After defeating the threat known as the Universal Will, Sol Badguy enjoyed a brief moment of peace. Until Asuka R. Kreutz, known as "That Man" who left his mark as the worst criminal in all...Read allAfter defeating the threat known as the Universal Will, Sol Badguy enjoyed a brief moment of peace. Until Asuka R. Kreutz, known as "That Man" who left his mark as the worst criminal in all of history by creating Gears and initiating the Crusades, surrendered to the U.S. governme...Read allAfter defeating the threat known as the Universal Will, Sol Badguy enjoyed a brief moment of peace. Until Asuka R. Kreutz, known as "That Man" who left his mark as the worst criminal in all of history by creating Gears and initiating the Crusades, surrendered to the U.S. government. The man who turned him into a Gear while Sol now sought revenge on him, he was once a...Read all