From the course:The Ultimate Guide to B2B Digital Marketing

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Optimize your homepage

Optimize your homepage

In my career, I've been in charge of four different B2B websites, and they all had one thing in common. The homepage got the most traffic. That might not surprise you. What might surprise you, though, is by how much? Typically, 30 to 50% of all your website traffic goes to your homepage. But I've seen it as high as 70%. For comparison's sake, the next most popular page on your site probably gets 8 to 12% of traffic. In this lesson, I’ll share tips for optimizing your website's homepage so that you can make a great first impression on the page where most of your traffic lands. The most important thing to do on your homepage is to nail the hero section. The hero section is the first part of the page. Everything that shows up above the fold. The fold is the point on the page where the user has to start scrolling to see more. If you don't hook someone's attention before they need to scroll, they might decide to leave before you can really educate them about your product. Luckily, there's…
