Hotel Information

BEWARE of Housing Scammers! onPeak is the ONLY hotel provider endorsed by IPC APEX EXPO 2025.

Attendees and exhibitors may be subjected to inappropriate solicitation from hotels or third-party housing agencies not affiliated with IPC APEX EXPO.

Poachers may offer a lower hotel rate than the rates offered in our official block. Consequently, the reserved rooms may be of significantly lower quality, cancellation policies are often intolerant, and you do not have the support of IPC’s housing agent, onPeak should you need assistance with your reservation.

IPC goes to great lengths to ensure that every aspect of your IPC APEX EXPO experience is of the highest quality and value. Poachers do not have your best interests in mind, nor are they committed to providing a high level of customer service.

We encourage you to support IPC APEX EXPO by booking rooms within the official event hotel block through our hotel partner, onPeak. Any offers from other housing agents or agencies and/or hotels not listed in our block are not endorsed by IPC.

Please report any unauthorized solicitations toReportFraud.ftc.govThe Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has created a new process for individuals and companies to report these activities. The FTC will share these reports with their law enforcement partners to help with investigations and stop these practices.

Official Hotels

Official Hotels

In partnership with onPeak, we have secured discounted rates at a selection of Anaheim hotels. We know plans change, so to help ease your travel planning, onPeak, the only official hotel provider for IPC APEX EXPO 2025, offers convenient hotel options with flexible change and cancellation policies. We encourage you to book through them early for the best selection and price.

The IPC room block will expire on March 10th or until all rooms are booked.

Shop Available Hotels

Rates shown above are the lowest available nightly rates for the night of 03/18/2025.

Need Help with a New or Existing Reservation?

Benefits of Booking with onPeak

Pay Delay

Ease your commitment — book now, pay later.

No Fees

Escape from booking, change and cancellation fees.


We're here for you before, during, and after the event.


Plans change. onPeak lets you make adjustments without penalty.

Group Reservations

Easily manage hotel reservations with onPeak's group tools.

Hotel Rewards Points

Get credit for your hotel loyalty program.

Important Reminder

onPeak is the only hotel provider endorsed by IPC APEX EXPO 2025. If you are contacted by other third-party companies offering hotel assistance, please be aware they are not endorsed by our event. Entering into financial agreements with these companies can have costly consequences and are not protected by event management.