From the course:The Ultimate Guide to B2B Digital Marketing

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Conduct keyword research

Conduct keyword research

Every search engine marketing strategy starts with keyword research. The keywords you pick will dictate everything that you do next. In this lesson, I'll show you tools and techniques for conducting keyword research. With these tips, plus your own knowledge about your products and services. You'll be able to select the right keywords to target. Before I do any keyword research, I usually make a list of terms to use as a starting point. Terms that describe the category of products you sell can be a great place to start. For example, I used to work in the water quality business and one of the main keywords was pH sensors. Another great way to come up with keyword ideas is to brainstorm common questions that you answered during sales calls. If your ideal buyers have these questions during a call, then other buyers are probably looking for the same answers via search engines. You may also want to consider trends or current events that can contribute to your list. Once you have a list of…
