KUALA LUMPUR, July 7 — Police have identified a man in his 30s as the suspect in an alleged sodomy case at a Sea Park condominium.

According to theNew Straits Times,district police chief assistant commissioner Shahrulnizam Ja’afar said an investigation is ongoing into the case, and that it was unrelated to another sodomy case reported at Sungai Way involving a tattoo artist.

In the Sea Park incident, a foreign national reported being assaulted by a local man he had met previously at the gym.

As to the Sungai Way case, Shahrulnizam said the related investigation paper will be referred to the legal division for “further instructions”.


Once the legal division responds, the investigation paper will be forwarded to the deputy public prosecutor’s office, he added.

In that incident, a young man said he had become unconscious during a tattoo session and believed himself to have been sodomised by the attending tattoo artist.

The 37-year-old suspect has been apprehended.
