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Manual:Contents MediaWiki database layout MySQL

TheMySQLdatabase engine is the most commonly-used database backends for MediaWiki. Since MySQL used to be the relational database management system used by theWikimedia Foundationwebsites, it is well-supported in MediaWiki. Much of the advice for MySQL and forMariaDBapply to each other.

SeeCompatibility#Databasefor a list of supported versions.

Connecting to MySQL

mysql -uwikiuser-pmy_wiki

Changewikiuserandmy_wikito the username and database name for your wiki ($wgDBuserand$wgDBname). When prompted, enter your password.


$ mysql -u root -p my_wiki
Enter password:
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 150
Server version: 5.6.24-0ubuntu2 (Ubuntu)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.



For further information, seeManual:Installing MediaWiki#Create a database

Basically, if MySQL is installed, theinstallation scriptcan create a database for you. Just supply the script with your MySQL root password (by default blank).

WarningWarning:Leaving the root password blank can seriously compromise the security of the MediaWiki installation. You should modify the password if you haven't already.
If you are installing MediaWiki on an ISP server, you might have to share a db with some other applications, which increases the risk of a conflict between database tables required by MediaWiki with pre-existing tables. To solve this problem you can instruct MediaWiki to use a table prefix, so that all tables of MediaWiki begin with this prefix. Alternatively, if your ISP allows, use different databases for each application that resides on the server.


Multiplemaintenance scriptsare included in the/maintenance/directory of your MediaWiki installation. Some of these scripts are provided to refresh parts of the database as one-time operations.

Import database

For further information, seeManual:Importing XML dumps

Export database

For further information, seeManual:Backing up a wiki

See also