From the course:Retail Sales Management

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Retail core metrics: Traffics, conversions, order value

Retail core metrics: Traffics, conversions, order value

From the course:Retail Sales Management

Retail core metrics: Traffics, conversions, order value

- Here's a retail manager pop quiz. What are the five most common complaints that your staff had to deal with in the past month? Are those the same five complaints that they dealt with in the past quarter? Or how about the past year? Or how about this. Of the last a hundred complaints that your business had, how many were handled in a way that was satisfactory to both you and the customer? If you're like many business owners, these are the types of questions that are really difficult to answer. They're critical because they're the types of questions that allow you to prioritize where your opportunities are to get better. One of the best strategies you can do as a retail sales manager is understand the power of internal benchmarking. Internal benchmarking is simply the process of looking at things that are happening in your business and creating your own tests to find successful areas that you can capitalize on or trouble spots that you need to fix. For example, in a retail business…
