woman?

Overall, it's okay. But I don't see what all the fuss is about. Young kids will probably love this. But if you're always watching movies like me. You're not going to be impressed and just see all the flaws as you watch.
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Ready Player One (I) (2018)
Cringe and horrifying
17 July 2021
I really thought the first hour or so was pretty awesome to watch, but as the movie went on I really started to analyze things a little more as I tend to do with every movie made these days past 2017.

The explicit escapism everyone has in this world horrified me for one thing. The fact that people cared SO much more about their Second Life simulation game than the real situation facing their own lives everyday. Maybe that is the fault of the movie for not world building enough?

This entire movie felt like watching a horror movie because this is the future we're heading for. But instead of the fighting for a better life in REALITY. It's about some battle in this game. It's a stupid GAME! Your life still sucks when you're not in it. Why aren't people focusing and working together in the real world? The movie does a horrible job explaining the situation outside this game. I really wanted to learn more about that.

Another thing that really bothered me was that it's like the year 2040 or something and everyone is obsessed about the 80s. That absolutely makes no sense to me. Do the people of the 2040s have no culture of their own to obsess over? Probably not because it's all censored or banned by woke culture. Anyway, I liked the stuff in my childhood and growing up but I don't obsess over it. Leave it in the past where it belongs. 9 times out of 10 when I revisit nostalgic things, they suck. It's just a cash grab.

Overall this movie was pretty much the same old story told time and time again. The characters have no backstory, the romance in cringe, and the villain was just some out of touch CEO. I say watch this movie if you're looking for an idea on what the elites intend for us when we'll own nothing and be happy in our little VR pods. Otherwise give it a pass.
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The Goonies (1985)
4 July 2021
I read some of the negative reviews about this movie on here, and while the shouting/acting is annoying and the plot is pretty cliche. At least it's a wholesome film with a primarily all white cast, and none of this woke BS being shoved down my throat. You got kids acting like kids. This was a breath of fresh air. I just can't stand any of the movies today. Anything after 2018 is unwatchable.
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Not all that good
17 April 2021
With a title like Sailor uniform and machine gun I thought this would be a cheesy but funny action flick from 80s Japan. Instead this movie is really boring and the pacing isn't very good. The only good thing I enjoyed was seeing the 80s Japan scenery.

I finished feeling disappointed.
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Sonic the Wokehog
13 March 2021
I just watched Detective Pikachu last month so I sort of had a feeling that this movie was going to be a turd as well. I was right. A lot of stuff happens but it's all very boring. It's just the same as every other guy and his CGI buddy movie. Did the people making this movie know anything about the games and the Sonic universe at all? I grew up playing the Genesis and Dreamcast games, and this movie has nothing to do with those games at all.

I hate what they've done to Sonic's personality. He's supposed to be cool and have an attitude. But the Sonic in this movie is just wimpy and acts like a 12 year old.

This movie didn't need human characters. Just love how they shoehorned in the typical mixed race relationship for some of those wokeness points.

Maybe small children and women might like this movie, but if you're a fan of the older games you'll be scratching your head in confusion over who this movie was actually made for.
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Transcendence (I) (2014)
2 hours gone
15 February 2021
I watched this movie, but everything about it just trotting along. Nothing really about it got me all that interested and engaged in what was going on. After an hour into the film, nothing exciting happens. The movie has an interesting scifi premise to it, but that's about it. Also that blonde haired chick wore too much black eyeliner.
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Was there even a plot?
13 February 2021
The plot seemed so paper thin and maybe just an excuse to film cats. The cats don't even appear that much in the movie. It's just a gimmick to get cat lovers to watch. This movie makes good background noise, but from what I watched it didn't really have anything of value to convey.
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Nice visuals, soulless movie
12 February 2021
Mortal Engines has some really nice visuals, and backgrounds, but that's all it has. The characters just feel like they are there because a movie needs characters to display the visuals and move things along. But the characters lack any sort of depth to them. They're wooden. So there is really no reason to care. Tired of this narrative movies are pushing. I've been noticing it more and more with movies made after 2013. White man evil, people of color are the good guys. Women are strong and independent. Men are wimpy and can't do anything. Well, less they're a man of color then they're strong. Why was this movie made? It's a waste of time to watch it. It just pushes more of the stupid leftist agenda.
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Relife (2017)
It's cute
30 January 2021
For a Japanese movie based on an anime this one isn't so bad. Very typical romance comedy and the twist is very obvious. Would have been better if it didn't end the way it did. In any case, if you're a fan of Japanese romance comedy and anime. You'd probably like it.
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Where is Danny DeVito?
17 January 2021
This movie was disappointing. I was expecting some fun filled adventure about a detective pikachu and his owner. Instead this movie was kinda cringe with a bit of nostalgia. The pokemon looked pretty cool, but the plot just didn't work well for the Pokemon universe. It was hard to follow and some points were just thrown out entirety. They had a lot they could of done from the games and anime to work with, but instead they just rip off Zootopia and a lot of other common cliches.

The movie was just so boring after 30 minutes. It felt like some kind of fan made film than this theatrical release. Also, what is with these movies now where you have a black guy and a white girl pair as the leads? I didn't even like the black kid's acting. He looked totally bored. Always frowning. It seemed like he didn't want to be there the whole time. It ruined the experience honestly. The girl was more outgoing and confident than the guy. Did we need the forced romance between them? And the only white males are the bad guys or incompetent. What's new? This is the woke and diverse Hollywood. I'm just starting to watch more movies past 2017 and it's just starting to get worse and obvious. The way they revealed the black kid's dad obviously was done in a way to shock you by his skin color. Honestly, I wasn't expecting him to be white, but I should have figured since this movie just shoves the diversity kool-aid down our throats.

I didn't have a problem with the pikachu's voice, but the stuff he said was hit or miss, and just didn't work well with the mopey black kid. Wish it was Danny DeVito doing the voice instead. Overall for a movie about Pokemon it really wasn't all that about pokemon. They used the same 10 pokemon in the movie copy pasted.
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Dumbo (2019)
16 January 2021
Boring and lacks heart. I know I'm beating a dead horse by saying this, but that is how EVERY Disney live action attempt has been. They don't need be made. If you want background noise then this is a great movie. The little girl in this is also very ugly, and she looks bored the entire move. Like how I felt watching this.
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Creed II (2018)
Bored kept playing with my phone
26 December 2020
Too many empty scenes of talking about nothing important. Felt more like watching the life of a boxer than watching a movie about bo xing. Like the first one, I didn't like the music used in the movie. Creed's son still acts like a child. Drago's story was more interesting. I only watched this because it continued the Rocky story. Rocky seemed so poorly written in this one too. Some of the stuff that came out of his mouth was cringe.
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Contact (1997)
More space propaganda
28 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie could have been a lot shorter than what we got. Just SO much talking that really doesn't go ANYWHERE. The only stuff that happens is a bombing by a terrorist and maybe the last half hour of the film. Really tired of these movies that put a woman in the lead in a movie like this. I guess this kind of crap was happening even back in the 90s.

This movie is extremely preachy for both sides religion and science. Both different sides of the same delusional coin. Even back in 1997 the masses was eating up this nonsense of going to space, being in space, and not being alone. It's ridiculous. I also found it HIGHLY unlikely Jodie Foster's character would just suddenly become some kind of believer in a higher power. I guess her beliefs were really that shallow to be quickly swayed by something that could have been a delusion or whatever.
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#Saraitda (2020)
Zombie fans give this a pass
4 October 2020
This movie must be a comedy right? I'm so tired of watching these zombie movies of late where the characters are complete idiots. That's all they seem to be now. I miss the days in Romero films where the male leads were actually men, resourceful and smart. The protagonist in this film is a complete idiot and gives into his emotions CONSTANTLY! Why would you even think of getting drunk during a zombie apocalypse? The stupid actions of the guy made this very hard to finish because I kept complaining to myself about how stupid his actions are. I don't want to watch a zombie movie to complain about the actions of the characters.

Many of these stupid actions just feel forced to make something happen or to try and give an emotion response. But it feels SO forced it didn't make me feel anything.

This is the third Korean film I've watched on Netflix. I haven't liked any of them. I'm lead to believe Korea doesn't make good films. Least that's what Netflix has shown me.
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I thought this was supposed to be funny?
19 September 2020
Lame gags and too much Jewish humor. I think I might have chuckled a total of 3 times. It was nice to see a young Dave Chappelle bring some humor to an otherwise unfunny movie.
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Searching (III) (2018)
Felt like an ad for Apple, Google, basically big tech in general
5 September 2020
Was this a made for Netflix movie? Sure felt like it. Felt like watching some kind of ad for all these computer apps and websites from 2018 too. I use a computer and gadgets already in my daily life. Why would I want to watch a movie about someone using them? That is the entire freaking movie. The guy searching, typing in words and using face time.

I've seen a lot of movies with very minimal sets and really liked them. Not so with this one though. How does this have a 7.7 rating?
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I knew it was garbage...
13 August 2020
I knew this was garbage but I watched it anyway. I was hoping for more giant robot fights, but there was hardly any of that in the film!

What is with the addition of all these (Chinese) kids? This is definitely a kids movie. Was this released in theaters? I can't believe it because it just has a TV movie vibe to it.

Why does this movie take place in China when the original was paying homage to Japanese giant monster and mecha films? So stupid.

The original was a lot of fun and exciting to watch. I gave it an 8. But, this movie is just garbage. Don't watch it. It's boring.
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It's like one of my Japanese animes!
24 July 2020
Really fun watch from beginning to end. I like movies with these kind of looping stories and the characters getting better or changing over time to make things right.
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Total Recall (I) (2012)
Not Total Recall
24 July 2020
Love the new visuals and it's a decent action flick, but this just didn't feel like the Total Recall I remember watching.

Why not make something new instead of trying to reboot or reuse the name of another movie for sales?
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