From the course:Using Generative AI for Performance Management

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Leveraging AI for effective performance dialogues

Leveraging AI for effective performance dialogues

From the course:Using Generative AI for Performance Management

Leveraging AI for effective performance dialogues

- As an HR leader, you may have faced instances where employees left performance discussions with their managers feeling confused or demoralized. This could be because of the manager's lack of preparation, overly critical feedback, or unstructured communication style. So here's where you can harness the power of gen AI to support managers conduct meaningful conversations. You can suggest tools like AI-powered chatbots that can help managers by offering suggested talking points in real time. This empowers them to pose insightful questions, address employee concerns effectively, and maintain focus throughout the dialogue. Organizations like IBM, SAP, Microsoft, and Ford are using generative AI to help employees and managers have conversations that foster continuous growth and development. Unilever has an AI tool which can analyze employee data and generate personalized reports. The tool highlights potential talking points based on individual's career aspirations and core strengths…
