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Katie and the Cupcake Cure tóm tắt, mục lục thư trích

2021-01-22 17:04 Nơi phát ra: Kinh đông Tác giả: Kinh đông
Katie and the Cupcake Cure
Tạm vô báo giá
10+ bình luận 100% khen ngợi
Biên tập đề cử:
Nội dung tóm tắt:This first book in The Cupcake Diaries is told through the perspective of Katie Brown. We find Katie miserable on the first day of middle school. Her best friend Callie came back from camp boy-crazy and part of a whole new group of friends. When it's made clear that Callie is in the PGC (Popular Girls Club) and Katie is not invited to join, Katie suddenly feels incredibly alone.

Katie realizes if she’s going to survive middle school she needs to seriously regroup and find some new friends. But how? She bites into the cupcake her mother packed her for lunch and for a second closes her eyes. The sweet treat makes her happy—finally something goes right! Looking around her table, Katie notices the other students seeming a bit lost, as well. Which gives her an idea…With three new friends Katie forms a club as a way to spread the cupcake love and earn some cupcake cash.
Tác giả tóm tắt:Coco Simon always dreamed of opening a cupcake bakery but she was afraid she would eat all the profits. When she’s not daydreaming about cupcakes, Coco edits children’s books and has written close to 100 books for children, tweens, and young adults, which is a lot less than the number of cupcakes she’s eaten. Cupcake Diaries is the first time Coco has mixed her love of cupcakes with writing.
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