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Email Growth Playbook

Implementing a great email program is the most effective way to grow your business. Discover the tactics to increase your email ROI and connect with a strategist to get the best results from your email program.

Whatever your email goals are, we’ve got you covered. Explore our tactics according to the main objectives you want to achieve.

subscription forms

Contact list

Building your mailing list is the first step in creating an effective email strategy. Enrich your contact list to develop an engaged audience.

See all Contact list tactics

Deliverability image


Poor deliverability is one of the main barriers to effective marketing. Improve your deliverability to avoid the spam folder and land in the inbox.

See all Deliverability tactics

pop-up forms

Open rates

Recipients' inboxes are getting more and more cluttered. Implement the best practices to stand out in these crowded inboxes and increase open rates.

See all Open rates tactics

premium downloadable resources

Click rates

Conversion is usually the ultimate goal of sending an email. Optimize your email content in order to boost click rates and better convert subscribers.

See all Click rates tactics

email address validation


Creating great email content is essential, but that goes hand in hand with email design. Improve the design of your emails to better convert users.

See all Design tactics

Lifecycle image


Lifecycle email helps onboard new users, increase retention, sell more products, and more. Trigger relevant messages at the right time.

See all Lifecycle tactics

Lightbulb icon

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Want to know more about how you can apply these email growth tactics to your business?

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