
Aliyah, the Israeli equivalent of immigraton, is the name given to the legal process of obtaining citizenship and residency by moving to the State of Israel.

Aliyah (rise up) is a process available to Jews worldwide who can prove their Jewish heritage to the Israeli government.

It is one of the fundamental tenets of Zionism, and is encouraged and incentivized by the Israeli government and by organizations such as Nefesh B'Nefesh that help new olim by granting financial aid packages and guidance to ease the assimilation into Israeli culture.

While Jews immigrated at a steady rate to Israel throughout the country's history, there were few notably massive immigration waves over time, bringing in Jews from all over the world.

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  Yair Esterkin (center) is seen on a tour in Israel.

Russian oleh on immigrant experience: Russia taught me resilience, Israel taught me purpose

Born in Moscow, Yair Esterkin immigrated to Israel at 17, feeling an immediate connection with his new homeland.

  Illustrative photo of people making aliyah to Israel.

'Israel is something you can't understand': JPost staff share struggles, silliness of aliyah

The Jerusalem Post Podcast with Tamar Uriel-Beeri, Zvika Klein, and Alex Winston

Meir Holtz appointed CEO of Masa Israel Journey

Masa is the leading organization bringing young Jewish adults from around the world to participate in immersive programming in Israel.

Tens of thousands of immigrants to Israel: How will this impact the housing market?

A Real Estate Media event, in collaboration with Leumi Mortgages, brought together ministers and industry leaders to discuss whether Israel is prepared for the influx of Jews expected to immigrate.


Nearly 30,000 made aliyah since war broke out, interest in aliyah spiking abroad

Immigration and Absorption Minister Ofir Sofer (RZP) said the “growing desire to make aliyah right now may lead to tens of thousands of olim in the coming years.”

A Smoggie-Sabra story: Charles & Tali Kohn, from London to Jerusalem, 1994

How did a mandolin-playing Yemenite maiden convince a motorcycling, marathon-running musician from Middlesbrough to move back with her to Israel?


Over 100 English-speaking female entrepreneurs gather in Israel for networking and support event

Over 100 English-speaking women entrepreneurs in Israel gathered at a HER Tel Aviv and Kehila event to network and find support amidst heightened anxiety since October 7th.

Jews are coming: Over 29,000 new immigrants arrived in Israel during the war

A report for this week's Real Estate Conference shows a sharp rise in immigration to Israel from Western countries since October 7. Is the country ready to absorb tens of thousands of new immigrants?

Thank God I live in Israel: Among my own with the people I love

I look around, pray for peace, and thank God that I am living here among my own, among the people I love.

  Dr. David Gryn

Dr. David Gryn: The Canadian doctor in Israel with inspiring optimism

Dr. David Gryn: “I feel satisfaction living here, raising my family and seeing my family thrive here. There is a sense of eternal continuity.”

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