
The Tax Authority vs Ishay Ribo: Three luxury apartments in the crosshairs

Singer Ishay Ribo battles the Tax Authority at the Jerusalem District Court over his NIS 6.5M apartment purchase. The key question: what were they bought for?


Excessively expensive, yet first-time home buyers have doubled over the past year

Despite soaring living costs, April saw 4,254 first-time home purchases—a 97% increase from last year. Which city tops the list for first-time buyers? The Chief Economist's report reveals all.

April sees a 78% surge in apartment sales, surprising amid wartime

Central Bureau of Statistics report shows a remarkable 78% increase in apartment sales in April 2024 compared to April 2023. Which cities saw the most sales during February-April 2024?

How Anglo immigrants thrive in Jerusalem's Arnona neighborhood

At the Table: The buildings on Tzvi Noyman and Hashofet Chaim Cohen streets are more than just pleasant domiciles. They have become something of a retiree summer camp.


Ready? Registration open for discounted apartment raffle

Registration for discounted apartments opens, with priority for reservists and a quarter allocated for the ultra-Orthodox community. Details in the article.

Undoubtedly the cheapest apartment sold in Israel in recent years

A 2.5-room apartment in Dimona, ground floor, 54 sqm, was sold for a remarkably low price, far below current market rates in Israel and significantly less than the average per square meter in Dimona.

Rishon LeZion and Bat Yam: Cities announced for discount apartment raffle

The Construction and Housing Ministry reveals the cities for the upcoming apartment lottery, opening Monday. A quarter of the apartments are for the ultra-Orthodox, with priority for reservists.

Rising prices in Israel: Impact on second-hand apartments? View this week's deals

Amid the economic celebration, are second-hand apartment prices soaring in your city too? Explore this week's transactions in the used apartment market.

Ghost apartments: How empty homes haunt Jerusalem's housing landscape

The term “ghost apartments” remain unoccupied for extended periods, often year-round. This is how they profoundly impact the housing market in Israel's capital.

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