From the course:The Ultimate Guide to B2B Digital Marketing

Prioritize your website information

Imagine you've just come across a new product that you think can help your business. Maybe a friend shared the name of the product with you, or maybe you saw it mentioned in a social media post. Either way, you're interested in learning more. What do you do next? If you're like most people, you'll probably visit the website. When a business to business or B2B buyer comes to your website, you have their attention, but only for a short amount of time. In this lesson, I'll walk you through four key pieces of information that your website must convey in order to convert attention into a sales opportunity. The first thing your website must do is tell people who your product is for. When a buyer comes to your site, they want to know that they've landed in the right place. Make that obvious right away. For example, if you sell a product for logistics professionals, use language and imagery that is familiar and unique to them. Next, tell them how your product makes their life better. Most B2B products make a customer's life better in one of two ways. They remove a pain or frustration, or they make a desired business outcome possible. Maybe your product automates a time consuming process, or maybe you make it possible for businesses to grow revenue faster. Next, you need to provide credibility for your products benefits. Do this by sharing what your product is and how it delivers the main benefit. Try to be as specific as possible and use language that your customer uses. For example, imagine your company makes a marketing tool for people like me. Don't just say our marketing tool helps you grow revenue. Instead, go on to explain how our marketing tool helps marketing teams generate more revenue for the same amount of advertising spend. By giving you a more precise way to target your audience on social media, this level of detail signals to me, the buyer that you deeply understand my challenges. As a result, I'm more likely to believe that you offer a valuable solution. Finally, you need to tell people how to buy your product. Most people know how to buy a consumer product, either online or in a store. Buying a business product can be a little more complex. On your website, make sure the first step in your sales process is obvious and easy to complete. Usually that means putting a book call or start a free trial button somewhere that's easy to find. Now you know what information to include on your website in order to convert attention into a sales opportunity. As a next step, try looking at some websites of B2B brands you're familiar with and see if you can spot this information. This may give you some ideas of how to communicate the same type of information on your own business website.
