
5 Reviews
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Jessica Jones:A.K.A. Start at the Beginning (2018)
Season 2, Episode 1
A disapointment
9 March 2018
The first episode of season 2 shows bad signs for the series gong forward. It has an obvious political agenda that it is pushing over the story and characters. Some parts of this episode made me cringe.
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Great Stoytelling
20 January 2018
Don't judge the show off of the 4 prequels. It has engaging stories and characters who you can get emotionally invested in. It redeems the prequels. Any Star Wars fan would enjoy it. The show's themes and tendency to go to dark places really help it.
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Star Wars Rebels (2014–2018)
Weak Show with Very Little Tention
20 January 2018
The show is low quality. It drags a lot and has no tension. The animation is low quality. Many of the episodes are repetitive and boring. It panders to hard to younger audiences. It uses original trilogy nostalgia a lot. Its clear that no one can stop the protagonists. The storm troopers and death troopers can't hit them and other more powerful characters from the movies and books are stupid. The humor is off and childish. Most of the characters are annoying.
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013–2020)
20 January 2018
Once the show gains momentum, it is engaging and intense especially in seasons 4 and 5. The characters have great chemistry and as the show progresses, the characters get more interesting. Later seasons have stronger and quicker plots which raise questions. Although it is slow at first, Agents of SHIELD becomes the best mcu show.
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Poketto monsutâ (1997–2023)
7 January 2018
Pokémon is entertaining and fun. The XY and earlier episodes were the best. All of it is interesting and you get invested in the character although it has quite a few problems like resetting the series every few seasons and refusing to advance the plot. It does not seem to be ending anytime soon. The animation and battles are cool. It still is a good watch.
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