From the course:IT Vendor Management in Practice

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Change management

Change management

- [Instructor] The many roles involved in onboarding and offboarding vendors and managing changes with existing vendors at Red30 Tech are shown here. While the procurement manager and vendor manager lead, they often need the expertise and hard work of each of these roles to succeed. Red30 Tech has a big job ahead of them, onboarding Nova Linda to supply and support PCs globally and offboarding seven incumbent vendors while maintaining performance levels and ensuring knowledge transfer. They will also need to make changes as they discover things along the journey. Nadia oversees the Nova Linda onboarding working closely with the IT vendor manager. Bas, the IT project manager, is appointed to run the project. Lorenzo, the integration analyst, is enlisted to integrate Nova Linda into Red30 Tech's environment. The IT security liaison and endpoint manager are also heavily involved. Nova Linda's onboarding progressed smoothly as the details of all responsibilities and procedures were…
