KRAFTON’s Speak Up Policy starts with a belief that we make great workplace for ourselves.

What is Speak Up Policy?

The Speak Up Policy is an open channel that you can speak up about corruption and misconduct in KRAFTON Inc. and other independent studios including overseas office. The whistleblower and the reporting details will be kept confidential. And any form of retaliation against whistleblowers, witnesses or investigators is strictly prohibited by Speak Up Policy.

What matters are covered by this Speak Up Policy?

  • Misuse and embezzlement of company asset/abuse and privatization of company resources.
    • Improper/private use of project outputs.
    • Act of creating and selling items/character by manipulating employee account.
    • Unauthorized private project.
    • Non-business-related expense.
  • Leakage of company’s confidential information and unfair acquisition of other companies’ confidential information.
    • Release of game/company information through an unofficial channel.
    • Leak of information available only to employees. (e.g. KLT Announcement)
  • Unfair actions that took advantage of the superior status.
    • Receiving money, valuables, bribery, and loans for business.
    • Unfair/corrupt bargain, etc.
  • Accounting fraud and breaches of internal regulation/rule.
    • Use of material nonpublic information.
    • Other acts with regard to violation of related Act and subordinate statute.
  • Discriminatory or retaliatory actions against reporting made through the Speak Up Channel, etc.
    • Attempt to reveal or force to reveal a reporter’s identity.
    • Adverse personnel action resulted from legitimate reporting.
    • Bullying, insults, threats and other retaliation.
  • Unapproved outside employment or working multiple jobs.
  • Other acts that harm sound corporate culture

How can I speak up?

Please contact us through email(speakup@krafton ) to raise your concern. For more information please refer tothe report form.

Is it possible to report anonymously?

You can raise your concerns anonymously and your email address will not be traced in any case. But we encourage you to provide your name and contact information as communication with you may be crucial for us to perform prompt and comprehensive investigation.

What happens after reporting?

You will receive the confirmation and the result of initial review. You will also be informed of the final conclusions if it is subject to investigation.

Business Assessment Office takes ownership of the Speak Up Policy.

The matters raised will be treated in a fair and unbiased manner. All reports should be based on the genuine facts and the investigation will not be undertaken without factual basis.

The matters for dishonesty and illegal conducts should rightly be reported, and such reports should not be written off as an act of creating uncomfortable situation and disunited workplace.