About Dr. Grandner

Healthy sleep is necessary for good health, and sleep is important for cardiovascular health, obesity, diabetes, and psychological well-being.

Dr. Grandner is the Director of theSleep and Health Research Programat theUniversity of Arizona,Director of theBehavioral Sleep Medicine Clinicat theBanner-University Medical Center,and an Associate Professor in the Department ofPsychiatryat theUA College of Medicine,with joint appointments in the Departments ofMedicine,Psychology(UA College of Science),Nutritional Sciences(College of Agriculture and Life Sciences), andClinical Translational Science.In addition, he is a faculty member of theNeuroscienceandPhysiological SciencesGraduate Interdisciplinary Programs. He isCertified in Behavioral Sleep Medicineby theAmerican Board of Sleep Medicineand is aDiplomate in Behavioral Sleep Medicineby theBoard of Behavioral Sleep Medicine.

His research focuses on how sleep and sleep-related behaviors are related to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, neurocognitive functioning, mental health, and longevity. Current and recently-completed research projects were funded by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), the Military Suicide Research Consortium (MSRC), the American Heart Association (AHA), the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA), and other organizations. Read moreabout his researchorsee his publications.

He has publishedover 200 articles and chapterson issues relating to sleep and health and his work has been citedover 9,000 times.He is associate editor of the journalSleep Healthand serves on the editorial boards of the journalsSLEEP,Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine,Sleep Medicine,Behavioral Sleep Medicine,Journal of Sleep Research,Frontiers in Neurology: Sleep and Circadian Rhythms,Sleep Advances,Annals of Behavioral Medicine,and other journals. He has served on both the Mental Health Task Force and Interassociation Taskforce for Sleep and Wellness for the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA), the Mental Health consensus committee for the International Olympic Committee (IOC), and works to help improve sleep and performance in professional and non-professional athletes. He is a regularconsultanton the topic of sleep health for organizations across the health, technology, and nutritional industries. He is a regularspeakeron topics related to sleep and health for students, patients, corporations, and athletes, and has been invited multiple times to theNational Institutes of Health,has served as an expert witness for civil, county, and federal cases, and has discussed issues related to sleep health at briefings for the US Congress.

He has received awards and honors for his work from theSociety of Behavioral Sleep Medicine,Sleep Research Society,American Academy of Sleep Medicine,American Heart Association,Population Association of America,Sleep Research Network,and other groups. He has also received two separate Outstanding Professor Awards (from the Department of Psychology and a student group) for his teaching of statistics. He is an elected fellow of theAmerican Heart Associationand theAmerican Academy of Sleep Medicine.

Dr. Grandner maintains memberships with a number of professional organizations, including theAmerican Academy of Sleep Medicine,theSleep Research Society,theAmerican Heart Association,and theSociety of Behavioral Sleep Medicine(where he is currently President-Elect). He helped found thePennsylvania Sleep Society,served on its first Board of Directors and is a past President. Every March you can find him at theEPI/Lifestyle Council Meeting of the American Heart Associationand every June you can find him at the meeting of theAssociated Professional Sleep Societies.He has given hundreds oflectures and presentationson topics related to sleep and health, and he is frequentlysought as an experton issues related to sleep.

For more information, see hisCV.

For information about the Sleep and Health Research Program, visit thelab website.

For media and information requests, meeting requests, and consultation,contact Dr. Grandner.

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