Please refer to the second page of the exhibit space contract for additional rules and regulations which you accepted at the time of contracting for exhibit space.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

All exhibiting companies are required to be in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and are encouraged to be sensitive and as reasonably accommodating as possible, to attendees with disabilities. Information regarding ADA compliance is available from the U.S. Department of Justice ADA Information Line 800-514-0301 and from the ADA Website athttps://

Age Requirement

Individuals under the age of 18 (including infants) will not be permitted on the exhibit floor during move-in or move-out, regardless of affiliation or circumstances.

Affi xing of Decorative Materials

Nothing may be taped, nailed, stapled, tacked or otherwise affixed to ceilings, walls, painted surfaces, fire sprinklers, columns or windows. Damages resulting from the improper use of these materials will be charged directly to the exhibitor.


The aisles are the property of IPC Show Management. Aisles shall be completely clear and unobstructed during show hours. No obstructions of any sort including tables and chairs. In addition, any portion of a booth display, product, or demonstration may not extend into any aisle at any time.

Alcoholic Beverages & Outside Food

Alcoholic beverages arenotallowed in the exhibit hall at any time, except when provided by IPC during the Show Floor Reception. Exhibitors are not permitted to serve or consume alcoholic beverages on the show floor at any time during move-in, on show days or move-out. Any alcohol found on the show floor will be removed by security.

Outside food is also not allowed in the exhibit hall at any time during move-in, show days and move-out.


Animals, other than guide, signal or service animals (as defined in State and Local law), are allowed at the Facility only for exhibits, demonstrations, and/or entertainment. Proper permits must be obtained from Orange County Animal Control and permits must be made available for inspection by the ACC. All sanitary needs for permitted animals will be the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor. Sanitary needs for guide, signal, or service animals are the responsibility of the Guest. Orange County Animal Care may be contacted at 714-935-6848.


Company representatives (models, booth personnel, etc.) must be appropriately clothed and dressed in good taste at all times. Any representative wearing costumes or banners containing company advertising must wear an outer wrap any time they leave the exhibitor's booth. The use of "human arrows" is prohibited. Distribution of giveaways, handouts, and any type of promotion must be conducted within the confines of the exhibitor's booth.

Authority of Show Management

IPC Show Management shall have the power to adopt, amend and enforce all show rules, and regulations with respect to the kind, nature and eligibility of exhibitors adopted by it or set forth herein. Show Management has the power to enforce and amend all rules and regulations. IPC Show Management’s decision on such matters shall be final.

Badges and Exhibitor Personnel

Admission will be by official event badge only. Identification badges are not transferable. Only contracted exhibitors shall receive “Exhibitor” designated badges. Exhibitors’ customers and contractor personnel may not be badged as booth personnel. The exhibitor shall have an authorized representative present at the exhibition throughout all exhibit periods and during the installation and dismantling of the exhibit. False certification of an individual as an exhibitor’s representative, misuse of an exhibitor’s badge or any other method or device used to assist unauthorized personnel to gain admittance to the exhibit floor will be just cause for expulsion from the event.

Balloons and Helium Filled Items

Helium balloons are prohibited within the ACC unless secured to a fixed object. Metallic and Mylar balloons are prohibited at all times. Client will be responsible for enforcing these provisions. Fees will be billed to the exhibitor to remove balloons released into ceiling areas. Use of pressurized tanks must comply with public safety regulations. (See also Fire Regulations - Compressed Gases).

Booth Display Regulations

Please carefully review theDisplay Regulationsbefore proceeding with the design of your exhibit. They are binding rules and regulations concerning the construction and operation of your exhibit.

Booth Displays Regulation Violations

All exhibit booths must comply with the published exhibit booth display regulations. Any booth found in violation of these regulations will be required to make the necessary modifications to achieve compliance. All expenses incurred to rectify a booth violation are the responsibility of the exhibitor. Failure to comply with these regulations will result in the exhibiting company being moved to the end of the space selection process for the following year’s exhibition, regardless of the lottery number drawn.

The above applies to exhibitors who place signage, monitors, carts, racks, display counters, or any other properties within their exhibit booth that obstruct the line of sight to neighboring exhibitors.


In order to maintain a professional show floor appearance, all booths must be carpeted or covered with an appropriate temporary floor covering.

Code of Conduct

We believe our community should be truly open for everyone. As such, we are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, or religion. And as such, all attendees, exhibitors, sponsors, speakers, instructors, attendees, volunteers, media, show contractors and staff are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner before, during and after the event when communicating with each other to ensure a positive experience for everyone.

  • Be considerate, respectful, and courteous to others.
  • Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory or harassing behavior, materials and speech.
  • Refrain from wearing clothing that is not suitable for a professional work environment, that is provocative, or otherwise potentially offensive.

Unacceptable behavior & materials include, but are not limited to:

  • Intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory, or demeaning materials or conduct by any attendees of the event and related event activities.
  • Physical, written, verbal or other abuse, intimidation, threats, annoyance, harassment, stalking, pushing, shoving or use of any physical force whatsoever against any person.
  • Any boisterous, lewd or offensive behavior or language, including but not limited to using sexually explicit or offensive language, materials or conduct, or any language, behavior or content that contains profanity, obscene gestures, or racial, religious or ethnic slurs.
  • Horseplay, Roughhousing or any other behavior deemed unsafe.
  • Failure to obey any rules or regulations of the Venue.
  • Falsely identifying yourself by wearing an event badge other than your own.
  • Suitcasing or solicitating event attendees without having a booth at the event.
  • Unethical, illegal or disruptive conduct such as tampering with another party’s exhibit or engaging in corporate espionage.
  • Taking photos of another exhibitor’s booth, products or display without permission.

Consequences of unacceptable behavior
Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately. If any event participant engages in unacceptable behavior, IPC may take any action they deem appropriate, including expulsion from the event without warning or refund.

Unacceptable behavior by exhibitors or exhibitor personnel will also be subject to the following:

  • Company will be moved to the end of the space selection process for the following year’s event (regardless of the lottery number drawn).
  • Company may be barred from exhibiting altogether for the following year’s event.

All determinations of appropriate or inappropriate behavior are in IPC’s sole discretion and the decision(s) of the IPC representatives on-site will be final.

What to do if you witness or are subjected to unacceptable behavior
All such actions should be reported to IPC Show Management immediately. All reports will remain completely confidential.

In any emergency situation please call the authorities immediately via the venue’s house phones

Copyrighted Materials

Each exhibitor is responsible for obtaining all necessary licenses and permits to use live or recorded music, photographs or other copyrighted material in the exhibitor’s booth or display.

Damage to Property

Exhibitors are liable for any damage caused to building floors, walls, or columns to standard or rented booth equipment and to other exhibitor’s property. Exhibitors may not apply paint, lacquer, adhesive or other coatings to building floors, walls or columns or standard or rented booth equipment. Holes may not be drilled, cored or punched in any part of the building.

Exhibitors are responsible for damage to uncrated or improperly packed shipments, concealed damage, loss or theft of material after delivery to the booth or before material is picked up for return shipment. Exhibitors are required to file any reports of damage with the freight foreman prior to leaving the show.


As a matter of safety and courtesy to others, exhibitors should conduct sales presentations and product demonstrations in a manner which assures all exhibitor personnel and attendees are within the contracted exhibit space and not encroaching on the aisle or neighboring exhibits. It is the responsibility of each exhibitor to arrange displays, product presentation, audio visual presentations and demonstration areas to ensure compliance.

Exhibitors should exercise special caution when demonstrating machinery or equipment that has moving parts and should establish a minimum setback of 3ft (.91m) and/or install hazard barriers as necessary to prevent accidental injury to spectators. Additionally, demonstrations should only be conducted by qualified personnel.

Exhibiting Eligibility and Show Designation

An exhibitor must be either a manufacturer or independent representative of a manufacturer that produces products related to the topics covered in the event's technical programs, or that are used in relevant ancillary work, such as trade publications, associations, etc. Companies must have products that target the respective show audience to exhibit in the respective event and designated area.

IPC APEX EXPO is a co-located event, with electronics assembly exhibitors in the IPC APEX area and suppliers to bare board manufacturing in the IPC EXPO area.

Exhibitors must select booth space within their designation during the Initial Booth Space Assignment.

The space assigned is to be used solely for the exhibitor whose name appears on the application and it is agreed that the applicant will not assign, sublet or apportion the whole or any part of the space allotted.

Exhibitor Appointed Contractors (EAC)

An Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) is any company other than one of the designated official show contractors that an exhibitor wants to employ inside the exhibit hall for move-in, during the event or for move-out.

If an exhibitor plans to utilize the services of any independent or subcontractors other than the designated official show contractors, anExhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) form,along with a certificate of insurance, must be submitted no later than February 14, 2025.

Exhibitors and Exhibitor Appointed Contractors must adhere to theExhibitor Appointed Contractors (EAC) Terms and Conditions.


Please be sure to review the Display Regulations before proceeding with the design of your exhibit and be sure to share this information with your exhibit house to ensure your booth is compliant — variances will not be granted for any booth regardless of circumstances.

All curtains, drapes, decorations and decorative or construction materials are to be non-combustible or flame retardant.

Any portion of the exhibitor’s booth including signs and graphics, must have the back side finished and must not carry identification or other copy that would detract from the adjoining exhibit. All unfinished sides are to be covered at exhibitor’s expense so as to not appear unsightly. The exhibit shall not obstruct the view of adjoining exhibits nor be operated in any manner objectionable to other exhibitors. All lighting within the exhibit must be arranged and operated so as not to be distracting to adjacent exhibits.

All exhibit displays should be designed and erected in a manner that will withstand normal contact or vibration caused by neighboring exhibitors, hall laborers or installation/dismantling equipment such as forklifts. Displays should also be able to withstand moderate wind affects that may occur in the exhibit hall when freight doors are open.

Exhibitors should ensure that any display fixtures such as tables, racks or shelves are designed and installed properly to support the product or marketing materials to be displayed.

Fire Regulations

Combustible Materials and/or Literature Storage

  • On-site storage of paper literature for display or distribution must be limited to a one-day supply and reserve supplies must be stored outside the ACC.
  • Client must advise all Exhibitors that booths must be kept clean and cleared of all combustible material. Absolutely, no storage is allowed in the electrical alleys located between the booths.

Compressed Gases

  • Exhibitor must obtain a permit from Anaheim Fire & Rescue prior to bringing any compressed gases into the ACC. All compressed gases must be contained in an approved cylinder, which must be properly secured to prevent tipping or falling over.
  • No liquefied petroleum gases are permitted in the ACC for display or exhibit. (See Plumbing Contractors: Exhibits, also see Anaheim Fire & Rescue Exhibitor Information.)

Emergency Access Aisles

  • All floor plans for any area used for exhibits must show clear “Emergency Access” aisles in accordance with Anaheim Fire and Rescue Regulations.

Emergency Exiting Requirements

  • All space in the ACC has emergency exiting requirements. These requirements are based on the set-up and projected attendance in each area. Please consult your Event Manager for clarification.
  • No “Exit” or other signs relating to public safety will be obstructed. If decorations or other equipment block or cover fire appliance signs, an adequate replacement must be put in place. All such substitutes are subject to the approval of Anaheim Fire & Rescue

Exhibits – Motorized Equipment

  • All liquid or gas fueled vehicles, and gasoline/diesel-powered equipment for display will have batteries disconnected, fuel supplies at 1/4 tank or 5 gallons, whichever is less, and be furnished with locking gas caps or caps sealed with tape. Please contact Anaheim Fire & Rescue for alternative fueled vehicles. Garden tractors, chain saws and any other gas powered equipment must be safeguarded in the same manner.
  • Floors under vehicles must be adequately protected from any leakage, spillage or any other type of potential damage.

Fire Personnel and Equipment

  • When Event conditions warrant, Anaheim Fire & Rescue reserves the right to require that Anaheim Fire & Rescue personnel and/or equipment be present during an Event. This coverage will be at Client’s expense.

Decorative Material & Furniture

  • All drapes, fabrics, netting, succulent/plant walls or faux boxwood hedge walls, and materials that are used for booth separation are required to be flame resistant. Canvas tents, canopies, awnings, curtains, straw, hay, inflatables, fabrics and materials are also required to be flame retardant. A copy of the California State Fire Marshal flame proof certificate must be provided to Anaheim Fire & Rescue. If a California State Fire Marshal flame proof certificate is not provided, a sample of the material or product must be submitted to the Anaheim Fire Department for fire testing. If at any time it is determined that the material or product is not flame retardant, the materials will be removed prior to show opening. Foam furniture in areas with sprinklers will meet TB 117 requirements (flammability standard). In areas without sprinkler coverage, furniture with foam padding, including chairs, couches, & chair covers will meet TB 117-2013 requirements (flammability standard for areas with no sprinkler coverage). Plywood which is ¼” thick or greater is not required to be treated by flame retardant material. Please contact Anaheim Fire & Rescue at 714-765-4040 or visit for further information.

Fully Enclosed Exhibit Spaces

  • Covered ceiling structures or enclosed rooms, including tents or canopies will have one smoke detector placed on the ceiling for every 900 square feet.


A permit is required for any of the following:

  • Display and operation of any open flame or gas operated machinery or appliances.
  • Display or operation of any electrical, mechanical or appliances which may be deemed hazardous by Anaheim Fire & Rescue.
  • Use or storing of flammable liquids, compressed gases or hazardous chemicals.
  • Operation of pyrotechnics, special effects. Anaheim Fire & Rescue requires a Variance # to be submitted for all Laser Shows (See also Compressed Gases and Hazardous Materials and Wastes.)
  • Plans for all two story booths must be approved and stamped by a California licensed structural engineer or architect and must be submitted to Anaheim Fire & Rescue.

Two-Story Booths

  • Anaheim Fire & Rescue requires that plans for all two-story exhibits in which both floors will be occupied receive approval from Anaheim Fire & Rescue prior to installation. All such plans must bear the stamp of a registered California structural engineer or certified architect and be accompanied by a letter from the engineer or architect stating that the booth conforms to the current Uniform Building Code. (See also Fire Permits and Fully Enclosed Exhibit Spaces.)

Foam Core Ban

The State of California has banned all Styrofoam, including foam core signage as of 2020. Foam core is associated with a myriad of ecological hazards and is not biodegradable. Foam core signage made prior to 2020 that is reused annually is permitted; however, foam core may not be used for signage that will be disposed after an event.

Good Neighbor Policy

Each exhibitor is entitled to a reasonable sightline from the aisle regardless of the size of the exhibit. Exhibitors are requested to use the good neighbor policy when designing exhibit space as to not impede with neighboring exhibitors. Exhibitors should also ensure their booth structure, exhibit components and hanging signs are compliant with the event display regulations.

Upon request from IPC show management, exhibitors will be required to furnish IPC show management with such diagrams with the understanding that these diagrams may be shared with exhibitors adjacent to their booth.

Hazardous Material and Waste

Exhibitors are required to comply with any statutes, ordinances or regulations regarding the use, handling, storage and disposal of hazardous materials or hazardous wastes as defined in Federal, State and Local Law. Client will notify the ACC of the name and location of any such materials. Exhibitors will ensure that any hazardous materials, hazardous wastes and / or infectious medical wastes as defined in the California Health and Safety Code are properly disposed of. If any such materials are left behind after move-out, Client will be held responsible for paying all costs of disposal, including analysis and testing.

Hospitality Policy (Meeting Rooms & Exhibitor Networking Functions)

For over 60 years, IPC has been consistent in its policy requesting that no one conduct or sponsor hospitality suites at IPC events. Any function that is not part of the “official program” is prohibited. The prohibited functions may include but are not limited to: banquets, breakfasts, luncheons, parties, hospitality suites, meetings, seminars, technical programs, sporting events, social functions or any other program during the event, from the first meeting to the close of the event.

What is allowed?

Exhibitors are allowed to meet with their employees and customers. However, any function during the “official program” and event hours is prohibited unless prior approval is granted by IPC. Additional functions allowed, with proper authorization include:

  • Authorized exhibitor networking functions on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, after 6:00 pm.
  • Providing a place where only employees may eat lunch and/or unwind at the end of the day.
  • Staff meetings (training or informational).
  • Sales representative meetings (training or informational).
  • Meetings with your company's distributors or manufacturer's representatives.
  • Holding one-on-one customer meetings.
  • Treating a few customers, ten (10) people maximum (including staff) to a meal.

IPC official hotels are obligated, under the IPC contract, to notify IPC of any requests for function space at their property during the IPC APEX EXPO event. They will require an authorization letter from IPC Show Management in accordance with the IPC Hospitality Policy. Once you have received an authorization, all further correspondence regarding your meeting space and meeting requirements must be communicated directly with the hotel. You are responsible for booking your own meeting room.

Meetings and Exhibitor Networking Functions must receive prior authorization from IPC Show Management. Authorization for your Meeting or Exhibitor Networking Function must be obtained by completing the Meeting Authorization Form. Occasionally, more information is needed in order to process the authorization, which may cause a delay.


Any company found in violation of the IPC Hospitality Policy will be subject to the following for the next year's event:

  • Company will be moved to the end of the space selection process (regardless of the lottery number drawn).
  • Booth size will be reduced by 50%.
  • Company may be barred from exhibiting altogether.

Intellectual Property

Each exhibitor is advised that its obligation under Section Q. Copyright, Patents and Other Proprietary Intellectual Property of the exhibit space contract/application includes an affirmation that, to the best of its knowledge, it has the legal authority for its use of any intellectual property associated with any product or promotional material that it will display, offer or otherwise use in its exhibit at IPC APEX EXPO and it will not knowingly infringe on the intellectual property rights of another party.

In 2005, the Department of Commerce created the Strategy Targeting Organized Piracy (STOP!) website to provide information and guidance to U.S. businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, on how to protect their intellectual property (IP). Intellectual property protection is critical to fostering innovation. Without protection of ideas, businesses and individuals would not reap the full benefits of their inventions and would focus less on research and development. For more information on Strategy Targeting Organized Piracy (STOP!), visit:https://

Liability and Insurance

IPC Show Management and all organizations and individuals who are employed by or associated with them in connection with the exposition will not be responsible for injury that may occur to an exhibitor or an exhibitor's employees or agents, nor for the safety of any exhibit or other property against robbery, fire, accident or other destructive causes. Please review the exhibit space contract for further details.

IPC requires that each exhibitor maintain general public liability insurance against claims for personal injury, death or property damage incident to, arising out of or in any way connected with the exhibitor's participation in the exhibition, in an amount of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) for personal injury, death or property damage in any one occurrence. Such insurance maintained by the exhibitor must be issued by an insurance company reasonably acceptable to IPC Show Management, include coverage of the indemnification obligations of the exhibitor under the rules and regulations and shall name IPC, Shepard Exposition Services and the Anaheim Convention Center as additional insureds.

Each exhibitor acknowledges that it is responsible for obtaining, for its protection and entirely at its expense, such property insurance for its exhibit and display materials as the exhibitor deems appropriate. Any policy providing such property insurance must contain an express waiver by the exhibitor's insurance company of any right of subrogation as to any claims against IPC and its representatives.


Exhibit displays must not extend into adjacent booths or aisles. Flashing lights must be in good taste and not distract from neighboring exhibits.

Load Limits

The floor load limits in the exhibition halls are 350 lbs. per square foot. Any exhibit exceeding this limit will require special handling to distribute the load.

Lottery Numbers

Lottery numbers cannot be exchanged between companies nor reassigned. During the previous event, exhibitors were invited to draw a lottery number for the next event. Lottery determines the order exhibitors are assigned during the Initial Booth Space Selection. Trade and ancillary companies are exempt from drawing a lottery number.

Machinery and Equipment

Operating machinery and equipment within the exhibit area must have necessary safeguards to protect the public from injury.

Merchandise Leaving the Show Floor

A business card will be required at the point of exit for any material being removed from the exhibit floor, other than material covered by a bill of lading.

Motorized Vehicles, Scooters and Carts

Recreational motorized/mechanical vehicles and scooters are not allowed within the facility. For safety reasons, motorized carts including Segways, are not allowed in any public areas including the lobby. ADA needs will be accommodated.

Move-in Deadline

All booths must be occupied and completely set up by 5:00 pm on Monday, April 8, 2024. Shepard Exposition Services is authorized to "force set" any display that was delivered but not set up at this time at the exhibitor's expense. If exhibit space is not occupied by 5:00 pm on Monday, April 8, 2024 the space may be possessed by Show Management for such purposes as they see fit. Exhibitor will be billed for expenses incurred by IPC Show Management to carpet unoccupied space as a result of default in occupancy.

Move-out Deadline

Dismantling and move-out of exhibits may begin following the announcement from IPC Show Management at 2:00 pm on Thursday, April 11, 2024. No exhibitor will be permitted to pack or remove articles on display or any part of their exhibit prior to the closing of the exposition. Exhibitors who fail to comply with this rule risk being barred from exhibiting at the following year's event

All carriers, other than the official carriers for the event (Shepard Logistics and Total Transportation Logistics Inc.) must check in no later than 12:00 pm on Saturday, April 13, 2024 in order to avoid force. Exhibitors must begin their dismantle by 8:00 am on Friday, April 12, 2024 in order to avoid force labor.

IPC Show Management has the right, without incurring any liability for damage or loss, to order, at the exhibitor's expense, the dismantling, packing and shipping of the exhibitor's property if the exhibitor has failed to do so in the time allotted. Any exhibit materials remaining on the show floor at 12:00 pm on Saturday, April 13, 2024 — without a Material Handling form turned in to Shepard and a carrier on-site for pick-up — will be forced from the floor and either returned to the advance receiving warehouse or re-routed via the carrier of Shepard's choosing, at the exhibitor's expense.


Exhibitors are not allowed to obstruct the view, cause injury or adversely affect the displays of other exhibitors or of any aisles.


All booths must be staffed by badged exhibitor representatives during all open exhibit hours.

Off-hours Booth Activity

Off-hours Booth Activity, Media briefings, demonstrations, sales meetings or any kind of event involving held before or after show hours within an exhibitor’s booth must be pre-authorized by IPC Show Management.

Due to liability issues, attendees are not allowed in the exhibit hall during move-in or move-out. Private demonstrations can be held after show hours on Tuesday before or after show hours on Wednesday and before show hours on Thursday. All attendees must be badged properly and a badged member of your exhibit staff must escort the attendees to and from the booth.

Photography and Video Recording

Photography and video recording of any exhibit are not permitted unless authorized by the exhibitor. Show Management, the official show photographer, and accredited members of the news media are exempt from this rule.

Products/Services to be Exhibited

No exhibitor shall exhibit or permit to be exhibited in the space allotted to him any goods or services other than those specified in the application when approved by IPC. Nor shall it exhibit or permit to be exhibited therein, displays or advertising material of any sort bearing any name or form of advertisement other than its own.

Selling on the Exhibit Floor

Exhibitors may sell their products directly to attendees on the show floor. However, exhibitors must abide by city and state laws and are solely responsible for the collection and remittance of any sales or other taxes.

Show Directory Listings

Each Contracted exhibitor receives one full listing in the printed Show Directory, and a complete My APEX EXPO Planner listing.

Additional listings are available for purchase to current exhibitors only and may only list parent or daughter companies and/or brand name products/services that are owned or solely sourced in North America by their company. Note, exhibitors may not purchase a listing for a product or service that can be provided by multiple companies (as in the case of a distributor and/or manufacturer's representative).

Show Rules and Regulations Violations

All show rules and regulations are designed to ensure that all exhibitors have a fair and equal opportunity to market their products and services at the event. Any company or individual found in violation of any show rules and/or regulations will receive a warning for the first offense. For any subsequent violations, the company will be moved to the end of the space selection process for the following year’s exhibition, regardless of the lottery number drawn.

The above applies to general show rules and regulations including but not limited to exceeding the decibel levels for demonstrations, distributing literature outside the confines of the contracted booth space, soliciting in the aisles, placing banners and or signage outside the confines of their booth or in the aisle space, etc.

Signage and Graphics

All signage and graphics must stay within the confines of the booth and not protrude into the aisles or into adjacent booths. Any portion of the exhibitor’s booth including signs and graphics, must have the back side finished and must not carry identification or other copy that would detract from the adjoining exhibit.


The ACC is a non-smoking Facility which includes vaping. Smoking and vaping are not permitted in the courtyards between the exhibit halls, outside on ACC North/Katella Terrace balconies or east balconies located on the 2nd and 3rd Levels.

Sound Levels

Mechanical or electrical devices which produce sound must be operated so as not to prove disturbing to other exhibitors. The sound/noise emanating from a booth may not exceed an average of 80 decibels as measured from mid-aisle. Show Management has the right to enforce this rule to continue to maintain a fair exhibiting environment to all exhibitors.

Space Usage and Allocation

The space applied for is to be used solely for the exhibitor whose name appears on the contract. It is agreed that the exhibitor will not assign, sublet or apportion the whole or any part of the space allotted.


Storage of any kind behind back drapes, display walls or inside the display areas is strictly prohibited. All cartons, crates, containers, packing materials, etc., necessary for repackaging, must be marked with an “EMPTY” sticker, and removed by the General Service Contractor.

Literature on display shall be limited to one day's worth of product. Reserved supplies shall be kept in closed containers and stored in a neat and compact manner.

Suitcasing Policy

IPC does not permit solicitation from non-exhibiting companies. Any individual that is observed participating in activities to solicit or sell products to event attendees or exhibitors without having a booth at the event (which is known as suitcasing) will be asked to leave immediately and will be banned from attending or exhibiting at IPC APEX EXPO for one year for the first offense and five years for the second offense. Please report suitcasing activities to IPC Show Management immediately.

Union Labor and Work Agreements

Union Labor

California is NOT a “right-to-work” state. The installation and dismantling of prefabricated displays comes under the jurisdiction of the Teamsters union. Union Labor is available to assist in the installation and dismantling of exhibit booths. Exhibit labor, freight and rigging labor, electricians and plumbers can be arranged for at established rates, which can be found in the exhibitor service manual.

Exhibit Labor Jurisdiction

Teamsters union exhibit labor claims jurisdiction for the installation, dismantling, and first cleaning of prefabricated exhibits and displays. However, exhibitors may set up their own exhibit display if one person can accomplish without the use of hand tools. The Union’s jurisdiction does not cover the placement of your products on display, the opening of cartons containing your products, nor the performance, testing, maintenance or repairs of your products.

Exhibitors are not permitted to use tools of any type (screwdrivers, hammers, electric drills, power saws, etc.) on booths of any size.

When union labor is required, you may provide your company personnel to work along with a union installer on a one to one basis. All company working personnel must have proof of employment with the said exhibiting company. If the exhibiting company chooses to hire an EAC for install and dismantle they are required to use local union members.

Material Handling/Freight Handling Jurisdiction

The Teamsters have jurisdiction over all unloading and reloading of materials. The union also has jurisdiction over the operation of all material handling equipment — this includes all dollies and hand trucks. It also has the jurisdiction of the unloading, uncrating, unskidding, leveling, painting and assembly of machinery and equipment as well as the reverse process.

An exhibitor may “hand carry” material provided they do not use any material handling equipment to assist them. When exhibitors choose to hand carry material, they may not be permitted access to the loading dock/freight door areas. Items must be carried by hand, by one person.


Tipping is expressly prohibited. This includes such practices as giving money, merchandise, or other special consideration for services rendered. Do not give coffee breaks other than mid-morning and mid-afternoon, when the union has a 15 minute paid break. Meal Breaks are one hour. Any attempt to solicit a gratuity by an employee for any services should be reported immediately to Shepard Exposition Services.

In General

Exhibitors do not have to respond to grievances or complaints from union and trade personnel with respect to work jurisdictions. Please refer all such disputes and/or questions to Shepard Management personnel immediately.


Safety of everyone working in the hall is of our utmost concern at all times. Standing on chairs, tables and other rental furniture is prohibited. This furniture is not engineered to support your standing weight. Shepard Exposition Services cannot be held responsible for injuries or falls caused by improper use of this furniture. If assistance is required in assembling your booth, please order labor on the Labor Order Form included in the exhibitor service manual and the necessary ladders and tools will be provided.