
Jerusalem Post's talented team of journalists provides insight into their work presented in the opinion section. This section highlights the beliefs and values that experienced writers who are witnessing the Middle East turmoil unfold. Their first hand encounters with world leaders have shaped their opinions and world views to be shared on this page.

Iran knows the weaknesses of Western powers and continues to exploit them

The “West” is continuing to mishandle the provocative words and actions directed at it by the regime in Tehran and its imperial underlings across the Middle East.


The necessity of owning our observance and putting passion into it

It is our responsibility to take ownership of our mitzvot and religious experience. We must find meaning and relevance within the mitzvot we perform,


China-Russia relations and their implications on the world

White House National Security Spokesman John Kirby warned that Russia and China are looking to challenge the international order in ways that contradict the interests of Washington.

‘Dissident dialogues’: Pitting pro- and anti-Israel pundits against each other

Historically, victimhood was something people wanted to transcend. Now it’s become a badge of honor to hold onto fervently.


Iran is playing a proxy war with Hezbollah, Lebanese civilians will pay the price

Nasrallah is refraining from taking arms against Israel out of fear of Lebanese opposition.

The American Jewish community is under collective attack, its time to fight back

The time is now to show the world that the harassment, intimidation, and physical attacks against our Jewish community cannot be tolerated or normalized.

 Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich attends a Finance committee meeting at the Knesset, on June 10

Stop the tit-for-tat: Settlements cannot be used as a punishment for terrorism

Using the threat of settlements as a “punishment” feeds directly into the narrative that an Israeli presence on the West Bank is an obstacle to a peace agreement and is inherently counterproductive.

'A different spirit': Jews standing alone against hatred

It has been our legacy to stand tall and block out the noise and the hatred. We have always possessed this courage and this different spirit, and our current crisis should be no different.

The hottest new trend sweeping the United States: Antisemitism

To beat the antisemites back, the mainstream – the vast majority – needs to stand up and squelch the Jew-haters, the instigators, the inciters.

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